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In this report we are going to see the foundation of a 2B+G+7 BUILDING WHICH IS LOCATED IN
problematic as it expand when it get moisture and shrink when it lose moisture.the site is surrounded
by near by structure by three side and road in one direction so we need to be careful when we
excavate the soil since it affect the near by buildind.the foundation put 5 meter below the ground
level and 1 meter of it is a black the foundation we are going to see different types of types of
work from lean concrete to form work.

Types of work
1) Excavation and earth work
Excavation is the process of moving earth, rock, or other materials with tools,
equipment, or explosives. It includes earthwork, trenching, wall shafts, tunneling,
and underground. Excavation has a number of important applications including
exploration, environmental restoration, mining, and ths building we
are going to excavate the site up to 5 meter below the ground level.Earthworks
involve reshaping a site's terrain by digging deep and moving large quantities of
earth or rock. The purpose is to create an ideal base for various types of
construction, including: houses, decks, pools, driveways; and large-scale projects
like roads, highways, dams and buildings.
The entire excavation process includes:
 setting out corner benchmarks.
 surveying ground and top levels.
 excavation to the approved depth.
 dressing the loose soil.
 making up to cut off level.
 the construction of dewatering wells and interconnecting trenches.
 making boundaries of the building.

2) lean concrete
Lean concrete serves the purpose of providing a uniform surface to the concrete foundation. It also

helps prevent direct contact of foundation concrete with soil. This is a good option to provide a flat

floor for uneven or dirty areas.Since lean concrete uses a small amount of cement, it is used under

fillings or foundations so that the structure remains protected from soil.A very flat surface on which

the foundation type can be laid is mainly made of lean concrete.Protecting the foundation from the

attack of moisture and chemicals in the soil by placing a layer of lean concrete between the structure

and the soil is a widespread application.

3)form work:we used a wood form work.formwork is the mold wherein fresh concrete

is poured and formed. The mold, which can be permanent or temporary, holds the

poured concrete and shapes it until it solidifies and becomes strong enough to

support itself and other loads.A formwork provides suitable access and working

platforms throughout the construction process, significantly improving worker's

safety, employees' safety & also scaffold safety.

3) RENFORCEMENTE BAR:is a steel bar used as a tension device in

reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures to strengthen and aid the

concrete under tension. Concrete is strong under compression, but has low tensile


A) POSTIVE BAR :Postive bars are provided to resist positive moments, and

they are provided at the bottom of the two way slab whereas negative bars are

provided to resist negative moments and they are provided on the top of the two way


B) NEGATIVE BAR:negative bars are provided to resist negative moments and they

are provided on the top of the two way slab. : when the reinforcement is provided
to resist the negative bending moment in the RCC element then that reinforcement is

called as negative reinforcement.

C) Distribution bar; Distribution bars placed on top of the main bar. Main

Reinforcement Bars are used to transfer the bending moment developed at the bottom

of the slab. Distribution Bars are used to hold the slabs on either way and to

resist the cracks and shear stress developed at the top.

D)Stirrup A stirrup refers to a closed loop of reinforcement bar. Its main

purpose is to hold the reinforcement bars together in an RCC structure. When used

in a column, they provide lateral support to the main reinforcement bars to prevent


4) Concrete work in a building construction, concrete is used for the

construction of foundations, columns, beams, slabs and other load bearing elements.

There are different types of binding material is used other than cement such as

lime for lime concrete and bitumen for asphalt concrete which is used for road


5) Masounary work Masonry is the craft of building a structure with brick,

stone, or similar material, which are often laid in and bound together by mortar;

the term masonry can also refer to the building units (stone, brick, etc.)

themselves. The common materials of masonry construction are bricks and building

stone such as marble, granite, and limestone, cast stone, concrete blocks, glass

blocks, and adobe. Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction.

However, the materials used, the quality of the mortar and workmanship, and the

pattern in which the units are assembled can substantially affect the durability of

the overall masonry construction. A person who constructs masonry is called a mason

or bricklayer. These are both classified as construction trades.



