1st Meeting Basic Concept of Transcultural Nursing

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Basic Concept of Transcultural


Arwyn W Nusawakan, S.Kep.,MA

 A system of thoughts & behaviors shared by a
group of people
 Is there any relationship between health
and culture?
 Cultural factors are central issues in the
health problems that confront the world
today. In indonesian context,
understanding cultural and sociological
aspect will help us to get the deepen
health-related problem.
Medical Anthropology
 School of how health, well-being and
illness are socially and culturally shaped,
experienced, and understood.
 How patients and health care providers
view health and illness.
 How patients and health care providers
believe about the causes of disease.
 Stigma related with diseases.
 How norms and value effect the health
 How patient seek help for health care
Cultural aspect that effect Health
 Tradition
 Sikap fanatik
 Sikap etnosentris
 Status and power
 Economic factor
 Value, belief, and Norm
 Technological change
 Is there any relationship between nursing
science and anthropological science?
 Budaya dan Keperawatan?
Nursing and Anthropology are two fascinating
and important fields that are interested in
human behaviour and well being.

Both science support and interested in the

holistic concept of human as a fundamental
Anthropological contribution to
Nursing Science
 Anthropology help nurses: human as an
evolutionary being, a cultural transmitter, a
protector of his/her culture, and as a capable
 Health and illness states are strongly influenced
and often primarily determined by cultural
background of human
 Anthropology knowledge is essential to nurse in
their efforts to improve human care by
understanding cultural stress & factors effecting
health state.
Anthropological contribution to
Nursing Science

 As humanistic study, study health and

illness behaviour from different cultural
group will help nurses not only to
understand human behaviour but also to
plan health care services based on patient
needs and problem
 Anthropology help nurses to identify
people (patients) from many cultures
(cross/trans culture)
M. Leininger (1970)
What is Trancultural/Crosscultural

 Scientific study of human that talks about or

focus on how nurses and other health care
provider interact with variety human norms
value belief, pattern of behaviour, health and

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