Lesson Plan in ENGL 10 Independent Critique

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Learning Competency: Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection (EN10WC-IIIg-14)

Grade Level: 10

Quarter: 3

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
 identify the criteria in composing an independent critique paper
 share insights about the importance of good criticism and
 compose an independent critique of a chosen selection (Story of Keesh).

1. Content Area: Composing an Independent Critique of a Chosen Selection

2. Learning Resource: Almonte, Liza R. et.al. ( First Edition, 2015). Celebrating Diversity Through World
Literature-Grade 10- English-Learner’s Manual
Published by the Department of Education, printed by REX Book Store pp. 299-305, 308-309, 363- 366, 376-
380, 385-389.
3. Procedure Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
3.1 Prayer
Activity Greetings

Setting the Mood


Motivation: Flash this metaphorical phrase to the


“Do not judge the book by its cover.”

3.2 The students might response in various answers.

Activity/Strat Ask the students the following questions:
1. Have you ever judged something or
2. When you judge or criticize, what is or are
your basis?

You might wonder why I am asking you these

kind of questions. Remember that when we
critique, it is not done by just pointing the shallow
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things that we have sensed. We critique something
using an accepted criterion to prove or support our
points especially to the text that we are critiquing.

Let me ask you, if you can still recall the first day Yes sir. It is really funny to recall
you met each other as classmates, have you ever the day when I judged one of my
judged someone the way he or she looks like? His classmates based on how I see
or her aura, attitude or even personality? Do you her. But I do believe that first
think first impression lasts? impression doesn’t last at all once
you get to know each other

Another question, what do you think is the Through a good criticism, we can
importance of good criticism in a selected text? clearly point-out what makes the
text good or otherwise, what can
be further improved.

Very good! Since you are already giving your

insights about good criticism, let me introduce you
to our new lesson.
3.3 Analysis Today, our lesson is a bout Composing an
Independent Critique of a Chosen Selection.
But before anything else, let us define if what do
we mean when we say “critique.”

What is a critique? Anyone? A critique is how we give

judgement to something or to
someone sir.

Good point. According to Merriam-Webster’s

dictionary, a critique is a formal word that
typically refers to a careful judgement in which
someone gives an opinion about something.

In this lesson, a critique is a genre of academic

writing that briefly summarizes and critically
evaluates a work or concept. Critiques can be used
to carefully analyze a variety of works such as:
● Creative works – novels, exhibits, film, images,
● Research – monographs, journal articles,
systematic reviews, theories
● Media – news reports, feature articles

Children, take note that a critique is an academic Yes sir.

writing that carefully analyze a variety of works.
Are we clear?

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Let’s continue.

A critique uses a precise, academic writing style

and has a clear framework, that is, an
introduction, body and conclusion.
Nevertheless, the body of a critique includes a
summary of the work and a comprehensive
assessment. The purpose of an assessment is to
evaluate the usefulness or impact of a work in a
particular genre.
Students read the text
Let us proceed to independent critique. May you
please read it?
An independent critique of a book or short story
is not primarily a summary; rather, it comments on
and evaluates the work in the light of specific
issues and theoretical concerns in a course.

Thank you. Highlight that we give comments and

evaluates the work through accepted criterion or
criteria. Talking about criteria, let us dive to the
three major paragraphs in crafting your
independent critique paper.


The introductory paragraph for the short story
critique has 3 major elements: the background,
your opinion on the work as a whole, and the
thesis. The background includes all of the useful
information (especially who, what, when, where,
and why) leading up to the thesis. The thesis
includes the subject and opinion of the paper
followed by the main points.
The most important element in writing a
critique is a workable thesis statement, which
shows near the end of the introductory

Below is a sample thesis statement:

SUBJECT: The Last Leaf

OPINION: shows Henry O’s skills as a writer
MAIN POINTS: because of the visual imagery,
authentic characterization through text-to-self
connection and the impactful moral of the story.


