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Stolen Material Security Level

Initial Stolen Incident Report

Date: 03 November 2022

Material Classification: Stolen Material ToCo OpCo H3I

Site Information:

Site ID 603738 Site Name CIJAYANTI

Site Address Jl. Bukit Sentul, Cijayanti, Kec. Babakan Madang, Bogor, Jawa
Barat 16810
Subcon Name PMT Cluster Name Sentul
Region Jabo2
FLM Engineer Name M. Saefudin/0896 0875 6932
FLM Supervisor Name -
ToCo/OpCo Name Protelindo/ JAW-WJV-0043-I-P

Stolen Information:

Date of Stolen: 03/11/2022

Time of Stolen: 03:44
Police Report (Stolen) Available
ToCos & OpCos Trouble Ticket Available Trouble Ticket Number: TT : INC-20221103-00047284
Not Available Reason:
Huawei Trouble Ticket Number Available Trouble Ticket Number: TT : 221103-00744-I
Not Available Reason:
H3I Informed (Escalation) Yes No H3I Name:

Joint Visit to Site along with H3I: Yes

No Reason:
Repetitive Stolen: Yes No If Yes, How many time:

2023-04-17 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1, Total10

Stolen Material Security Level

Material Stolen:

Stolen Material Description Quantity Unit (Pcs/Meter/BatteryBanks)

IDU RTN 950 PN 02113174 1 Pcs
CSHU PN 03021YTF / SN 1 Pcs
ISM8 PN 03024QLM / SN 1 Pcs
EG4 PN 03021MXJ /SN 1 Pcs
EM6T PN 03020RDK /SN 1 Pcs
Fan RTN PN 03030LKH / SN 1 Pcs
PIU 1 PN 03020KHX / SN 1 Pcs
PIU 1 PN 03020KHX/ SN 1 Pcs
Connector Coax PN 14040302 3 Pcs
Individual Investigation and Action Taken :

Inform to team
Follow Up 1
- 07:00 : Team Dapat info dari team BMG RTN Stolen
- 07:01 : Pic Asep Otw To Site
- 07:12 : Toc Call Pak Firman
- 07:13 : TOC Call Pak Ferdinan
- 07:14 : Toc Call Pak Kiki
- 07:16 TOC Inform Shift Manager
- 07:16 : TOC Inform Pak Alif

Follow Up 2
- 07:29 Pic Asep Onsite Start Investigasi
- 07:30 Pic Asep Onsite After Team Checking Stolen RTN 950 , CSHU 1pcs, ISM8 1Pcs, EG4 1Pcs, EM6T 1Pcs
Fan RTN 1Pcs PIU 2Pcs dan Connector Coax 3Pcs Stolen

Hasil Investigasi
Akses Maling Kemungkinan Manjat Tower , Handle Rack Pintu TP 48 Di Rusak dan Genbok Balting Dirusak

Material Stolen
- RTN 950 , CSHU 1pcs, ISM8 1Pcs, EG4 1Pcs, EM6T 1Pcs Fan RTN 1Pcs PIU 2Pcs dan Connector Coax 3Pcs

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Stolen Material Security Level

Last Visit Information:

Last Site Visitor Name N/A

Last Visitor Company Name N/A
Neighbours & Surrounding Information
Depan : Access Jalan menuju site

Belakang : Lahan kosong

Samping kanan : Lahan kosong/Rumah warga

Samping Kiri : Lahan kosong

2023-04-17 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page3, Total10

Stolen Material Security Level

i. Each material stolen from different angle. (3-4 picture for each matrial Stolent)

RTN 950 RTN 950

RTN 950 RTN 950

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Stolen Material Security Level

View Rack BTS View Rack BTS

ii. Additional photograph site overview which capture 360deg view. 3 -4 picture from different angle

Surrounding View 360 Surrounding View 360

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Stolen Material Security Level

Surrounding View 360 Surrounding View 360

Remarks : sisi kiri Remarks : sisi kanan

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Stolen Material Security Level

Depan Belakang

Gembok Pintu Pagar Pintu

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Stolen Material Security Level

iii. Additional photograph from another tenant on site. 3 – 4 picture form different angle for each

Nama tenant : XL Nama tenant : ISAT

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Stolen Material Security Level

Nama tenant : SF Nama tenant : XL

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Stolen Material Security Level

iv. Additional photograph form police station during make the Police Report.

Polsek BAP

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