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NAME NIRF (2022) NAME NIRF (2022)

IIT Madras 1 IIT Ropar 22

IIT Delhi 2 IIT Gandhinagar 23

IIT Jodhpur 30
IIT Bombay 3
IIT Patna 33
IIT Kanpur 4
IIT Bhubaneswar 36
IIT Kharagpur 5
IIT Tirupati 56
IIT Roorkee 6
IIT Palakkad 68
IIT Guwahati 7
IIT Bhilai NA
IIT Hyderabad 9 IIT Dharwad NA
IIT (BHU) Varanasi 13 IIT Goa NA
IIT Dhanbad 14 IIT Jammu NA
IIT Indore 16
IIT Mandi 20
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JEE Advanced
Appeared vs Qualified vs Seats
(Last 3 years)

Stats 2022 2021 2020

Eligible 262175 260010 250681

Registered 160038 151209 160838

Appeared 155538 141699 150838

Qualified 40712 41862 43204

Seats 16598 16296 16053

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Subject-wise Cutoff - GEN Category

Year Minimum marks in each Minimum
subject Aggregate marks

2022 5 55

2021 6 63

2020 6 69

2019 12 93

2018 12 90
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Jee Advanced
Rank vs Marks
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2019 2020 2021 2022 Average

RANK (Total: 372) (Total : 396) (Total : 360) (Total : 360) %age Marks
1-101 346-270 352-279 348-285 314-236 91 - 72
101-201 270-253 279-262 285-266 236-221 72 - 67
201-301 253-243 262-251 266-254 221-209 67 - 64
301-401 243-234 251-243 254-245 209-199 63 - 62
401-501 234-227 243-235 245-237 199-192 62- 60
501-1001 227-206 235-210 237-212 192-170 60 - 54
1001-1501 206-195 210-195 212-198 170-156 54 - 50
1501-2001 195-186 195-184 198-186 156-146 50 - 47
2001-2501 186-180 184-175 186-176 146-138 47 - 45
2501-3001 180-174 175-168 176-168 138-132 45 - 43
3001-3501 174-169 168-162 168-161 132-126 43 - 42
3501-4001 169-164 162-156 161-155 126-122 42 - 40
4001-4501 164-160 156-151 155-150 122-118 40 - 39
4501-5001 160-156 151-147 150-145 118-115 39 - 38
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2019 2020 2021 2022 Average

RANK (Total: 372) (Total : 396) (Total : 360) (Total : 360) %age Marks
5001-5501 156-153 147-143 145-141 115-112 38 - 37
5501-6001 153-149 143-139 141-136 112-109 37 - 36
6001-6501 149-147 139-136 136-133 109-107 36 - 35
6501-7001 147-144 136-133 133-130 107-104 35 - 34
7001-7501 144-142 133-130 130-126 104-102 34 - 33.5
7501-8001 142-138 130-127 126-123 102-100 33.5 - 33
8001-8501 138-137 127-125 123-121 100-98 33 - 32
8501-9001 137-135 125-122 121-118 98-96 32 - 31.5
9001-9501 135-132 122-120 119-115 96-94 31.5 - 31
9501-10001 132-131 120-118 115-113 94-92 31 - 30.5
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CSE Last branch CSE Last branch

IIT Hyderabad 608 9840 IIT Madras 175 7966

IIT Jammu 4602 16258 IIT Guwahati 589 10112

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Three Most
Things To Do
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Easy PYQs
JEE Advanced 2021

A number is chosen at random from the set

{1, 2, 3, . . . 2000}. Let p be the probability that the
chosen number is a number of 3 or a multiple of
7. Then the value of 500p is _______

Ans: 214
Given, set = {1, 2, 3, …., 2000}

n(E1 ∪ E2) = n(E1) + n(E2) - n(E1 ∩ E2)

JEE Advanced 2021

The area of the region

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: (a)

Required area = Shaded region

On solving x + y = 2 and x = 3y, we get

On solving y = 0 and x + y = 2, we get

B ≡ (2, 0)
On solving and x = 3y, we get

Required area = Area of ΔOCD - Area of ΔOBA

JEE Advanced 2019

The value of integral

Ans: 0.50
JEE Advanced 2018 JEE Advanced 2018

The number of 5 digit numbers which are Let P be a matrix of order 3 × 3 such that all the
divisible by 4, with digits from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} entries in P are from the set {-1, 0, 1}. Then, the
and the repetition of digits is allowed, is___. maximum possible value of the determinant of P
Ans: 625
Ans: 4
Divisible by 4 ⇒ last 2 digits divisible by 4 ⇒ ends in
12, 24, 32, 44 or 52 If 0 is used maximum can only be 4
If 0 not used then by using only {-1, 1} can only form
∴ 53 × 5 = 625
matrix with maximum determinant value 4
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Easy PYQs
JEE Advanced 2022 S1

