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Write at least 2 paragraphs for each item.

1. What are the basic ethical issues to consider when sharing personal information in social networks?
• FREE SPEECH - Despite the fact that democratic philosophy and most people view free speech as
unobtrusive, it may be a deadly weapon in the hands of a small minority if it is used to spread immoral
sentiments like racial or religious hatred in the virtual world via social media.
• DATA LEAKAGE - It is expensive and challenging to secure data security and protection. Data leaking is
still a serious worry even though numerous new solutions for data security and protection have just
entered the market. Users' ignorance of the ethical privacy and protection value of the policies
implemented by each individual social networking site is a major contributor to the problem of data
leakage on these platforms.
• IDENTITY THEFT - It is just one illustration of the many ethical problems with social networking. It is a
method by which offenders pretend to be someone else with the purpose to commit or continue a
crime. The victim shall be held accountable for any negative effects of any impersonators' fraud or
• PRIVACY - Anywhere, including online social network communities, privacy can be breached by the
mishandling, intercepting, and matching of information. Despite the fact that terms and conditions are
always made to be read and accepted during the user's registration process, most of the time, users
ignore the policy and assume everything will be fine, not realizing that they may only be allowing a
gateway access or breach to their valuable personal information.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Data Privacy Act of 2012?
• The benefit of the Data Privacy Act is that it protects people's privacy while enabling the free flow of
information required for development and innovation. The possibility to shut down websites without
prior notice is one of the drawbacks, along with the compromise of free speech, invasion of privacy,
requirement that only good things be uploaded, and the notion that like, sharing, tweeting, or
retweeting posts constitutes libel.

3. Explain why privacy and confidentiality matter in one’s life.

• By limiting who may learn about us and what can be done to us, privacy helps us defend society from
the arbitrary and unjustifiable use of power. It also shields us from those who would like to control our
data and, ultimately, every part of our life. One can avoid potential damages by maintaining privacy and
confidentiality, including psychological harms like shame or discomfort, social harms like job loss or
financial harm, and legal harms like criminal or civil liability. Particularly in the social/behavioral sphere,
where confidentiality and privacy are regularly breached.
4. What can you do to help prevent and effectively manage the spread of identity theft, false
information, and fake news in the country?
• Understand how to spot spam and scams. While some phishing scams can be easily detected, others
may sneak up on you through an email, instant message, social networking site, or website and look
completely real. Never clicking on a link that has been emailed to you is the best method to avoid
becoming a victim of a phishing scam. For instance, if the email purports to be from your bank and
contains all pertinent logos in addition to your name, it might or might not be from your bank. Use a
search engine to locate the website rather than the URL supplied. This will allow you to distinguish
between the real website and a hoax. Find the sources. The reliability of mainstream news depends on
the quality of the sources it draws upon. Stories with a single source of confirmation are less reliable
than those with several sources. This does not preclude the likelihood that they are untrue, since
numerous important leaks and reports have come from lone, anonymous sources. However, before
assuming they are real, especially if they are sensational, acquire confirmation. Never distribute a social
media post without verifying the information.
PERSONAL IDENTITY 1. This is the interpersonal level of self which differentiates the individual as unique
from others.
DIGITAL SELF 2. This is the aspect of the self that is expressed with others through online interactions on
the internet.
DISINHIBITION EFFECT 3. This causes people to believe that they are able to express their “true self”
better online than they ever could in face-to-face contexts.
SELF-PRESENTATION 4. This is the process of controlling how one is perceived by other people.
SOCIAL IDENTITY 5. This is the level of self whereby the individual is identified by his or her group

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