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12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

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12 tribes of Israel
🏷  Bible text · Semitic · hidden ruler · interlinear · recommended · text   —  
by Gerry · Jul 2021 · 6372 words

The famous 12 tribes of Israel and their strange

symbolism with snakes & wolves have always fascinated
faithfuls & skeptics alike. But no evidence has ever been
found that these particular “tribes” have really existed. It
also doesn’t make any sense that a kingdom — or spookery
— could be founded by humble desert nomads. And upon
closer analysis, the “tribes” seem to be just punny phrases,
yet another parable about spookery. 1/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks


1   Introduction
2   How to read this
3   Reuben — Lordship by birthright must withdraw into a
4   Simeon & Levi — Break the violent troublemakers with
veiled ruling.
5   Judah— The veiled informant subjugates the oppressed as
one of them.
6   Zebulun — Entertainment shall cover up the poverty &
7   Issachar — A fake persona makes the oppressed more
8   Dan— Religion shall subdue the people, and guard against
9   Gad — Rebels can overcome troops, but not deception.
10   Asher — War is for enrichment & enjoyment of the royalty.
11   Naphtali — Contortion is leadership set free.
12   Joseph — Veils ensnare the eyes, gilded by the power of
13   Benjamin— To the multitudes, smoothen your appearance
through denial.
14   12 tribes — All these are the webs of veiled rulership. 2/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Many people are obsessed with the poetic-mysticist
description of the “12 tribes of Israel” — with “lions”,
“snakes” & “wolves”! — and the mainstream’s everlasting
hunt for the “lost tribes”. Some truth-seekers even believe
that spookery can be explained by mysterious “tribes”
harboring some grand secret, and then conquering the world
with it.

I don’t, and I can now disprove the speculation: If you pun-

decrypt the garbled text, it is the usual general introduction to
spookery, which explains that the aristocracy is simply better
off when they don’t admit their power & corruption, but
instead put an additional layer of deception & disguise on top.

This is also evidence that the people who invented spookery

were already powerful aristocrats, probably already the most
powerful. The text never explains how to attain power, or
how to defeat other powers. Rather, it starts with something
like “lordship by birthright, you are the beginning of my
strength”, where rˀwbn-bkr “Reuben the firstborn” puns
with rbnw-bkr “leadership by birthright” (Genesis 49:3). So
lordship by birthright is how power really starts. The only
problem are the pḥz-k-mym “uncontrolled waters”, i.e. the
pḥz-k-ˁmym “uncontrollable people” (Genesis 49:4). In my
opinion, this confirms Miles’ analyses of spookery as a very
simple & ham-handed deception, by which powerful people
can only fool their powerless subjects. Spookery simply adds
even more power to existing power. 3/78
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Overall, the word šbṭ “tribes” seems to be a pun with šbṭ in

the sense of “veil”. This meaning is not attested, however. I
found only the meaning of “pressed cloth” & “plating”. But
since many rare words for “veil” are derived from similar
attributes, this may be the intended pun.

As an interesting sidenote: Not all of the 12 “tribes” are

actually aspects of spooky deception. Rather, some are
apparently used as pun-encryptions for “the subjects”, e.g.
Benjamin, Simeon & Levi. Others describe traditional
aspects of power, e.g. Reuben, Dan & Gad. So the “tribes”
are not exactly symmetrical here, but tweaked to suit the
punnery. I think this is because the spooky parable was
saddled on an older non-spooky parable (probably like most
Bible stories). It was perhaps about aspects of traditional
power, because šbṭ “tribes” also puns with šbṭ “scepters”. I
doubt that it would contain great secrets though, even if we
had the assumed original text.

How to read this

This is an interlinear text. Each word is a little block; each
verse is a paragraph of little blocks. Blocks & text are
read left-to-right, as in English.
Possible encrypted meaning is on light red at the top, with
hyperlinked pun vocabulary just below.
Original text is in the center, as transcription & glyphs. 4/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Official meaning is on light green at the bottom, with

hyperlinked official vocabulary just above.
Pun vocabulary is in red, whenever the meaning differs.
Pun decryption is not an exact science. Please read the
introduction, the interchangeability rules, and judge
yourself whether I got it right.
An encrypted spook message does not automatically mean
that the literal meaning is wrong, or that the encrypted
meaning is the truth. Still, religious readers should
proceed with care.

Reuben — Lordship by birthright

must withdraw into a cover.

Genesis 49:3

Encrypted: Lordship, leadership & rulership [by]

birthright, you [are] my might and the beginning of my
strength, the advantage of a high position and the
advantage of power.

Official: Reuben my firstborn, you [are] my might and

the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity
and the excellency of power. 5/78
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Lordship, leadership & rulership

rbwn: master, lord, ruler; rbnw: leadership, rule; rbnwt:
authority, superiority
rˀwbn   ‫ראובן‬
rˀwbn: Reuben

[by] birthright, you [are] my might

bkr: birthright ˀth: you kḥ: might, power
bkry   ‫בכרי‬ ˀth   ‫ אתה‬kḥy   ‫כחי‬
bkr: firstborn ˀth: you kḥ: might, power
my firstborn, you [are] my might

and the beginning of my strength,

rˀšyt: beginning ˀwn: strength
wrˀšyt   ‫ וראשית‬ˀwny   ‫אוני‬
rˀšyt: beginning ˀwn: strength
and the beginning of my strength, 6/78
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the advantage of a high position

ytr: advantage, profitable, rich, great šˀt: strength, high position
ytr   ‫יתר‬ šˀt   ‫שאת‬
ytr: excel, excess šˀt: majesty, dignity
the excellency of dignity

and the advantage of power.

ytr: advantage, profitable, rich, great ˁz: power
wytr   ‫ויתר‬ ˁz   ‫עז‬
ytr: excel, excess ˁz: power
and the excellency of power.

Genesis 49:3

Genesis 49:4

Encrypted: [But] uncontrolled as the people [are], not

you will prosper, unless you withdraw [into] the cover
of smoke & confusion, then you can fool [them]. [Into]
the background you [must] withdraw. 7/78
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Official: [But] uncontrolled as the waters not you shall

excel, because you went up [to] the bed of your father,
then you defiled [it]. [To] my couch he went up.