A) COMBINED FOOTING ;A combined footing is a type of foundation constructed

combining two columns. When there are more than two columns, that foundation is
called the strip footing. A combined footing is constructed when the isolated
footing can not take bear the applied load along or when there are two columns
closed by.One of the benefits of combined footing is that it may be used in places
where there are requirements for the construction of two or perhaps more columns
within a relatively compact space. Another benefit of combined footing is that it
may be used in places where the load-bearing capabilities of the soil are
limited.Combined footings are provided when distance between two columns is small
and soil bearing capacity of soil is lower and their footings overlap with each

B) STRIP FOOTING;Sometimes referred to as a strip footing, a strip foundation is a

type of shallow foundation often used within low to medium rise residential
buildings. Suitable only where the ground conditions are stable and with good load-
bearing capacity, strip foundations are fast and cost-effective to build.A strip
footing is used for load-bearing walls including footings for extensions and
conservatories and house foundations. They are also used to accommodate a row of
closely-spaced columns. The wider base of this
foundation type spreads the weight over a wider area and provides
better stability.Where soil conditions are weak or irregular, using
strip foundations could have very serious consequences, potentially
leading to structural integrity issues or even collapse. Strip
foundations may also be unsuitable on sloping sites, or sites where a
retaining wall is required


A) STRIP BEAMRectangular beam strips consist of rectangular

reinforced ground beams which are designed to be of sufficient width
to reduce the bearing pressures on the sub-strata to an acceptable

B) GRADE BEAM;A grade beam or grade beam footing is a component of a building's

foundation. It consists of a reinforced concrete beam that transmits the load from a bearing wall into
spaced foundations such as pile caps or caissons.[1] It is used in conditions where the surface soil’s
load-bearing capacity is less than the anticipated design loads. A grade beam differs from a wall
footing because a grade beam is designed for bending and typically spans between pile caps or
caissons, while a wall footing bears on soil and transmits the weight of the wall directly into the
ground. It also differs from a strap beam because a grade beam is reinforced to distribute the weight of
a wall to separate foundations,[2] while a strap beam is designed to redistribute the weight of a column
between footings. Grade beams may also be used in conjunction with spread footings, in a case with
large moments from lateral loads, in order to reduce the size of each spread footing.[
C) RETANING WALL BEAM;IT THE beam which anchocre the retaining wall

3)Re bar for Foundation column The foundation base of the column is large to
support the column of the buildinga shear wall is a vertical element of a system that is
designed to resist in-plane lateral forces, typically wind and seismic loads. In many jurisdictions, the
International Building Code and International Residential Code govern the design of shear walls.
4) shear well;a shear wall is a vertical element of a system that is designed to
resist in-plane lateral forces, typically wind and seismic loads. In many jurisdictions,
the International Building Code and International Residential Code govern the design
of shear walls. A shear wall resists loads parallel to the plane of the wall. Collectors,
also known as drag members, transfer the diaphragm shear to shear walls and other
vertical elements of the seismic force resisting system. Shear walls are typically light-
framed or braced wooden walls with shear panels, reinforced concrete walls,
reinforced masonry walls, or steel plates.

6) masounary well;since the site contain black soil up to 1 meter we are forced to
build masounary around the building .Masonry is used to indicate the art of
building a structure in either stones or bricks. The masonry wall is
built of individual blocks of materials such as stones, bricks,
concrete, hollow blocks, cellular concrete and literate, usually in
horizontal courses cemented together with some form of mortar.

6)retaining well;since the soil is sliding we are forced to make retaining

well.Retaining walls are relatively rigid walls used for supporting
soil laterally so that it can be retained at different levels on the
two sides. Retaining walls are structures designed to restrain soil
to a slope that it would not naturally keep to (typically a steep,
near-vertical or vertical slope). They are used to bound soils
between two different elevations often in areas of terrain possessing
undesirable slopes or in areas where the landscape needs to be shaped
severely and engineered for more specific purposes like hillside
farming or roadway overpasses. A retaining wall that retains soil on
the backside and water on the front side is called a seawall or a
Problem and solution

There are two main problem that we get in the site

1) excavation of soil;since there is electric cable in the get of

our site we can not find the place to put our excavator and excavate
the we leave it for a while because we do not have othere
choice. The area that we leave is the place that we put combining
footing 2 near the get.

2) Sliding of soil; as we motioned in the introduction part our site contain

a black cotton soil this soil is very problematic as it shrink when it loss water
and expand when it get this month there is a high amount of rain so the
soil expand and fell to our structure. It affect our foundation cotton
soil is not suitable for back fill so we are forced to get it out of our site that
is the solution

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