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Design Development of Two-Storey Building with Combined Day Care Center and Clinic

in Brgy. Dapawan, Odiongan, Romblon, Philippines

Area/Field: Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering


Health and education are considered as a very important aspect of life. CIn line with this,
children at early age should have a clean environment and place where they are able to practice
good sanitation habits independently, as well as a place where they can develop their social skills
and confidence which will lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle in the future. Clinics on the
other hand should be established to promote, develop, and maintains the health and general well-
being of the members the school community. The design development of Day Care Center and
Clinic at Brgy. Dapawan has a potential for the people and children to be monitored regarding
their health issues regularly and its goal is to provide first aid, maternal and child health care,
diagnoses of social diseases, and other basic health services to all the members of the community
it is serving.

Problem Statement

Even though there is an existing Clinic and a Day Care Center in Brgy. Dapawan there is
an insufficient space in both facilities. The children’s doesn’t have enough area to engage
themselves in physical activities. In addition, it’s quite old and there’s really a need for
renovation or redesigning. The clinic is not spacious enough to cater the senior citizens and
pregnant women during checkup days, most of the time they are just waiting outside
uncomfortably. The development of these two facilities into Two-Storey is a great help to
address the above mentioned issues.


The objectives of this capstone project are:

1. To design an ideal day care learning classroom where students can view their classroom as a
positive and supportive space where they feel safe and secure.

2. To assess innovative design for the construction of the Two-Storey building that would fit in
the location provided.

3. To create a suitable design for a two-Storey building that prioritizes comfort and security to
the people of Brgy. Dapawan.

4. To construct a building that ensures that the efficient health facility is available for the people
of the community.

Expected Results:
The expected outcome of this capstone project are:

1. A well-designed Day Care Center that provides a safe, supportive and child-friendly
environment for children to learn and develop their social skills.
2. A clinic design that prioritizes comfort and security for the people of Brgy. Dapawan,
including the elderly, pregnant women and children.A functional and efficient health
facility that provides necessary health services to the members of the community.
3. An overall innovative and suitable design for the Two-Storey building that fits the
location and meets the needs of the community.

Overall, the expected outcome is a well-designed and functional Two-Storey building that
meets the needs of the community, including a safe and supportive Day Care Center, and an
efficient clinic/ health facility that provides basic health services to the members of the


In conclusion, the design development of a Two-Storey Day Care Center and Clinic in Brgy.
Dapawan is crucial for the community's health and educational needs. The current facilities are
insufficient, outdated, and unable to cater to the community's growing demands. Through this
capstone project, we aim to design and construct a building that prioritizes the safety, security,
and comfort of the people, especially the children, senior citizens, and pregnant women. By
doing so, we can ensure that the community has access to efficient health services and a
supportive learning environment for children to develop their social skills and confidence. This
project highlights the importance of investing in community infrastructure to promote health,
education, and well-being.

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