[But] uncontrolled as the people [are], not

pḥz: uncontrolled k-: as; ˁmym: people ˀl: not
pḥz   ‫פחז‬ kmym   ‫כמים‬ ˀl   ‫אל‬
pḥz: uncontrolled k-: as; mym: waters ˀl: not
[But] uncontrolled as the waters not

you will prosper, unless

t-: will; ytr: prosper, survive ky: unless
twtr   ‫תותר‬ ky   ‫כי‬
t-: will; ytr: excel ky: because
you shall excel, because

you withdraw [into] the cover

ˁlh: withdraw, go away m-: of; šgb: cover
ˁlyt   ‫עלית‬ mškby   ‫משכבי‬
ˁlh: go up mškb: bed, couch
you went up [to] the bed 8/78
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of smoke & confusion, then

ˀbk: smoke, confused, perplex ˀz: then
ˀbyk   ‫אביך‬ ˀz   ‫אז‬
ˀby: father; -k: your ˀz: then
of your father, then

you can fool [them]. [Into] the background

hll: deride, fool, foolish yṣˁ: spread, background
ḥllt   ‫חללת‬ yṣwˁy   ‫יצועי‬
ḥll: bore, pierce, profane yṣwˁ: bed, couch
you defiled [it]. [To] my couch

you [must] withdraw.

ˁlh: withdraw, go away
ˁlh   ‫עלה‬
ˁlh: go up
he went up.

Genesis 49:4 9/78
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Simeon & Levi — Break the violent

troublemakers with veiled ruling.

Genesis 49:5

Encrypted: The idiots & troublemakers [if] joined

together [are easily] angered, instruments of violence
[are] their weapons.

Official: Simeon and Levi [are] brothers, instruments

of violence [are] their swords. 10/78
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The idiots & troublemakers

šˁmmn: troublesome person; šˁmwm: idiot
šmˁwn   ‫שמעון‬
šmˁwn: Simeon

[if] joined together [are easily] angered,

ˀlw: if; lwy: join, connect ḥmm: hot, heated, excited, angry
wlwy   ‫ולוי‬ ˀḥym   ‫אחים‬
lwy: Levi ˀḥym: brothers
and Levi [are] brothers, 11/78
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instruments of violence
kly: instrument, vessel, weapon ḥms: violence
kly   ‫כלי‬ ḥms   ‫חמס‬
kly: instrument, vessel, weapon ḥms: violence
instruments of violence

[are] their weapons.

mkrt: swords, weapons; hm: their
mkrtyhm   ‫מכרתיהם‬
mkrt: swords, weapons; hm: their
[are] their swords.

Genesis 49:5

Genesis 49:6

Encrypted: Into their conversations & circles not let

enter my intentions, to their crowds & hordes not let be
known my importance & wealth, because in their anger
they will slay [even] a lord, and in their will can uproot
[even] a ruler. 12/78
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Official: Their council not let enter my soul, to their

assembly not let be united my honor, because in their
anger they slew a man, and in their will they hamstrung
[??] an ox [???].

Into their conversations & circles not

b-: in; swd: intimate, circle, converse; -m: their ˀl: not
bsdm   ‫בסדם‬ ˀl   ‫אל‬
b-: with; swd: council, company; -m: their ˀl: not
Their council not

let enter my intentions,

t-: will; bwˀ: enter npš: greedy, desire, intent
tbˀ   ‫תבא‬ npšy   ‫נפשי‬
t-: will; bwˀ: enter npš: soul
let enter my soul,

to their crowds & hordes not

b-: in; qhl: crowd, horde; -m: their ˀl: not
bqhlm   ‫בקהלם‬ ˀl   ‫אל‬
b-: with; qhl: assembly; -m: their ˀl: not
to their assembly not 13/78
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let be known
t-: will; hwdˁ: know, make known
tḥd   ‫תחד‬
t-: will; ˀḥd: united
let be united

my importance & wealth,

kbd: important, rich, make oneself rich; kbdh: wealth
kbdy   ‫כבדי‬
kbd: honor
my honor,

because in their anger they will slay

ky: because b-: in; ˀp: anger; -m: their hrg: kill, slay
ky   ‫כי‬ bˀpm   ‫באפם‬ hrgw   ‫הרגו‬
ky: because b-: in; ˀp: anger; -m: their hrg: kill, slay
because in their anger they slew 14/78
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[even] a lord, and in their will

ˀyš: lord b-: in; rṣwn: will, desire, as would; -m: their
ˀyš   ‫איש‬ wbrṣnm   ‫וברצנם‬
ˀyš: man b-: in; rṣwn: will, desire, as would; -m: their
a man, and in their will

can uproot
ˁqr: hamstring, pluck, uproot
ˁqrw   ‫עקרו‬
ˁqr: hamstring, pluck, uproot
they hamstrung [??]

[even] a ruler.
šwr: appoint ruler; šr: prince, ruler
šwr   ‫שור‬
šwr: ox
an ox [???].

Genesis 49:6

Genesis 49:7 15/78
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Encrypted: Curse their anger, for it is strong, and their

wrath, for it is stubborn. I will divide them with
prevention / spycraft / deception and break them with
veiled rulership.

Official: Curse their anger, for it is strong, and their

wrath, for it is cruel. I will divide them in Jacob and
scatter them in Israel.

