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Our Earth, Our Home



1. How did you find out about the Erasmus project ?

a. I have taken part in a previous Erasmus project

b. I have received information from the school project coordinator or from another teacher.

c. I have found information about the project on the Internet.

d. others (please specify) ____________________________________

2. Which were the factors that motivated you to take part in the project ?

a. Involvement in the previous projects

b. Getting to know new people

c. Getting to know different countries and cultures

d. Improving language skills

e. I was encouraged by my schoolmates

f. Opportunities to acquire new experience and new skills

e. others (please specify) ___________________________________

3. Which countries have you visited during the project ?


4. What differences have you noticed between your school and other schools participating in the
project ? _______________________________________________________

5. After visiting other schools, what do you consider the strengths of your school ?

6. Tick the opportunities you had never had before participating in the project.

a. to travel abroad

b. to fly
c. to speak a foreign language with native speakers

d. to attend classes in a school abroad

e. to write articles in English

f. to make friends with students abroad

g. to cooperate with students from other countries

h. to stay with a host family

7. To what extent has the project met your expectations ? (5-excellent, 1-poor)


8. What did you enjoy the most about working on the project ?

a. travel experiences

b. sightseeing other countries

c. getting to know other cultures and traditions

d. improving language skills

e. improving interpersonal skills

f. team work and project activities

g. improving IT skills

h. comparing different systems of education

9. Do you feel motivated to continue working on an Erasmus+ project in the future ?


10. Would you recommend taking part in the Erasmus programme to others ?

• yes • no

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