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3 Day Division Online Professional Development for Elementary

and Secondary School Teachers on Pedagogy and Content for

the “New Normal Modality”

Ice Breaker/Sitting Exercise: Arcadio Plaza

Insipiring Thoughts: Norjie Bacsan
Trivia: Richmyrle Bodiongan
Introduction of the Speaker: John Lope Barce

Emcee: Notliwliv Crampatanta Oironet

Our fourth speaker is a very vibrant and knowledgeable person.

We often see him hosting in many of the events in the division
office. With his magnanimous speaking prowess and expertise
in Live Streaming and Screen Recording, surely, he will bring
our live streaming passion to the next level. He will be
introducing to us a free and open-source software for video
recording and live streaming that allows us to stream to Twitch
in YouTube or record our own videos with high quality. Ladies
and gentlemen, our brilliant and energetic Resource Speaker
from the SGOD, our OIC-PDO1 Mr. Jovito D. Jimenez.

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