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Alagondar Scion:

Prerequisite: You must

be a human, half-elf or
half-orc to have this
I'm a scion of the
Alagondar bloodline and
the only known heir to
the crown of
Neverwinter. If Dagult
Neverember, the city's
lord regent, learns that
I'm alive, he'll send
assassins to kill me.
Forge Born:
Prerequisite: You must be
I'm a construct of Mechanus.
I have all of the traits of the
race I've been created to
imitate, but do not need to
breathe. I’ve been created to
blend in and thus have
thoughts and feelings and
drives.I have been created
and sent here to observe the
Chaotic Phenomenon that is
the Emergence of the New
Sea and snuff out Planar
Chaos when encountered.
Deep Sea Escapee:
I have freed myself
from the Mind
Influences of an
Aboleth that calls the
Outer-Sea home. I
may be free, but
someone important
to me was not so
Elusive Paramour:
A wealthy pasha in
Calimshan has placed
a bounty on my head
for seducing his
favourite concubine.
Bounty hunters are
scouring the Sword
Coast in search of me,
but I hope they'll never
think to look in the
New Sea.
Escaped Prisoner:
I was brought here from
another world by
spacefaring mind flayers.
The ship in which I was
imprisoned crashed in the
New Sea. If some friendly
fishermen hadn't found me
and brought me back to
the swords coast, I would
have perished. I fear some
of my captors also
survived the crash and
might come looking for
Zhentarim Agent:
I am a member of the
Zhentarim, The Black
Network, an Evil
organisation with the
final aim of an iron-
fisted monopoly on
protection services in
the Realms. I’ve been
sent to check up on
our operations in the
New Sea.
The Dark Goddess
Umberlee has
blessed me, for I
was born at sea
during a storm. I
have resistance to
cold damage.
Old Flame:
I have a lover who has
travelled to the new sea
whom I haven't seen in
years. At any time outside
of combat, I can decide
who the lover is by
choosing an NPC that I
can see. Once I make this
choice, I can't change it.
This old flame is friendly
and helpful toward me,
even if our past is
Orc Stone: I saved the life of an
orc, who gave me a stone with
the symbol of an orc breaking a
ship in two carved into it. The
stone is magic and only I can
attune to it.
As an action, I can use the stone
to summon the spirit of an orc
warrior, which appears within 30
feet of me. The spirit uses the
'orc war chief' stat block in the
Monster Manual and disappears
after 10 minutes or when
reduced to 0 hit points, The spirit
understands any language I
speak and obeys my commands.
After the stone is used three
times, it turns to dust.
Wet Heritage:
One of my parents was a
land-dweller, the other was
a Merfolk. I took after the
land but have an affinity
for the sea.
You have ⅔ Movement
under water rather than ½
and can hold your breath
for twice as long (CON x10
seconds) and strenuous
underwater tasks do not
reduce the length of time
you can hold your breath.
Pirate Cannibal:
I served aboard 'Dark
Duchess', a pirate ship from
the city of Luskan. After the
vessel crashed upon the
rocks in the New Sea,
everyone but the captain
abandoned the vessel and
fled. We got lost in a storm
along the way. I was the only
one who made it back to the
Sword Coast, and only by
eating me mates. The ship
and its treasure are still out
Admiralty Agent:
I have been given a
mission by the
Grand Admiralty to
infiltrate a Pirate
Crew in order to
further the interests
of the Lords Alliance
(a partnership of
merchant cities on
the sword coast).
I died and was brought
back to life by a friendly
human druid using the
'reincarnate' spell when I
washed up on the sword
coast. I have no idea what
became of the druid,
whose name I don't know.
I retain the memories of
my previous life braving
the New Sea aboard one
of the famous Pirate
Vessels (ask DM).
Treasure Hunter:
I have a treasure
map to a location in
the Inner-Sea
purported to hold
vast riches.
Runaway Author:
I penned a notorious
exposé called "The
Hellbent Highborn"
which accused several
prominent nobles in
Waterdeep of being
Devil worshipers.
Although my
accusations were well
founded, I made a lot of
enemies and am forced
to seek refuge at sea.
Slaad Host:
A red slaad implanted a
pellet-sized egg in me
shortly before I started
my adventuring career.
If I can't get rid of it in
the next two months, the
egg will gestate inside
me, and a slaad tadpole
will burst from my chest,
killing me. It will then
quickly grow into an
adult slaad and will kill
even more people.

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