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I. Draw a if the picture shows action that makes the object move away or if
the picture shows action that makes the object move toward you.

II. Read the statements carefully. Write a / mark if the statement is correct or X mark
if it is NOT.
1. Some objects need force to move.

2. Force can be pushed or pulled.

3. Force cannot change the motion of an object.

4. Force can stop the object from moving.

5. You can move a wall by pushing and pulling.

III. Write Yes if the object or material will change its shape when you push or pull it
or write No if it is NOT.
IV. Look at each picture. Cross the correct change in motion of the object when force
is being applied.
V. Draw a happy face if the statement is correct or a sad face if it is NOT.

1. Force can only move things in one direction.

2. Force can change the shape of an object.

3. Pulling makes an object or a material move away.

4. The cart moves toward you when pulled.

5. Force can change the position and direction of an object or material.

VI. Read and complete the statements below using the words in the box.

away change force motion toward

Force changes the _________ or movement of objects or materials. ___________ makes objects

or materials move__________ or move ___________you.

Force can also ______________the shape of some objects or materials.

VII. Check ( / ) all the possible change/s happen/s to the object after applying force.

VIII. Read the statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What will happen if you pull an object or material?
A.It will stop. B. It will move away.
C.It will move toward you. D.It will move away and toward you.

2. What kind of action is shown when throwing, kicking and rolling an object?
A.dancing B. pulling C. pushing D. singing

3. If you want to make an object move away from you, what should you do?
A.cover B. hold C. pull D. push

4. Which of the following actions is NOT an example of pulling?

A.ringing a door bell B. opening of cabinet
C.removing a ring from a finger D.getting of book from the book shelf

5. Which of the following objects can change its shape when force is being applied?
A.cellphone B. chair C. rubber band D. table

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