Curse their anger, for it is strong,

ˀrr: curse ˀp: anger; -m: their ky: for ˁz: strong
ˀrwr   ‫ ארור‬ˀpm   ‫אפם‬ ky   ‫ כי‬ˁz   ‫עז‬
ˀrr: curse ˀp: anger; -m: their ky: for ˁz: strong
Curse their anger, for it is strong,

and their wrath, for

ˁbrh: anger, wrath, fury; -m: their ky: for
wˁbrtm   ‫ועברתם‬ ky   ‫כי‬
ˁbrh: anger, wrath, fury; -m: their ky: for
and their wrath, for 16/78
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it is stubborn. I will divide them

qšth: cruel, hard, stubborn ḥlq: divide, oppose; -m: them
qšth   ‫קשתה‬ ˀḥlqm   ‫אחלקם‬
qšth: cruel, hard, stubborn ḥlq: divide, oppose; -m: them
it is cruel. I will divide them

with prevention / spycraft / deception

b-: with; ˁqb: deceitful, hinder, prevent, espy
byˁqb   ‫ביעקב‬
b-: in; yˁqb: Jacob
in Jacob

and break them with veiled rulership.

pwṣ: break, spread; -m: them b-: with; šr: ruler; rˁl: veil
wˀpyṣm   ‫ואפיצם‬ byšrˀl   ‫בישראל‬
pwṣ: pieces, scatter; -m: them b-: in; yšrˀl: Israel
and scatter them in Israel.

Genesis 49:7 17/78
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Judah — The veiled informant

subjugates the oppressed as one of

Genesis 49:8

Encrypted: Veiled / informant, [to?] you shall praise

your brothers. Your hand [shall be] behind your
enemies, [and] shall bow down before you [even] the
people who are your enemies.

Official: Judah [praiser], [to?] you shall praise your

brothers. Your hand [shall be] on the neck of your
enemies, [and] shall bow down before you the [other]
sons of your father. 18/78
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Veiled / informant, [to?] you

hwdyˁ: inform, tell; yˁṭh: veil ˀth: you
yhwdh   ‫יהודה‬ ˀth   ‫אתה‬
yhwdh: Judah ˀth: you
Judah [praiser], [to?] you

shall praise your brothers.

ydh: praise; -k: you ˀḥ: brothers; -k: your
ywdwk   ‫ יודוך‬ˀḥyk   ‫אחיך‬
ydh: praise; -k: you ˀḥ: brothers; -k: your
shall praise your brothers.

Your hand [shall be] behind

yd: hand; -k: your b-: in; ˁrp: neck, rear
ydk   ‫ידך‬ bˁrp   ‫בערף‬
yd: hand; -k: your b-: in; ˁrp: neck, rear
Your hand [shall be] on the neck 19/78
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your enemies, [and] shall bow down

ˀyb: enemy; -k: your šḥh: bow down, worship
ˀybyk   ‫איביך‬ yštḥww   ‫ישתחוו‬
ˀyb: enemy; -k: your šḥh: bow down, worship
of your enemies, [and] shall bow down

before you [even] the people

lk: to you bn: man, member
lk   ‫לך‬ bny   ‫בני‬
lk: to you bn: son
before you the [other] sons

who are your enemies.

ˀyb: enemy; -k: your
ˀbyk   ‫אביך‬
ˀby: father; -k: your
of your father.

Genesis 49:8

Genesis 49:9 20/78
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Encrypted: Converted to / a stranger [by] appearance

the veiled / informant [is]. From being seized as prey
my son you have elevated yourself. He subjugates the
pressing crowd as [one of] the enemy, and as an
oppressed who could accuse / rise against him?

Official: Whelp of a lion Judah [is]. From the seized

prey my son you have gone up. He bows down, he lies
down as a lion, and as a lion who shall rouse him?

Converted to / a stranger
gwr: convert, be a stranger; gr: stranger; grˁ: inferior
gwr   ‫גור‬
gwr: cub, whelp

[by] appearance
rˀy: appear; rˀyh: look; hrˀh: show, shown; hrˀyh: showing
ˀryh   ‫אריה‬
ˀryh: lion
of a lion 21/78
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the veiled / informant [is].

hwdyˁ: inform, tell; yˁṭh: veil
yhwdh   ‫יהודה‬
yhwdh: Judah
Judah [is].

From being seized as prey my son

m-: from; ṭrp: strike, seize, prey bn: son; -y: my
mṭrp   ‫מטרף‬ bny   ‫בני‬
m-: from; ṭrp: strike, seize, prey bn: son; -y: my
From the seized prey my son

you have elevated yourself. He subjugates

ˁly: go up krˁ: cast down, subdue
ˁlyt   ‫עלית‬ krˁ   ‫כרע‬
ˁly: go up krˁ: bow down
you have gone up. He bows down, 22/78
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the pressing crowd

rbwṣy: pressing crowd; rbṣ: press, oppress
rbṣ   ‫רבץ‬
rbṣ: lie down
he lies down

as [one of] the enemy,

k-: as; rˀy: appear; rˀyh: look; ˁr: hater, enemy, foe
kˀryh   ‫כאריה‬
k-: as; ˀry: lion; ˀryh: lion
as a lion, 23/78
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and as an oppressed who

k-: as; ˁlb: oppressed my: who
wklbyˀ   ‫וכלביא‬ my   ‫מי‬
k-: as; lbyˀ: lion my: who
and as a lion who

could accuse / rise against him?

qwm: rise against, make stand, confirm, accuse
yqymnw   ‫יקימנו‬
qwm: stand, rise, arise, rouse
shall rouse him?

Genesis 49:9

Genesis 49:10

Encrypted: Not shall be removed the web / veil [??]

from the veiled / informant, nor the imitation from
among the spy until that is reached [full] deception &
delusion, and [then] to him [shall be] the obedience of
the people. 24/78
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Official: Not shall depart the scepter from Judah, nor

the staff from between his feet [???] until that comes
Shiloh, and to him [shall be] the obedience of the

Not shall be removed

lˀ: not swr: remove, take off, character
lˀ   ‫ לא‬yswr   ‫יסור‬
lˀ: not swr: cease, remove
Not shall depart

the web / veil [??]