These can differ in length and in number. If you
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state 3 main points in your thesis, you should have
3 development paragraphs. For this task you
should have from 3-5 main points. Here are a few
ideas to choose from:

1. Opening
Hooks - Is the story grabbing from the first line?
Does it make you want to read on?
Introduction of Central Character - Is the Central
character introduced early in the story.
Scene Setting - Can you picture the scene early
enough in the story or have you already imagined
your own?
Problem Description - Can you tell what problem
confronts the central character soon enough or are
you left wondering what the story is all about?

Take a look at the first paragraph of the story. It

was mentioned there where the actual scenario
took place. Through this, you can state that the
opening lines welcome us to the real atmosphere
of the story. It triggers our senses especially when
we here the places such as New York, bohemian
village or even the feels when you hear the word

2. Characterization Central Character

-Does he/she appear in the first few lines?
-Is it clearly defined who the central character is?
-Do you have sympathy with the central
character? (This does not mean likable).
Other characters –
-Are they easily definable or do they get confused
with others?
-Do they seem authentic?
-Can you easily tell who they sympathize with?

From the story, we have Johnsy as the main

character, and Sue as the subordinate. It is not a
confusion to identify if who is the main character
since Johnsy was introduced as someone who has
in a battle of health crisis.

3. Dialogue
Does the dialogue sound authentic? Is it all
meaningful? Does it read well? (If when spoken
aloud the reader changes it, this might mean it
needs some attention.)

The dialogues in the story are well quoted and

characters’ names and pronouns are well cited.
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4. Setting
Does it seem the right place for the story? If it is a
real place, has the author researched it enough? If
it is a fictitious place, has the author planned the
setting(s) carefully, making it seem alive and real.

Now try to imagine if you put all these words

together: room, lay, bedclothes, window
What scene or ambiance can you picture out? Can
you feel that the setting is authentic and can be
actually true or the setting requires a touch of
magic or special effects?

5. Conflicts
Are the conflicts in the story realistic or do they
seem artificial? Are the conflicts original?

Consider that conflicts can be internal conflict or

external. What do we mean by internal conflict?
Do you have any idea?

Since none of you is answering, let me help you.

Internal conflict as the word “internal” implicates

the inner struggle of one person. Depression,
anxiety, emotional pains and the likes are some of
those. Meanwhile, external conflicts refer to the
conflicts between a person and external forces.
When we say external, outside. It could be the
environment, peer pressure, hectic schedules or
even work load.

Remember that we have four types of conflicts.

Man vs Man
Man vs Self
Man vs Society
Man vs Nature

In the story, Johnsy is losing hope as she feels

weak suffering from pneumonia. She reflects her
survival from the falling leaves out of her
window’s view.

6. Suspense Value
Do you want to know what is going to happen
next? Does the story goes well from action to

The story is actually surprising that it doesn’t

spoils the readers what will happen next. We all
assume that the leaf stays still and made the main
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character reflect from her realizations. But at the
end, the last leaf was a painting, a real masterpiece
of the deceased Mr. Berhman.

7. Ending
Is the ending concise or does it ramble on? Does it
need a lot of explanation? Is it clear what has
happened? Does it seem flat?

Always remember that the ending always leave a

bang to the readers. The Last Leaf ended with a
very good realization after Johnsy knew that the
leaf is a painting, not the real one she holds onto.

8. Structure
Has the plot been developed well throughout the
story? Are the characters described in time or after
you've imagined them for yourself? Are the
actions well planned and run well in sequence? Do
flashbacks seem well placed and relevant? Is the
time span suitable for the story or should it take
place over a longer or shorter period of time? Is
the time span feasible? (Could the events have
taken place in the given time span?)

Each phase of the story was presented in a

sequence, which can be understood by reading it

9. Plot
Is it original? Does it sound authentic? Is it

Text-to-self connection is a big help when we do

analysis or even critiquing. The story of the Last
Leaf is relatable as it left us a message about faith.


