"/O.Kjlf"/: Py TT

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Answer Questions 1n NOT MORE THAN
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Content of th Quest
S ec1mon Answ('r Bookl

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t) p:,L, L,; +trnl ph; lo 5;op~ 6J 1,hn , 1,oc.J:.e_ .
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W) philo<;op~ cff Hi~ .
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the Parenthesis must not
Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Worrl L1m1t spe< if1erl for oar.;h in
write on t
Content of the QuAstion is more 1mpnrtnnt than h:mgth margin
Specimen Answer Booklet For Prnctic,e Pur >ose Onl

~) I q,tf) CC'f\t-uf'd lti·I noJ.V C1 -lhR idMlD-

d~ i humM 5.o il\r (OJ)
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Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Limit specified for each in the Parenthesis.
Content of the Question is more important than length .
must not
write on this
( Specimen Answer Booklet - For Practice Purpose Only) margin

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,· ~ q).Qe,~'Nt_ 11\ cJu,1'tU1 ~ ~

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Content of the Question 1s moro important thcin length
• its
°=l'l('l~I wnte on this

( Specimen Answf'r Booklet for Pri1ctiu Purrose Only)

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Answer Questions in NOT MORE THAN the Word Ltm t
of the Question IS moro tm~>c~ri=~:f:~d f<r each 111 the Parenthesis
S )ec1men Answer an enqt11
·----\e,\-\+ ' 8nnklel I or l'racl1<.P Pllrpose. Onl

f0VLRJ 'I :- [r, clo Lon}- 'fbVeR-.TY : ~TNJCJlJ ~/rL

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~~ oG .s u r \,Y\Q . ~~~ vt:H CY1 t J

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(ruol7J f\'\..Orf~ <-cmn c ~ ~.Qn.~..e .

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