šbṭ: pressed, smooth cloth, make web close; šwbṭˀ: dissimulation
šbṭ   ‫שבט‬
šbṭ: scepter
the scepter

from the veiled / informant,

m-: from; hwdyˁ: inform, tell; yˁṭh: veil
myhwdh   ‫מיהודה‬
m-: from; yhwdh: Judah
from Judah, 25/78
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nor the imitation

m-: of; ḥqh: imitated, imitate customs
wmḥqq   ‫ומחקק‬
m-: from; ḥqq: staff, scepter
nor the staff

from among the spy until

m-: from; byn: among, between rgl: spy ˁd: until
mbyn   ‫מבין‬ rglyw   ‫ רגליו‬ˁd   ‫עד‬
m-: from; byn: among, between rgl: foot, feet ˁd: until
from between his feet [???] until

that is reached
ky: that bwˀ: come, reach, happen
ky   ‫ כי‬ybˀ   ‫יבא‬
ky: that bwˀ: come, reach, happen
that comes 26/78
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[full] deception & delusion,

šlh: false hopes, deceived, misled; šly: let go astray; hšlyh:
šylh   ‫שילה‬
šylh: Shiloh; šlh: quiet, at ease

and [then] to him [shall be] the obedience

lw: to him yqht: obedience
wlw   ‫ולו‬ yqht   ‫יקהת‬
lw: to him yqht: obedience
and to him [shall be] the obedience

of the people.
ˁmym: people
ˁmym   ‫עמים‬
ˁmym: people
of the people.

Genesis 49:10 27/78
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Genesis 49:11

Encrypted: He wraps to his body / self an appearance,

and to his whispering [?] a built-up deceit. He conquers
with his appearance of leadership, and with his disguise
of hollow / proclamations [???] he seduces.

Official: He binds to the vine his donkey, and to the

choice vine the colt of his [female] donkey. He washes
in wine his garments, and in the blood of grapes his

He wraps
ˀsr: bind, harness, wrap
ˀsry   ‫אסרי‬
ˀsr: bind, harness, wrap
He binds

to his body / self an appearance,

l-: for; gwpny: bodily; gwp: body, self ˁyr: appear, watch
lgpn   ‫לגפן‬ ˁyrh   ‫עירה‬
l-: to; gpn: vine ˁyr: donkey
to the vine his donkey, 28/78
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and to his whispering [?] a built-up

l-: for; šrq: plaster, smear, whistle, whisper bnh: build
wlšrqh   ‫ולשרקה‬ bny   ‫בני‬
l-: to; šrq: choice vine bn: son, child
and to the choice vine the colt

deceit. He conquers
ˁtnyˀ: deceitful, dishonest kbš: subdue, press, conquer
ˀtnw   ‫אתנו‬ kbs   ‫כבס‬
ˀtn: female donkey kbs: wash, launder
of his [female] donkey. He washes

with his appearance

b-: with; ˁyn: look, appearance, gleam, sparkle
byyn   ‫ביין‬
b-: in; yyn: wine
in wine 29/78
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of leadership, and with his disguise

šwbl: leading; šbl: lead, leader b-: with; dmy: disguise
lbšw   ‫לבשו‬ wbdm   ‫ובדם‬
lbwš: clothing, dress, covering b-: in; dm: blood
his garments, and in the blood

of hollow / proclamations [???]

nbˀ: inspire, prophesy, proclaim; nby: predict; nbb: hollow
ˁnbym   ‫ענבים‬
ˁnb: grape
of grapes

he seduces.
swt: mislead, entice, seduce, allure
swth   ‫סותה‬
swt: clothes, robes
his clothes.

Genesis 49:11

Genesis 49:12 30/78
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Encrypted: More rustic [are] his appearances than

[actual] poor people, and humbler his disguises than
[actual] humiliated people.

Official: Darker [are] his eyes than wine, and whiter

his teeth than milk.

More rustic [are] his appearances

ḥqly: rustic, peasant ˁyn: look, appearance
ḥklyly   ‫ חכלילי‬ˁynym   ‫עינים‬
ḥklyl: dark, red ˁyn: eye
Darker [are] his eyes

than [actual] poor people, and humbler

m-: than; ˁny: humble, needy, poor ˁlbwn: humiliation
myyn   ‫מיין‬ wlbn   ‫ולבן‬
m-: than; yyn: wine lbn: white
than wine, and whiter 31/78
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his disguises than [actual] humiliated people.

šnˀ: disguise m-: than; ˁlb: humiliated
šnym   ‫ שנים‬mḥlb   ‫מחלב‬
šn: tooth m-: than; ḥlb: milk
his teeth than milk.

Genesis 49:12

Zebulun — Entertainment shall cover

up the poverty & desolation.

Genesis 49:13

Encrypted: Entertainment / manure to cover & bend

the people shall be established, and it [shall be] to cover
up the poverty, and a bandage upon the desolation.

Official: Zebulun by the shore of the sea shall dwell,

and he [shall be] a haven for ships, and his border upon
Sidon 32/78
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Entertainment / manure
zbl: entertain, dung, manure
zbwln   ‫זבולן‬
zbwln: Zebulun

to cover & bend

l-: to; ḥwp: bend over; ḥph: cover, invent fictions
lḥwp   ‫לחוף‬
l-: to; ḥwp: coast, shore
by the shore

the people shall be established,

ˁmym: people škn: establish
ymym   ‫ ימים‬yškn   ‫ישכן‬
ymym: sea škn: dwell, settle
of the sea shall dwell, 33/78
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and it [shall be]

hwˀ: he, it
whwˀ   ‫והוא‬
hwˀ: he, it
and he [shall be]

to cover up
l-: to; ḥwp: bend over; ḥph: cover, invent fictions
lḥwp   ‫לחוף‬
l-: to; ḥwp: coast, shore
a haven for

the poverty,
ˁnywt: poverty; ˁnwt: affliction; ˁntˀ: oppressor
ˀnywt   ‫אניות‬
ˀnywt: ships
ships, 34/78
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and a bandage upon

ˁrqh: strap; ˁrq: bandage ˁl: upon, over
wyrktw   ‫וירכתו‬ ˁl   ‫על‬
yrkh: border, side ˁl: upon, over
and his border upon

the desolation.
ṣdw: desolation, affliction; -n: -tion, -er; ṣydny: hypocrite
ṣydn   ‫צידן‬
ṣydn: Sidon

Genesis 49:13

Issachar — A fake persona makes the

oppressed more pleasant.

Genesis 49:14 35/78
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Encrypted: The fake persona [is] a veil strong / of the

self, [to] crouch down during [times of] punishment.

