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2D6 Encounter Table

2 The Ascended [Table 8]

3 SecCops [Table 9]
4 The Ascended [Table 8]
5 Space Industries [Table 10]
6 Gang Encounter [Table 1]
7 City Events [TABLE 7]
8 Net Event [Table 6]
9 SickSickSickWorld [Table 11]
10 The Streets… [Table 3]
11 Local Conflict [Table 4]
12 Area Event [Table 5]
D 1-5 Local Gang
6 6 Neighbour
B. D8 1-3 Prior Gang “Conflict”
4-6 Next Gang “Conflict”
C. D10 1 Picking a fight with someone they don’t like -
store owner, passer by, hab resident
2 Marking the local area with gang tags - Ar, spray
paint, pens, animatic stickers
3 Shaking down the locals with threats and
intimidation - for money, booze, sex

4 raving to their favourite music/propaganda,

extremely loudly
5 Getting wasted, or psyching themselves up
before a fight or a raid

6 Facing down cops/security/another gang - as far

as they can get without a fight
7 Participating in tests of skill or daring among
8 Making a deliberate attempt at being visible,
strengthening presence in the area
9 engaged in their main biz, or negotiating
employment with another party
10 Any combination of the above (roll again, twice)

Table 3

Reaction Table

Initial reaction
Outsid Inside
e D8 D20

1 1-6 Aggressive: the creatures will attack on sight.

2 7-8 Exploitative: the creatures will try and hinder you and until they’ve
made use of you in furthering their motivations.

3 9 Mistaken: you are mistaken for an ally of the monster.

4 10-13 Defensive: The creatures will block your way and get you to leave.

5 14-15 Possessive: The creatures will be friendly towards you, but

unwilling to let you leave

6 16 Welcoming: generally friendly and non-hostile. Like walking into a

town or encountering a person on the road.

7 17-18 Deceptive: They will attempt to deceive the players, offering advice
or making deals that they believe will lead to the players demise.

8 19-20 Indifferent: The barely care that you are there.

Table 2 – SECCOPS
TABLE 6 THE N . E . T .

Encounter Type Table

1 Near Certain Death! Get out of here fast!

2 The Horde breaks through! Prepare your
defences or make good an escape.
3 A patrol wanders by. Time to hide? Prepare
an ambush?
4 RUN! Something is after you and will reach
you soon! Make good your escape or find
favourable ground.
5 Reinforcements! Allies are on their way, for
one side of the battle.
6 The walls shift. The environment changes,
areas once accessible are no longer; or a
door appears where there was none before?
7 The Tide. Hang on through the danger. An
endless horde. Buffeting winds. A Terror
from beyond. But soon it will be gone.
8 An opportunity present itself. A wandering
merchant or other entity appears or opens
its doors to you.
Encounter Size Table


Minion Horde 4 Per Player
Per Round
Patrol (2) Per Player Calls for
HARD PERSUIT (6) Per Player
Reinforcements (3) Per Players (3) Per Player
Normal Fight (4) Per Player
Hard Fight (5) Per Player

TABLE 8 The Ascended

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