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Data Sufficiency

Directions (1-10): For each of the following questions two statements are given.
Use the data of those statements and then determine which of the following
statements is necessary to answer the question.
a) If the data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
b) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
c) If the data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
d) If the data given in both I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
e) If the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
1) A sum of money Rs 15000 is to be distributed among Ponraj, Dhinesh and
Livinson. What will be the share of Dhinesh?
Statement I: Ponraj’s share of is 1.5 times Dhinesh’s share and Livinson’s share is half
the share of Ponraj and Dhinesh together.
Statement II: The difference between the share of Dhinesh and Livinson is half of the
share of the Ponraj.
Answer: A
From Statement I,
Ponraj: Dhinesh= 3:2,
Ponraj: Dhinesh: Livinson=3:2:5/2
= 6:4:5
Then Share of Dhinesh= (4/15)*15000
=Rs 4000
From Statement II, We cannot find the share of Dhinesh.
Thus Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
2) What is the ratio of the efficiency of a man and a woman?
Statement I: 20 men are as efficient as 16 women
Statement II: 30 women can complete half of the work done by 40 men in same time)
Answer: C
Let the efficiency of a man and a woman be x and y respectively.
From Statement I, we have
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(x/y)= 16/20
= 4:5
From statement II we have,
30y= ½*(40x)
= 3:2
Thus Either Statement I or statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
3) Find the length of train A
Statement I: Ratio of the speeds of Train A and Train B is 2:3.
Statement II: Length of train B is 30% more than that of train
Answer: D
Even though combining both statements, we cannot find the length of the train.
Thus Neither Statement I nor statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
4) What is the speed of the stream?
Statement I: The boat goes 20km more in downstream than in upstream in 4 hours
Statement II: The boat goes 63 km downstream in 3 hours.
Answer: A
Statement I:
Let the downstream and upstream speeds be x km/hr and y km/hr respectively.
From statement I,
4(x-y) =20
x-y = 5km/hr
Speed of the stream=(x-y)/2
= 5/2
= 2.5km/hr
From statement II,
(63/x)= 3
x= 21 km/hr
Thus Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.
5) What is the age of Manohar?
Statement I: Five years ago, Kathir was as old as Manohar is at present.
Statement II: The average age of Manohar and Prabhu is 26 years, and Prabhu’ present
age is two times of Kathir’s present age)
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Answer: E
From statement I,
Let the present age of Manohar be x.
Then present age of Kathir= (x+5)
From statement I and Statement II,
Prabhu’s present age= 2(x+5)
2x+10+x= 52
Thus Both Statements I and II are necessary to answer the question.
6) What is the total of the present ages of P and Q?
I) The ratio between the P and Q age is 7: 9.
II) If the difference between the present ages of Q and P’s age after 4 years is 2.

Answer: e
Let age of B is 9x and that of A is 7x. So
9x – (7x +4) = 2, x = 3
So sum will be = 27 + 21 = 48
Both the statements are necessary to answer the question

7) What is the speed of man in still water?

I) A man rows to a place 40 km distance and back in a total of 18 hours. He finds
that he can row 5 km with the stream in the same time as 4 km against the
II) A man can row 48 km upstream and 56 km downstream in 12 hrs. Also, he can
row 54 km upstream and 70 km downstream in 14 hrs.

Answer: c
I) Suppose he moves 5km downstream in x hours
Then, downstream speed a= 5/x km/hr
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Speed upstream speed b = 4/x km/hr
40 / (5 /x) + 40 / (4/x) = 18
8x + 10x = 18
a = 5 km/hr, b = 4 km/hr
speed of boat = ½ (5 + 4 ) = 9/2 km/hr

II) Let upstream speed = x km/hr, downstream speed = y km/hr

So 48/x + 56/y = 12
And 54/x + 70/y = 14
Put 1/x = u, 1/y = v
So equations are 48u + 56v = 12 and 54u + 70v = 14
Solve the equations, u = 1/6, v = 1/14
So upstream speed = 6 km/hr, downstream speed = 14 km/hr
Speed of boat in still water = 1/2*(6+14)=10kmph
Either statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

8) What is the average age of the 2 new boys?

I) In a group of 8 boys, 2 boys aged at 21 and 23 were replaced two new boys. Due to this
the average age of the group increased by 2 years.
II) The average age of the group having 3 members is 84.

Answer: a
Average of 8 boys increased by 2, this means the total age of boys increased by 8*2 = 16
So sum of ages of two new boys = 21+23+16 = 60
Average of these = 60/2=30
Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question

9) How much did M receive?

I) Rs.9750 are divided among K,L and M so that K may receive half as much as L
and M together receive.
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II) L receive one fourth of what K and M together receive.

Answer: e
K =(L+M)/2
2K = L+ M
2K –L =M --- (1)
L =( K+M)/4
4L = K+M
4L – K = M ---- (2)
Equate (1) and (2), we get
2K –L = 4L – K
3K = 5L
K/L = 5/3
Substitute the value in equation (1) we get, (10x-3x) = M
7x =M
Ratio of K, L and M = 5: 3: 7
Share of M = 7/15 *9750 = 4550
Both the statements are necessary together to answer the question

10. What is the area of the isosceles triangle?

Statement I: The Height of the triangle is half the length of the rectangle whose area is
Statement II: The base of the triangle is 13 meters and the height of the triangle is
Answer: b
We know that,
Area of the triangle= ½* height * base
Hence Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

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