Teradyne Discussion

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On August 2nd, 2001, Teradyne, Inc (NYSE: TER) of Westford, Massachusetts announced
that it would be acquiring GenRad, Inc (NYSE: GEN), a leading manufacturer of automatic
test equipment and related software. Under the terms of the definitive agreement, each share
of GenRad stock would be converted into .1733 shares of Teradyne stock. Teradyne believed
that the acquisition would initially be dilative, but expected through synergies and an increase
in demand, would become accretive in 2002. By September 2001, the economic condition of
the United States had deteriorated. Accelerated by the terrorist attack on New York’s World
Trade Centre Towers, American consumers further withdrew from traditional spending
habits. The board had to decide whether or not this was the right time to undertake such a
complex integration and if the economy would recover in time to have the transaction
contribute to earnings on schedule. Off course, the answer is yes.
This move makes sense from a number of perspectives. The merged company will have a
much stronger test and measurement presence, making the new Teradyne a stronger company
going forward. This move also positions Teradyne to enhance their suite of products and
services they can offer to their customers around the globe. The two companies have a well-
deserved reputation for integrity and innovation, so cultures should blend easily. After
economy recover from crises this merger would prove beneficial for both the companies.

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