Official: Issachar [is] a donkey strong, lying down

between the burdens.

The fake persona

ˀyš: man, person; šqr: liar, lie, falsehood, deception, act falsely
yšškr   ‫יששכר‬
yšškr: Issachar

[is] a veil strong / of the self,

ḥmr: cover; ḫmˀr: veil grm: self
ḥmr   ‫חמר‬ grm   ‫גרם‬
ḥmr: donkey grm: strong
[is] a donkey strong, 36/78
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[to] crouch down during [times of]

rbṣ: lie down, crouch down, rest byn: during
rbṣ   ‫רבץ‬ byn   ‫בין‬
rbṣ: lie down, crouch down, rest byn: between, among
lying down between

m-: of; špṭ: judgment, punishment, quarrel; ym: (plural)
hmšptym   ‫המשפתים‬
mšpt: heap, burden; ym: (plural)
the burdens.

Genesis 49:14

Genesis 49:15

Encrypted: And he saw the leadership that [it was]

better [this way], and that the oppressed that [they
were] more pleasant [this way]. So he let himself down
[to] simpleness to bear [this] burden and became [one
under] the mask of a slave. 37/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Official: And he saw the rest that [it was] good, and
that the land that [it was] was pleasant. And he bowed
his shoulder to bear [a burden] and became a band of

And he saw the leadership

yrˀ: see m-: of; nḥh: lead, guide, govern
wyrˀ   ‫ וירא‬mnḥh   ‫מנחה‬
yrˀ: see m-: of; nḥ: rest; nḥh: rest
And he saw the rest

that [it was] better [this way], and that

ky: that ṭwb: good ˀt: to
ky   ‫כי‬ ṭwb   ‫טוב‬ wˀt   ‫ואת‬
ky: that ṭwb: good ˀt: to
that [it was] good, and that

the oppressed that [they were]

rṣṣ: oppressed ky: that
hˀrṣ   ‫ הארץ‬ky   ‫כי‬
ˀrṣ: land ky: that
the land that [it was] 38/78
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more pleasant [this way]. So he let himself down

nˁm: pleasant, sweet nṭh: bend, bow down, turn
nˁmh   ‫נעמה‬ wyṭ   ‫ויט‬
nˁm: pleasant, sweet nṭh: bend, bow down, turn
was pleasant. And he bowed

[to] simpleness
šḥm: vile, profane; šḥym: simple
škmw   ‫שכמו‬
škm: shoulder
his shoulder 39/78
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to bear [this] burden and became [one under]

l-: to; sbl: carry, bear, burden yhy: be, become
lsbl   ‫לסבל‬ wyhy   ‫ויהי‬
l-: to; sbl: carry, bear, burden yhy: be, become
to bear [a burden] and became

the mask of a slave.

l-: to; mswh: cover, veil, mask ˁbd: servant, slave
lms   ‫למס‬ ˁbd   ‫עבד‬
l-: to; ms: labour-band, slave-gang ˁbd: servant, slave
a band of slaves.

Genesis 49:15

Dan — Religion shall subdue the

people, and guard against

Genesis 49:16 40/78
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Encrypted: Religious / devotion shall subdue the

people as one of the webs of veiled rulership.

Official: Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes

of Israel

Religious / devotion
dnw: obeisance, humility, devotion; dyn: religion
dn   ‫דן‬
dn: Dan

shall subdue the people

dny: submit, prostrate, subdue ˁm: people
ydyn   ‫ידין‬ ˁmw   ‫עמו‬
dyn: judge, punish ˁm: people
shall judge his people 41/78
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as one
k-: as; ˀḥd: one
kˀḥd   ‫כאחד‬
k-: as; ˀḥd: one
as one

of the webs
šbṭ: pressed, smooth cloth, make web close; šwbṭˀ: dissimulation
šbṭy   ‫שבטי‬
šbṭ: tribe
of the tribes

of veiled rulership.
šr: ruler; rˁl: veil
yšrˀl   ‫ישראל‬
yšrˀl: Israel
of Israel

Genesis 49:16

Genesis 49:17 42/78
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Encrypted: Shall be religious / devotion an enchanted

whisper against complaining / trouble-makers, a
blaming & censuring against evidence & understanding
[??], that weeds out investigation / overreach [by]
disturbing / examination, so that is thrown down any
bold speaker [by] the others [??].

Official: Shall be Dan a serpent by the way, a viper by

the path, that bites the heels of the horse, so that falls
the rider backward.

Shall be religious / devotion

yhy: be dnw: obeisance, humility, devotion; dyn: religion
yhy   ‫ יהי‬dn   ‫דן‬
yhy: be dn: Dan
Shall be Dan

an enchanted whisper
nḥš: divine, whisper, enchantment, superstition
nḥš   ‫נחש‬
nḥš: a serpent
a serpent 43/78
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ˁl: against; ˁly: remove, withdraw
ˁly   ‫עלי‬
ˁl: on, above; ˁly: by

complaining / trouble-makers,
ṭrk: complain, trouble; ṭrkn: trouble-maker
drk   ‫דרך‬
drk: way
the way,

a blaming & censuring

špp: crush, brush off, collapse; špwpyn: blame, censure
špypn   ‫שפיפן‬
špypn: horned viper
a viper 44/78
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ˁl: against; ˁly: remove, withdraw
ˁly   ‫עלי‬
ˁl: by

evidence & understanding [??],

ḥˀr: free; ḥwr: freedom, clear, transparent, evident, understand
ˀrḥ   ‫ארח‬
ˀrḥ: path
the path,

that weeds out investigation / overreach

nkš: strike, weed ˁqb: track, seek, investigate, overreach
hnšk   ‫ הנשך‬ˁqby   ‫עקבי‬
nšk: bite ˁqb: heel
that bites the heels 45/78
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[by] disturbing / examination,

sws: examine; šwš: bright, quick, disturb
sws   ‫סוס‬
sws: horse
of the horse,

so that is thrown down

npl: fell, fall, bring down
wypl   ‫ויפל‬
npl: fell, fall, bring down
so that falls

any bold speaker [by] the others [??].

rḥb: proud, ambitious, speak boldly ˀḥr: other
rkbw   ‫רכבו‬ ˀḥwr   ‫אחור‬
rkb: rider ˀḥwr: back, backward
the rider backward.

