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Teaching Plan

1st week: 14/10/2020 

Objectives: self-presentation, learn how to greet each other, to understand simple
classroom orders, to describe the mood 
1st Block: presentation 
Stage 1: to start with “hello” song as a warmer. 
Stage 2: practice “hello, hi, what’s your name. my name is.....” in the form of
conversation between teacher and students  
Stage 3: ball game further practice above phrase 
2nd Block: learn classroom orders “stand up, sit down, hands up, hand down, stop” 
Stage 1: listen to the song “stand up, sit down” while exercising with the song 
Stage 2: teacher gives the orders and students act 
3rd Block : learn to describe the mood 
Stage 1: show students the flash cards of images, teach them the words “happy”
“sad” “hungry” 
Stage 2: put the cards on the carpet, the teacher says the word and students choose
the image accordingly. Then the teacher asks “how do you feel today”, students
answer “ I am happy/sad/hungry”
Stage 3: drawing activity, in which the students can choose to draw a simple image of
a happy/sad/hungry face

2nd week: 21/10/2020

Objectives: learn about farm animals and some colors

1st Block: warmer 
simple conversations using phrases taught last week : "what's your name", "how are
you" etc...

2nd Block: learn about farm animals "dog" "cat" "pig" "horse" "sheep" "duck"
"chicken" "cow" and also learn the name of colors
Stage 1: show the pictures of the eight animals, and ask the students to repeat with
the teacher the names of animals
Stage 2: "catch animal" game 
the teacher put all the pictures of the eight animals on the floor , then say the name
of the animals in turn and ask the students to pick up the right picture (catch the
Stage 3: "color the animal " activity
the teacher lets each student choose one animal that they like and then color them
as they like. They have to tell the teacher what colors that they will need
3rd Block :  further exercising
stage 1: review classroom orders 
"stand up, " "sit down" run" "jump" "stop" etc..
Stage 2: play the song "old McDonald has a farm" and ask the students to try to sing

Shurong Luan

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