Gods Killing

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David commits random acts of 73 1 Sam 27-8011 0,000 genocide for the Philistines oat : David spends the day killing a v4 1 Sam 90:17 1,000 Gad kilis Saul, his Sons, and his 1 Sam 31:2, 2 75 |soldiers (because Saul didn’t kill Chr 10:6 100 all the Amatekites) 76 |David kills the messenger 2 Sam 115 4 _, |David killed, mutiiated-and hung |, 2 7? |Rechad and Saanan bss God helps David smite the ‘ 78 [Philistines fram the front and the an 2,000 rear 79 [God killed Uzzah for trying to keep [2 Sam &:6-7, i the ark from falling { Chr 13:9-10 80 |David Killed two-thirds ofthe | |2Sam 82 667 Moabite POWs and enslaved the IT Gs COGG be MT eee aye ee Cel yids) o00'% LOO" ée-tz'6 Gr 1M8'5,pOp Jo esneDeq WRAP oi] 1g) wang 000} PUB PAZESsEU SI AO ¥| 5 ‘ moji9) Sty sUIEBe proms s,uew! ooo'oz: §=—jooo'az. 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God slowly killed the leraelite anny God the giant killer God hardens King Sihon’s heart $0 all his people can be killed Og and all the men women, and children in 60 cities The Jericho massacre Achan and his family esueou) Gunung] [a ae 5°81 IHN 105 queap 0} eidood psz sna poo] *| ‘@nme PeuNG axe Sejjuie) 6 ie ON HON aa pun earn ‘ + SE-ZE'S} wnn| TT ecee muctea We odes ysou04| Ov lov Sp-Seiry ann Pe iay erence cell Oe anGeid jas Aan © yy ooo‘ ELE WINN] — Hoey OWS pI07 Oy “YOO HOM] EL Upamyag INS SEM YSSY OU ORUAA| WneAp OF woA paLung joo. 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LLL “ZL:OL By Z| God killed 27.000 Syrians by 98 1 Ka 20:30 27,000] 27,000 making a wail fall on them Ko ‘God-senta lion to kill a man for not: a9 1 Kg 20:35-36 4 1 smiting a prophet =o 109 [C04 Kited Ahab for nat kilinga [1 Kg 20-42, ; : {eaptured king 22:35 God burned 102 men to death for 101 jasking Elijah to come down fram = |2\Kg 1:10-42 402 402 his hall to [O07 Killed Ahaziah tor asking the [2 Ko 1:16-17, : ; wrong God 2 Chr 22:7-9 God sent bears to kill 42 beys for 103: )making fun of aprophet's baid 2Kg 223-24 42) 42 head 104 |The Lord delivered the Moabites |2 Ka 3:18-25 | 5,000 105 |A skeptic is trampled to death 2Kg 7:2-20 4] 1 FRGUOS JGNGIE | ose lose Owzz-a) Ow L S6| uy suapeor snorGijes OSy Sum Wels aL . “Log sower| 00's paped yelra jo 1yGneup oy! 6] “hat 6H 1 ‘ + Gi-eb:84 Boi 1 wikep- suing uwEZ| £6] oz ZhHeat 8y Spuny} pue Awe; seyseeg! 76) on 67:91 BL Ainwes sweagoser} 46] ‘ b ibe Bey = we 06] JBUROUE S}IPy POD “UOS 8,weOgoso/| L pete BW L ‘siaudosd ov) jo orev] 6B| (ysim| z iz Sr6e7z Sy 1) — pequIeEp s,p;Neq 390) jowIYS) gpI PUR GOP PaZapPUN UOWOIOS) : ee Op OF uy pin (ures jooo‘eez = jong’ oz paces 40) pop lela snsueo e pey pweag| 28] J9 BSNEDSq NNO'OZ PEP PED ‘ Lb uD) sBuqny Guzewe} ene oe Lez wes z| soy pue vow Ausiw spre] - = Puc eu @ugjaq ooo'e le SF ELCMES S| “an Gun eie rig jo-euse Ueneg| gh e ‘ 4 PzL wes zi Aqeq © SiN Aimols POS] ¥B| ae W0z 449) wowmny'yo wedpina! | A SBibE WES Z| OU EOF OP PINE Pip SMyz| 4:09) Sd ‘Zt uO ora ares eee mere wise fed See Pee Waite coer Parse a]

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