Here you give your general concept of the
story. Did you enjoy it? In general are the
descriptions clearly stated, over-emphasized
or not clear enough. You should also briefly
summarize all the issues under discussions.
Any further opinions on the subject would be
suitable at this time as well as any final

In this part, it is more of your general

impression of the story. It should answer if
what was the story all about, is it worthy to
read, or is it referable? You can also state
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your ratings here.

3.4 I hope everything is clear. Given the details that

Abstraction we have discussed, I have some questions for you
to ponder if you have observed the criteria in

1. If you are asked to critique an article, a

I shall have a deep reading and
reading selection or an essay assigned bybase my criticism to the given
your teacher, what shall you do? criteria suggested like the clear
thesis statement, inclusions under
developmental paragraphs and
how we conclude everything.
2. Do you simply give negative observations? No. Every observation requires
details why it is said.
3. Do you give your personal reaction on the Comments are accepted but
given article? Or do you analyze and comments shall again reflect to
evaluate the reading selection? specific criterion while analyzing
or evaluating the reading
3.5 I am glad for your intakes. Now, may you please
Application compose a ten sentence paragraph discussing the
salient considerations in composing an
independent critique. You may refer to your

Expected answers are found from the three major

paragraphs: introductory paragraph,
development paragraphs and closing paragraph.
3.6 For your assessment, read the Story of Keesh
Assessment found on your module. You are tasked to write an
independent critique applying all the tips or
criteria to make it effective. You will be graded
using this rubric.

Rubric for Scoring

Criteria Highly Observed Moderately Poorly Observed
(5) Observed (3) (1)
Introduction Introduces all the Introduces all the Fails to present
elements such as elements but the elements,
background, needs needs total
opinion on the focus/improvemen improvement/revi
work as a whole, t to one element sion
and the thesis
Information Provides accurate, Summarizes main Fails to
Summary concise summary points in most of summarize the
of reading the reading reading selection,
selection selection inaccurate
Critique Thoughtfully Critiques author’s Fails to present
critiques author’s main points using critique and
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main points using evidence to back evidence to back
evidence to back up argument up the argument
up arguments.
Critique is
insightful and
Conclusion Conclusion Effective Missing or
presents conclusion is inconsistent
particularly strong presented that conclusion
or compelling corresponds to the
closing statement introduction
that ties clearly to
the introduction
Organization Information is Information is Missing effective
organized in a organized elements
fully manner, completely with
presents a strong thesis, supporting
introduction, body information and
and conclusion conclusion
Sentence Sentences are Sentences are Repeated errors
Structure constructed with constructed with 1 in grammar
no grammatical or 2 minor structure
errors grammatical
Mechanics Spelling, 1- 2 minor errors Repeated errors
capitalization, and in spelling, in spelling,
punctuation error- capitalization, capitalization,
free punctuation punctuation
marks marks

Grade Equivalent:
A. Excellent = 30 – 35 points
B. Very Good = 25 – 29 points
C. Good = 20 – 24 points
D. Needs More Practice = 19 and below

3.7 For your assignment (to be inserted if what will be the next topic)
3.8 Okay class, are we clear with our assignment? Yes sir.
Activity Very good. Before we end, let us recall the main
points of our discussion.

What is an independent critique? It is an academic writing that

comments on and evaluates the
work in the light of specific issues
and theoretical concerns in a
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Thank you. What are the three major paragraphs The three major paragraphs are
to observe in composing your independent introductory paragraph,
critique? developmental paragraphs and
closing paragraph.

Very good. I hope that in you craft your papers

well. Thank you for today. Class dismissed.
4. Remarks
5. Reflections

Prepared by:

Name: Jan Angelo B. Dales School: University of Antique

Position/Designation: Student Intern Division: Antique
(English), CTE, UA-Main
Mobile # : 09454734188 E-mail Address:

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