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1. Watching TV or playing computer games/ won’t make you fit.

2. But playing sports will.
3. You can join a club/ or play with your friends in a park.
4. If you don’t like team sports/, you can walk to school/ or try skating instead.
5. Regular exercise makes you feel stronger/ and gives you more energy.
6. Sweets, chocolate and crisps/ are fun to eat sometimes.
7. But it is not good/ to eat them every day.
8. These foods/ contain too much sugar, fat, or salt.
9. Make sure you eat vegetables/ with every meal/ and plenty of fruit, too.
10. Fruit and vegetables/ help you stay healthy and grow strong.

1. Acupuncture began in China thousands of years ago.
2. It is a special way to treat sick people.
3. There are many acupuncture spots on the human body.
4. Small metal needles are put into spots on the body.
5. Each spot is connected to a special body part or system.
6. There are many spots for each part.
7. An expert puts the needles into these spots in a person’s body.
8. These spots connect to the body system that has a problem.
9. The needles do not go deep.
10. People say that the needles do not hurt.
11. We are not sure why acupuncture works.
12. But studies have shown that it works very well.
13. No one can explain why.
14. Doctors think that it helps the nerves in the body.
15. Some doctors use acupuncture to treat people who cannot take medicine.
16. People in Asia have been using this special method for a long time.
17. At first, people outside Asia did not trust this method.
18. They did not think that it would help them.
19. Now, it has become very popular around the world.

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