Genesis 49:17

Genesis 49:18 46/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Encrypted: [So] for your smoothness / hypocrisy,

[simply] invoke the creator.

Official: For your salvation I wait, Yahweh.

[So] for your smoothness / hypocrisy,

l-: to; šˁwˁ: smooth, smooth-talking, hypocrisy; -k: your
lyšwˁtk   ‫לישועתך‬
l-: to; yšwˁh: salvation; -k: your
For your salvation

[simply] invoke
qwh: call, invoke
qwyty   ‫קויתי‬
qwh: wait
I wait,

the creator.
hwy: create, produce, make; hwyw: creation
yhwh   ‫יהוה‬
yhwh: Yahweh
Yahweh. 47/78
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Genesis 49:18

Gad — Rebels can overcome troops,

but not deception.

Genesis 49:19

Encrypted: [As for] troops, rebels can attack them, but

it [will always become] triumphant the deception.

Official: Gad, the troops will attack him, but he [will

become] triumphant at last. 48/78
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[As for] troops,

gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome
gd   ‫גד‬
gd: Gad, luck

gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome
gdwd   ‫גדוד‬
gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome
the troops

can attack them,

gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome
ygwdnw   ‫יגודנו‬
gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome
will attack him, 49/78
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but it [will always become]

hwˀ: he, it
whwˀ   ‫והוא‬
hwˀ: he, it
but he [will become]

gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome
ygd   ‫יגד‬
gdd: troop, rebel; gwd: attack, overcome

the deception.
ˁqb: deceitful; ˁqbh: crookedness, cunning
ˁqb   ‫עקב‬
ˁqb: last
at last.

Genesis 49:19 50/78
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Asher — War is for enrichment &

enjoyment of the royalty.

Genesis 49:20

Encrypted: For enrichment [shall be] planned wars &

battles, and they shall [also] yield enjoyment &
pleasure for the royalty.

Official: From Asher rich [shall be] the bread, and he

shall yield delicacies royal. 51/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

For enrichment
m-: since, because; ˁšr: rich, enrich, riches, wealth
mˀšr   ‫מאשר‬
m-: from; ˀšr: Asher
From Asher

[shall be] planned

zmn: plan, plot, prepare, appointed time
šmnh   ‫שמנה‬
šmn: rich, fat

wars & battles, and they

lḥm: war, battle hwˀ: he, it, they
lḥmw   ‫לחמו‬ whwˀ   ‫והוא‬
lḥm: bread hwˀ: he, it, they
[shall be] the bread, and he 52/78
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shall [also] yield enjoyment & pleasure

ntn: give, yield m-: of; ˁdn: enjoy, delight
ytn   ‫יתן‬ mˁdny   ‫מעדני‬
ntn: give, yield mˁdn: delicacies; m-: of; ˁdn: pleasure
shall yield delicacies

for the royalty.

mlk: king, royal
mlk   ‫מלך‬
mlk: king, royal

Genesis 49:20

Naphtali — Contortion is leadership

set free.

Genesis 49:21 53/78
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Encrypted: Contortion is leadership set free, that

provides a [kind of] commanding [that works]

Official: Naphtali is a deer set free, that bears fawns

[that are] beautiful.

n-: make; ptl: twist, contortion, pervert, crooked
nptly   ‫נפתלי‬
nptly: Naphtali

is leadership set free,

ˀyl: head, chief, leader šlḥ: free, set free
ˀylh   ‫אילה‬ šlḥh   ‫שלחה‬
ˀyl: deer; ˀylh: doe šlḥ: free, set free
is a deer set free, 54/78
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that provides
ntn: give, provide, make available
hntn   ‫הנתן‬
ntn: give, provide, make available
that bears

a [kind of] commanding

ˀmr: say, command, order, oppressive, think
ˀmry   ‫אמרי‬
ˀmr: lamb

[that works] beautifully.

špr: beautiful
špr   ‫שפר‬
špr: beautiful
[that are] beautiful.

Genesis 49:21 55/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Joseph — Veils ensnare the eyes,

gilded by the power of deception.

Genesis 49:22

Encrypted: A structure fruitful [is] a veil / of forgery, a

structure / built so detailed & deceptive upon the eye.
Its perception ensnares / affixes the eyes upon [its]

Official: A bough fruitful [is] Joseph, a bough fruitful

by a well. His branches run over the wall. 56/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

A structure fruitful
bnh: build; bnyh: structure, building prt: fruit, fruitful
bn   ‫בן‬ prt   ‫פרת‬
bn: one, son, offspring, bough prt: fruit, fruitful
A bough fruitful

[is] a veil / of forgery,

ṣˁyp: veil; zyp: forge, falsify, counterfeit
ywsp   ‫יוסף‬
ywsp: Joseph
[is] Joseph,

a structure / built
bnh: build; bnyh: structure, building
bn   ‫בן‬
bn: son, offspring, bough
a bough 57/78
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so detailed & deceptive upon

prṭ: specified, detailed, detail, play, deceive ˁl: by, on
prt   ‫פרת‬ ˁly   ‫עלי‬
prt: fruit, fruitful ˁl: by, on
fruitful by

the eye. Its perception

ˁyn: eye, look, appearance byn: understand, perceive, observe
ˁyn   ‫עין‬ bnwt   ‫בנות‬
ˁyn: well bn: son, offspring, bough
a well. His branches 58/78
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ensnares / affixes the eyes upon

ṣdd: fix eyes; ṣydˀ: ensnare; ṣdˀ: mock ˁl: upon, above
ṣˁdh   ‫צעדה‬ ˁly   ‫עלי‬
ṣˁd: step, run ˁl: upon, above
run over

[its] look.
šwr: look, behold, regard
šwr   ‫שור‬
šwr: wall
the wall.