Six charges are placed around a regular

hexagon of side length a as shown in the figure.
Five of them have charge q, and the remaining
one has charge x. The perpendicular from each
charge to the nearest hexagon side passes
through the center 0 of the hexagon and is
bisected by the side.
(a) when x = q, the magnitude of the electric
field at 0 is zero.
(b) when x = -q, the magnitude of the electric
field at 0 is q/6𝜋e0a2
(c) when x = 2q, the potential at 0 is 7q/4√3𝜋e0a
(d) when x = -3q, the potential at 0 is -

Ans: (a), (b) and (c)

JEE Advanced 2021 S1
An ⍺-particle (mass 4 amu) and a singly
charged sulphur ion (mass 32 amu) are initially
at rest. They are accelerated through a potential
V and then allowed to pass into a region of
uniform magnetic field which is normal to the
velocities of the particles. Within this region, the
⍺-particle and the sulfur ion move in circular
orbits of radii r⍺ and rs, respectively. The ratio
(rs/r⍺) is_______.

Ans: 4
JEE Advanced 2020 S1

A stationary tuning fork is in resonance with an Solution:

air column in a pipe. If the tuning fork is moved
with a speed of 2 ms-1 in front of the open end of
the pipe and parallel to it, the length of the pipe
should be changed for the resonance to occur
with the moving tuning fork. If the speed of sound
in air is 320 ms-1, the smallest value of the
percentage change required in the length of the
pipe is_____.

Ans: 0.62 to 0.63

JEE Advanced 2020 S1

A parallel beam of light strikes a piece of

transparent glass having cross section as shown
in the figure below. Correct shape of the
emergent wavefront will be (figures are
schematic and not drawn to scale)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Ans: (a)


Clearly middle part of glass is diverging and

upper and lower part are conversing so correct
shape of the emergent wavefront is as shown in
the figure.
JEE Advanced 2016 S1
In a historical experiment to determine Planck’s
constant, a metal surface was irradiated with
light of difference wavelengths. The emitted
photoelectron energies were measured by
applying a stopping potential. The relevant data
for the wavelength (λ) of incident light and the
corresponding stopping potential (V0) are given
λ(μm) V0(Volt)
0.3 2.0
0.4 1.0
0.5 0.4

Given that c = 3 × 108 ms-1 and e = 1.6 × 10-19 C,

Planck’s constant (in units of J-s) found from
such an experiment is):
(a) 6.0 × 10-34 (b) 6.6 × 10-34
(b) 6.4 × 10-34 (d) 6.8 ×10-34

Ans: (c)
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Easy PYQs
JEE Advanced 2022
Consider the following reaction.

red phosphorous
R(major product)

On estimation of bromine in 1.00 g of R using Carius

method, the amount of AgBr formed (in g) is_____.
[Given: Atomic mass of H = 1, C = 12, O = 16, P = 31, Br = Molecular weight of (R)
80, Ag = 108]. = 7 × 12 + 1 × 6 + 80 × 2 = 250 g/mol
Ans: 1.504 g
Mole of AgBr formed = 2 × mole of (R)
JEE Advanced 2019

The green colour produced in the borax bead test of a

chromium (II) salt is due to
(a) CrB (b) Cr2O3 (c) Cr2(B4O7)3 (d)
Ans: (D)

JEE Advanced 2019

At 143 K, the reaction of XeF4 with O2F2 produces xenon

compound Y. The total number of lone Pair(s) of
electrons present on the whole molecule of Y is____

Ans: 19.00

JEE Advanced 2020

With respect to the compounds I-V, choose the Solution:

correct statement(s).


(a) The acidity of compound I is due to delocalization
in the conjugate base
(b) The conjugate base of compound IV is aromatic
(c) Compound II becomes more acidic, when it has a-
NO2 substituent
(d) the acidity of compounds follows the order I > IV >
V > II > III

Ans: (a), (b) and (c)

JEE Advanced 2018 Solution:

F or the electrochemical cell,

Mg(s) | Mg2+ (aq, 1 M) || Cu2+ (aq, 1 M) | Cu(s) The
standard emf of the cell is 2.70 V at 300 K. When the
concentration of Mg2+ is changed to x m, the cell
potential changes to 2.67 V at 300 K. The value of x is_
(Given, F/R = 11500 KV-1, where F is the Faraday
constant and R is the gas constant, ln(10) = 2.30)
Ans: 10
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Three Most
Things To Do
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Top 10
High Weightage
BASED ON Last 5 Years
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Chapters Weightage
Application of derivatives 10%

