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Topic: Exploring the impact of the use of presentation, practice, production on EFL beginners acquisition

of English language: case study of CEG SEGBEYA

An essay of Abstract

English is an important language that has many advantages on youth but the acquisition of it lays down
serious problem for beginning English language learners.

A study was then conducted to explore the impact of the use of presentation, practice and production
(3P's) on EFL beginners' acquisition of English language.

The literature review on the use of the (3P's) in English language instruction highlighted the importance
in the acquisition of English language.

Data have been collected through qualitative and quantitative methods and questionnaires have been
addressed to 50 randomly selected teachers of English.

Interviews have been used to ask 130 learner on how they acquire the language through the (3P's).

Classroom observations were used as well to see how the (3P's) are implemented on the process of
acquiring the language.

The results showed that some teachers did not go through the (3P's) learning process to teach their
students showing them, their importance on the acquiring process and students have difficulties to
know the real use of them which leads them to struggle on the acquiring of the language . It was
therefore that English teachers be better informed and trained about the effective use of presentation,
practice and production for good English language acquisition of beginners.


The results showed that students did not really understand the importance of the 3P's which makes
them to struggle on their acquiring of the language.

It was therefore recommended that English teachers be better informed and trained about the effective
use of presentation, practice and production for good English language acquisition of beginners.

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