Quiz - Intersubjectivity & Society

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NAME: Rhamia Joanne A.

Jordan DATE: 12/06/22


1. Intersubjectivity deals with the human person as a subject in relation to

another. The "another" here refers to the other person, such as a neighbor,
stranger, or simply another subject than the self. As a person destined to
relate in the society, how are you going to live harmoniously with others as
you live in the midst of society where there are upbringing, culture, beliefs
and values different from yours? (10 points)

- For me, I can say that I'm a person who knows how to adjust to things, even
though it's hard to know if I'll be able to adjust, because for me when I'm able to
adjust, I know that I'll be more comfortable because I've adjusted. And it also
seems to me that once you are adjusted, you will learn to get along and socialize
freely because you may already know something about similar situations. But in
truth, when it comes from my heart and mind that I'm different from others, I
can keep that to myself as long as I know that I'm in the right and I'm not going
down the wrong path.

2. For Paul Ricoeur, man is a being whose being is social for man lives and exists
with and for the others. Man is a moral subject. As such, his social nature
implies an obligation to the other. How do you personally understand this
passage? Expound your answer.
(10 points)

- Maybe, I can understand it better or I understood it better based on my

experiences. One of them is being an Ate to my sisters, as an ate I have to watch
over or take care of my youngest sister. We are both gymnasts, she is 7 and im 15
years old at that time, as her sister who is older and knows more about performing,
it is my obligation to teach my sister what I know to be like or better than me. And
because of that obligation, I see my sister hanging the gold medal in front of many
people with me and admiring us both, and honestly I really happy with what
happened. And for me I think that is one of my understandings of this passage.

3. There are three stages of global society according to Comte, the theological
stage, metaphysical stage and the positive stage. Explain the unfolding of
the three stages in your own words. Use practical examples to prove your
point. (10 points)

Theological stage

- The Theological stage refers to the appeal to personified deities. During the
earlier stages, people believed that all the phenomena of nature are the creation
of the divine or supernatural.

- For me, a good example for this is are priests or ministers who are inside the
churches who teach, the best example is Pope Francis, all the people worship him, I
don't know what other people believe in him, but in the way that he is worshiped or
greater than other is a good example for this stage.

Metaphysical stage

- At this stage the belief in the individual power of god is diminished. God is
thought of not as a personified form but as an abstract force.

- An example of thinking in the metaphysical stage is people who believed that

the planets were physical objects in space but that they influenced people's
lives via astrology.

Positive stage

-The positive stage represents the scientific way of thinking. Positive thought
ushers in an industrial age. Positive or scientific knowledge is based upon facts and
these facts are gathered by observation and experience.

- Positivity stage, also known as the scientific stage, refers to a scientific

explanation based on observation, experiment, and comparison. Positive
explanations rely upon a distinct method, the scientific method, for their
justification. Today people attempt to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

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