Definite Integration 9% M
Probability 7%

Three dimensional Geometry 6%

Vector Algebra 5% T
Differential equations 5%

Matrices 5%
Complex Numbers 5%
Sequences and series 4%

Permutations and Combinations 4%

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Chapters Weightage
Ray optics 9%
Thermodynamics 8%
Electrostatics 8%

Rotational Motion 7% Y
Magnetic effects of current 6%

Nuclear Physics 6%
Mechanical properties of matter 5% I
Laws of motion 5%

Waves and Sound 5%

Thermal properties of matter 4%
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Chapters Weightage
P-block elements (Gr-15 to 18) 9%
GOC 8%
Thermodynamics (C) 7%
Coordination Compounds 6%
Chemical Kinetics 6%

Amines 5%
Chemical bonding 5%
Aldehydes and Ketones 4%
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 4% R
Electrochemistry 4% Y
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Weekly Schedule
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14

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Cutoffs - Top IITs

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Average marks
Branch Rank
(out of 360)
Computer Science and Engineering 61 280
IIT Bombay
Electrical Engineering 369 202 (2022)
Mechanical Engineering 1406 159

Engineering Physics 1452 157

Chemical Engineering 2081 145

BS in Economics 2107 144

Aerospace Engineering 2119 144

BS in Mathematics 2158 143

Energy Engineering 2381 140

Civil Engineering 3471 126

Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science 3783 124

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Average marks
Branch Rank
(out of 360)
Computer Science and Engineering 102 236
IIT Delhi
Mathematics and Computing 308 210 (2022)
Electrical Engineering 574 188

Electrical Engineering (power and automation) 797 177

Engineering and Computational Mechanics 1314 161

Mechanical Engineering 1882 147

Chemical Engineering 2343 141

Engineering Physics 2925 132

Energy Engineering 2839 134

Production and Industrial Engineering 3589 125

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Materials Engineering 4259 120

Civil Engineering 4316 120 IIT Delhi

Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 4797 116
Textile Technology 5796 110
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Average marks
Branch Rank
(out of 360)
Computer Science and Engineering 175 225
IIT Madras
Electrical Engineering 1028 169 (2022)
Engineering Physics 2090 144

Mechanical Engineering 2786 134

Aerospace Engineering 3881 123

Chemical Engineering 4677 117

Civil Engineering 6106 108

Metallurgical and Materials 6305 108

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 7966 100

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Average marks
Branch Rank
(out of 360)
Computer Science and Engineering 237 217
IIT Kanpur
BS in Statistics and Data Science 1082 168 (2022)
Mathematics and Scientific Computing 1143 165
Electrical Engineering 1368 160
Mechanical Engineering 3155 130
BS in Economics 3300 128
Chemical Engineering 4649 118
Aerospace Engineering 4683 117
Civil Engineering 6297 108
BS in Physics 6383 107
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Materials Science and Engineering 6535 107

Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 7309 103 IIT Kanpur

BS in Earth Sciences 9614 94 (2022)
BS in Chemistry 9676 93
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Average marks
Branch Rank
(out of 360) IIT Kharagpur
Computer Science and Engineering 303 209
Electronics and Electrical
1145 166
Communication Engineering
BS in Mathematics and Computing 1335 160
Electrical Engineering 1805 149
Instrumentation Engineering 2533 138
Mechanical Engineering 3350 127
Industrial and System Engineering 4307 120
Chemical Engineering 4846 116
Aerospace Engineering 5297 106
BS in Economics 6173 108
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Manufacturing Science and Engineering 5858 110

Civil Engineering 6556 106 IIT Kharagpur

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 6920 104
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 7751 101

BS in Physics 8366 98

Mining Engineering 8739 97

Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture 8355 98

Agricultural and Food Engineering 9008 96

BS in Exploration Geophysics 11592 87

BS in Chemistry 12252 85

BS in Applied Geology 13114 83

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Branch Rank marks
(out of 360)
IIT Roorkee
Computer Science and Engineering 413 198 (2022)
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 822 177
Electronics and Communication Engineering 1443 158
Electrical Engineering 2135 144
Mechanical Engineering 4189 120
Engineering Physics 4901 115
Chemical Engineering 5075 114
Production and Industrial Engineering 5786 110
Civil Engineering 6853 104
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 7246 103
Bioscience and Bioengineering 7855 100
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Average marks
Branch Rank
(out of 360)
Computer Science and Engineering 589 186
IIT Guwahati
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 951 172 (2022)
Mathematics and Computing 1061 168
Electronics and Communication Engineering 1711 151
Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2387 140
Mechanical Engineering 5088 114
Chemical Engineering 6144 108
Energy Engineering 6320 108
Engineering Physics 6192 108
Civil Engineering 7859 100
Chemical Science and Technology 8099 99
Biosciences and Bioengineering 10112 92

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