Genesis 49:22

Genesis 49:23

Encrypted: And it [would] bitterly aggrieve the

multitudes, and [would] hate [it] [all] those who are

Official: And bitterly grieved [him] and shot and hated

[him] the owners of arrows. 59/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

And it [would] bitterly aggrieve

mrr: bitter, trouble, grieve
wymrrhw   ‫וימררהו‬
mrr: bitter, trouble, grieve
And bitterly grieved [him]

the multitudes, and [would] hate [it]

rb: multitude; rbˀ: multitude šṭm: hate
wrbw   ‫ורבו‬ wyšṭmhw   ‫וישטמהו‬
rbb: shoot šṭm: hate
and shot and hated [him]

[all] those who are outsiders.

bˁl: member ḥwṣ: outside; ḥwṣh: outsider
bˁly   ‫בעלי‬ ḥṣym   ‫חצים‬
bˁl: owner, master ḥṣ: arrow
the owners of arrows.

Genesis 49:23

Genesis 49:24 60/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Encrypted: But remains in strength its decoration, [as]

is gilded the veil of leadership, by means of the power
of deception. From there [comes] the appearance
[which] establishes a veiled ruler.

Official: But remained in strength his bow, were made

strong the arms of his hands, by the hands of the mighty
[God] of Jacob. From there [is] the shepherd [which is]
the stone of Israel.

But remains in strength

t-: will; yšb: remain b-: in; ˀytn: firm, strength
wtšb   ‫ותשב‬ bˀytn   ‫באיתן‬
t-: will; yšb: remain b-: in; ˀytn: firm, strength
But remained in strength

its decoration, [as] is gilded

qšṭ: prepare, arrange, adorn, decorate pzz: leap, dance, gilded
qštw   ‫קשתו‬ wypzw   ‫ויפזו‬
qšt: bow; qšṭ: bow pzz: made strong, agile
his bow, were made strong 61/78
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the veil of leadership,

ˀzr: bind, gird; ˀzˀr: veil hdy: lead, leading, leader
zrˁy   ‫זרעי‬ ydyw   ‫ידיו‬
zrwˁ: arm yd: hand
the arms of his hands,

by means of the power

byd: by means ˀbyr: strong, mighty
mydy   ‫ מידי‬ˀbyr   ‫אביר‬
m-: by; yd: hand ˀbyr: strong, mighty
by the hands of the mighty [God]

of deception.
ˁqb: deceitful; ˁqbh: crookedness, cunning
yˁqb   ‫יעקב‬
yˁqb: Jacob
of Jacob. 62/78
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From there [comes] the appearance

m-: from; šm: there rˀh: look, show, appear
mšm   ‫משם‬ rˁh   ‫רעה‬
m-: from; šm: there rˁh: shepherd, lead, guide
From there [is] the shepherd

[which] establishes a veiled ruler.

bnh: build, construct, establish šr: ruler; rˁl: veil
ˀbn   ‫אבן‬ yšrˀl   ‫ישראל‬
ˀbn: stone yšrˀl: Israel
[which is] the stone of Israel.

Genesis 49:24

Genesis 49:25

Encrypted: The fraud will surround you and veil you,

and the mockery will veil you with a mantle of
confusion to distinguish [you]. Veils to amaze the
crowds below, veils of hatred and of love. 63/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Official: By the God [who is] of your father and [?]

who will help you, and by the Almighty who will bless
you [with] blessings of heaven above. Blessings of the
deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of
the womb.

The fraud
mˁl: circumvent, defraud; mˁlh: distinguish
mˀl   ‫מאל‬
m-: by; ˀl: god, God
By the God

will surround you

ˀby: embrace, surround; -k: you
ˀbyk   ‫אביך‬
ˀby: father; -k: your
[who is] of your father

and veil you, and

ˀzˀr: veil; -k: you ˀt: to
wyˁzrk   ‫ויעזרך‬ wˀt   ‫ואת‬
ˁzr: help; -k: you ˀt: to
and [?] who will help you, and 64/78
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the mockery will veil you

ṣdy: deride, play, mock brq: blockade, veil; -k: you
šdy   ‫שדי‬ wybrkk   ‫ויברכך‬
šdy: Almighty brk: bless; -k: you
by the Almighty who will bless you

with a mantle
b-: with; rqˁ: patch, garment; rqyˁh: mantle
brkt   ‫ברכת‬
brk: blessing
[with] blessings

of confusion
šmm: astonish, confound; šˁmymw: mental confusion
šmym   ‫שמים‬
šmym: heaven
of heaven 65/78
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to distinguish [you].
mˁl: circumvent, defraud; mˁlh: distinguish
mˁl   ‫מעל‬
m-: from; ˁl: above

Veils to amaze
brq: blockade, veil tmh: astound, amaze
brkt   ‫ברכת‬ thwm   ‫תהום‬
brk: blessing thwm: deep
Blessings of the deep

the crowds
rbwṣy: pressing crowd; rbṣ: press, oppress
rbṣt   ‫רבצת‬
rbṣ: lie down
that lies 66/78
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below, veils of hatred

tḥt: beneath, below brq: blockade, veil šṭm: hate, hatred
tḥt   ‫תחת‬ brkt   ‫ברכת‬ šdym   ‫שדים‬
tḥt: beneath, below brk: blessing šdym: breasts
beneath, blessings of the breasts

and of love.
rḥm: womb, love
wrḥm   ‫ורחם‬
rḥm: womb, love
and of the womb.

Genesis 49:25

Genesis 49:26

Encrypted: Veils to surround you [to] strengthen upon

[you], veils for the aristocracy down to the lowest /
wandering tax collector. Hidden / forever they shall be
on the head of the deceiver, and on the heads of the
veiled / princes his brothers. 67/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Official: The blessings of your father have excelled

upon, the blessings of my fathers up to the utmost
bounds of the hills. Everlasting they shall be on the
head of Joseph, and on the heads of the princes his

Veils to surround you

brq: blockade, veil ˀby: embrace, surround; -k: you
brkt   ‫ברכת‬ ˀbyk   ‫אביך‬
brk: blessing ˀby: father; -k: your
The blessings of your father

[to] strengthen upon [you], veils

gbr: strong, mighty ˁl: upon brq: blockade, veil
gbrw   ‫גברו‬ ˁl   ‫על‬ brkt   ‫ברכת‬
gbr: excel ˁl: upon brk: blessing
have excelled upon, the blessings

for the aristocracy down to

ḥwr: nobleman; ḥr: noble, nobility ˁd: up to
hwry   ‫הורי‬ ˁd   ‫עד‬
hwr: father ˁd: up to
of my fathers up to 68/78
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the lowest / wandering tax collector.

tty: lower; tˁh: wander gbh: exalted, official, collect taxes
tˀwt   ‫תאות‬ gbˁt   ‫גבעת‬
tˀwh: bound gbˁh: hill
the utmost bounds of the hills.

Hidden / forever they shall be on the head

ˁlm: hidden t-: will; hyy: be l-: to; rˀš: head
ˁwlm   ‫עולם‬ thyyn   ‫ תהיין‬lrˀš   ‫לראש‬
ˁlm: everlasting t-: will; hyy: be l-: to; rˀš: head
Everlasting they shall be on the head

of the deceiver,
zwp: forge, falsify; zyp: counterfeit, deceive
ywsp   ‫יוסף‬
ywsp: Joseph
of Joseph, 69/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

and on the heads of the veiled / princes

l-: to; qdqd: crown of head nˀzr: girded; n-: made; ˀzˀr: veil
wlqdqd   ‫ולקדקד‬ nzyr   ‫נזיר‬
l-: to; qdqd: crown of head nzyr: prince
and on the heads of the princes

his brothers.
ˀḥ: brother
ˀḥyw   ‫אחיו‬
ˀḥ: brother
his brothers.

Genesis 49:26

Benjamin — To the multitudes,

smoothen your appearance through

Genesis 49:27 70/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

Encrypted: The multitudes & crowds [are] wolves

ravenous / confused. With first-classers one [can] reveal
one’s [true] testimony / designation, but to the
multitudes & crowds one [must] smoothen one’s
appearance [through] denial.

Official: Benjamin [is] a wolf ravenous. In the morning

he [shall] devour the prey, and at night he [shall] divide
the spoil.

The multitudes & crowds

bny: men; myn: people; hmwn: crowd, multitude, hordes
bnymyn   ‫בנימין‬
bnymyn: Benjamin; bn: son; ymyn: right

[are] wolves ravenous / confused.

zˀb: wolf ṭrp: confused, unbalance
zˀb   ‫זאב‬ yṭrp   ‫יטרף‬
zˀb: wolf ṭrp: tear, prey, ravenous
[is] a wolf ravenous. 71/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

With first-classers
b-: with; bkr: first, birthright, lead; bkrˀ: first rank
bbqr   ‫בבקר‬
b-: in; bqr: morning
In the morning

one [can] reveal

glˀ: reveal
yˀkl   ‫יאכל‬
ˀkl: devour
he [shall] devour

one’s [true] testimony / designation,

ˁd: proof, evidence, testimony; ˁdh: family; yˁd: designate
ˁd   ‫עד‬
ˁd: prey
the prey, 72/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

but to the multitudes & crowds

l-: to; ˁrbwb: multitude; ˁrbwbyˀ: crowd
wlˁrb   ‫ולערב‬
l-: to; ˁrb: night
and at night

one [must] smoothen one’s appearance

ḥlq: smooth, smoothen, flattery, improve appearance
yḥlq   ‫יחלק‬
ḥlq: divide
he [shall] divide

[through] denial.
šll: remove, deny
šll   ‫שלל‬
šll: spoil
the spoil.

Genesis 49:27 73/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

12 tribes — All these are the webs of

veiled rulership.

Genesis 49:28

Encrypted: [So] all these are the webs of veiled

rulership, disguises of [our] protection. And this [is]
what spoke to them their “father”, and he veiled them,
every one so that according to his own veil he veiled

Official: All these are the tribes of Israel, two [and] ten.
And this [is] what spoke to them their father, and he
blessed them, every one so that according to his own
blessing he blessed them. 74/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

[So] all these are

kl: all ˀlh: these
kl   ‫ כל‬ˀlh   ‫אלה‬
kl: all ˀlh: these
All these are

the webs
šbṭ: pressed, smooth cloth, make web close; šwbṭˀ: dissimulation
šbṭy   ‫שבטי‬
šbṭ: tribe
the tribes

of veiled rulership, disguises

šr: ruler; rˁl: veil šny: disguise; ym: (plural)
yšrˀl   ‫ישראל‬ šnym   ‫שנים‬
yšrˀl: Israel šnym: two
of Israel, two 75/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

of [our] protection. And this [is]

ˁzr: surround, protect; ˀzr: gird; ˀzˀr: veil zˀt: this
ˁšr   ‫עשר‬ wzˀt   ‫וזאת‬
ˁšr: ten zˀt: this
[and] ten. And this [is]

what spoke to them

ˀšr: what dbr: speak lhm: to them
ˀšr   ‫ אשר‬dbr   ‫ דבר‬lhm   ‫להם‬
ˀšr: what dbr: speak lhm: to them
what spoke to them

their “father”, and he veiled them,

ˀby: father; hm: their brq: veil ˀt: to; -m: them
ˀbyhm   ‫ אביהם‬wybrk   ‫ ויברך‬ˀwtm   ‫אותם‬
ˀby: father; hm: their brk: bless ˀt: to; -m: them
their father, and he blessed them, 76/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

every one so that

ˀyš: man ˀšr: who, that
ˀyš   ‫ איש‬ˀšr   ‫אשר‬
ˀyš: man ˀšr: who, that
every one so that

according to his own veil he veiled

k-: according; brq: veil brq: veil
kbrktw   ‫כברכתו‬ brk   ‫ברך‬
k-: according; brk: bless, blessing brk: bless
according to his own blessing he blessed

ˀt: to; -m: them
ˀtm   ‫אתם‬
ˀt: to; -m: them

Genesis 49:28 77/78
12/9/22, 4:32 PM 12 tribes of Israel - Ancient Spooks

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