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DAY TWENTY EIGHT Ray Optics Learning & Revision for the Day + Reflection of Light, + Total Internal Reflection + Human Eye + Maror formula my + Optical Instruments + Refraction of Light + Deviation by a Prism + Resolving Power of an + Len + Dispersion by Prism Optical Instrument Reflection of Light ‘The phenomena of bouncing back of light on striking a smooth surface is called reflection of light. + According to the laws of reflection, (i) the incident ray, reflected ray and the normal ddrawa on the reflecting surface at the point of incidence lie in the same plane and (i) the angle of incidence i ~angle of rellection 2 * Laws of reflection are true for reflection from a polished mirror or from an unpolished surface or for diffused reflection, + Whenever reflection takes place from a denser medium, the phase change of flected rays undergo a Reflection from a Plane Mirror + Ifa ray is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of incidence i, then it suffers a deviation of ( ~ 2/) and for two inclined plane mirrors deviation is (860"-20), + While keeping an object fixed, a plane mirror is rotated in its plane by an angle, then the reflected ray rotates in the same direction by an angle 28 + Focal longth as well as the radius of curvature ofa plane mirror is infinity. Power of a plane mirror is zero, + Iftwo plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle, the total number of won tho = or (2% 1} when no {mages formed of an object kept ve) © ‘The minimum size of a plane mirror fixed on a wall of a room, so that a person at the centre of the room may see the fall image of the wall behind him, should be 1/9rd the size of the wall Reflection from a Spherical Mirror + A spherical mirror is a part of a hollow spheze whose one surface is polished, so that it becomes reflecting, The other surface of the mirror is made opequ OPPER OPPER + Images formed by a concave mirror may be real or vitual, may be inverted or erect, and may be smaller, larger or ‘equal in size to that of the abject. The image is virtual and erect whon the object is placed between the pole and the principal focus of concave mirror. In all other cases, the {image formed is real and inverted one, «Image formed by a convex mirror is virtual, erect and diminished in size irespective of the position of the object. Moreover, image is formed in between the pole and the principal focus of the mirror. + The focal length of a spherical mirror is half ofits radius of R curvature, ie. f 2 Mirror Formula Lot an object be placed at a distance w from the pole of a ‘mirror and its image is formed at a distance v from the pole tt vay + The power of a mirror (in dioptre), is given as ‘Thea, according to mirror formula, * Ifa thin object of height his placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a mirror and the height of its image be 1, then the transverse or lateral magnification produced is given by How ff Rw fou F Negative sign of magnification means the inverted image and positive sign means an erect image. + When a small sized object is placed along the principal axis, then its longitudinal (or axial) magnification is given by data) ‘Axial magnification a) Refraction of Light When light passes from one medium, say ai to another medium, say glass, a partis reflected back into the first ‘medium and the rest passes into the second medium. When It passes into the second medium, it either bends towards the normal or away from the normal. ‘This phenomenon is known as refraction, oa x Sm BN ” 8 Refractive Index Fora given pair of media, the ratio of the sine of angle of incidence (to the sine of angle of refraction (r)is a constant, ‘which is called the refractive index of second medium, wx first medium, Thus, ‘This is also called Snell's law. + Refractive index is a unitless, dimensionless and a scalar quantity. © The refractive index of a medium wart. vacuum (or free space) is known as its absolute refractive index. It is, defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (c} to the speod of light in a given medium (v) Value of absolute refractive index of a medium can be 1 oF more than 1, but never less than 1 ‘+ When light travels from one material medium to another, the ratio ofthe speed of light ia the first medium to that in the second medium is known as the relative refractive index of second medium, wrt. the first medium. Thus, Mal + When light undergoing refaction through spverl modia Finally enters he fst med ele 1 oF yg = ‘+ When the objoct is in denser medium and the absorver is in rarer medium, then real and apparent depth have the Real depth ‘pparont depth relationship, 2 i.e. real depth > apparent depth shift, y= tA where, and fare real and appareat depths. Refraction from a Spherical Surface Let an object be placed in a medium of refractive index n, at a distance w from the pole of @ spherical surface of radius of ‘curvature H and after refraction, its image is formed in a ‘medium of refractive index n, ata distance v, then ‘The relation is true for all surfaces, whether the image formed is real or virtual. Lens ‘A lons is part ofa transparent refracting medium bound by ‘two surfaces, with atleast one of the two surfaces being a ‘carved one, The curved surftce may be spherical or cylindrical. ‘The lens formula is given by For a thin objoct of height A placed perpendicular to the principal axis ata distance u if the height of image formed si, then lateral or transverse magaification m i given by Koy f fev Row Few Fora small sizd object placed linearly along the principal xi, its axial or longitudinal magnification is given by ‘Axial magnification =. a (4) (ey Silvering of Lens The focal length a vere los Is FORT In eso of plano-convex lens + When curved surface is silvered, then focal length of silvered lens is where, R=2f, or + When plane F 4 ‘mn + Wan double conver lanier ro" and p= —* 22-1) 2-1) ~ 4 2 Pee Power of a Lens "The power of a lens is mathematically given by the 1 reciprocal ofits focal length, ie. power P = Fea SI unit of power is dioptre (D), Power of a converging lens is positive and that of a diverging lens is negative Lens Maker's Formula Fora lens having surfaces with radii of curvature R and respectively, its focal length is given by ‘' hero, fq = = eractive index of the lone material. the surroundings. Cutting and Combination of a Lens Ia symmetrical convex ayo £ Jens of focal length fis AN A" cat into two parts along, { i its optic axis, then focal \ all I length ofeach part VI MAL T/A (a plano-convex lens) is 2f lfig(h)]. However, ifthe (@) (8) io C) two parts are joined as, shown in the figure (c) and (4), ‘the focal length of the combination is again f. fa symmetrical convex lens of focal length f is cut into two pparts along the principal axis, then the focal length of each part remains unchanged, as flFig. If these two parts are joined with the curved ends on one joining the two parts in opposite sense, the net focal length becomes = (or net power =0) (Fi. h. 0 0 + The equivalent focal length of co-axial combination of two Iensesisgivenby 4-14.14 ey Pk hh OPPER + a number of lenses are in contact, then + Iftwo thin lenses of focal longths f, and f, aro in contact then their equivalent focal length etd In Tih In terms of power, 2, Important Results + Elective dame oft transrlting aa called tperue, non of Unage = (Aperar ay (l> + Newton's formula states, f* = x,xy where, x, and x, distance of object and image from first and second principlal foci. This formula is also called thin Tens formula, + Relation hetwween object and image speed, © Iflens immersed in aliquid, then fi (ally =) & [te Gacy) Pa f Total Internal Reflection (TIR) When a ray of light goes from a denser to a rarer medium, it bonds away from the normal, For a certain angle of incidence ic, the angle of refraction in rarer medium becomes 90°, The angle i. is called the eritical al angle. mM For the angle of incidence grvater than the critical angle (i > ic) in the denser medium, the light ray is totally internally. roflecied back into the denser mediunn isel. Conditions for Total Internal Reflection © The light ray should travel from the denser medium, towards the rarer medium, + The angle of incidence should be the greater than the critical angle. Common Examples of Total Internal Reflection + Looming An optical illusion in cold countries, .ge An optical illusion in deserts + Brilliance of diamond Due to repeated internal reflections diamond sparkles. © Optical fibre Each fibre consists of core and cladding. The refractive index of core material is higher than that of cladding, Light entering at small angle on one end ‘undergoes repeated {otal internal reflections along the fibre and finally comes out, Deviation by a Prism A prism is a homogeneous, A ‘ansparent medium bounded by two plane surfaces inclined at an angle A with each other. ‘These surfaces are called as rofracting surfaces and the angle between them is called angle of prism A. Deviation produced by a prism is,8=i+i'— A= r For grazing incidence = 90° and grazing emergence i For minimum deviation (t= +A Wisfendr=7 (iy w= 3+ 2 Incase of minimum deviation, ray is passing through prism symmetrically. For maximum deviation Bn.) /=90° or =90° Bau Por thin prisin, Dispersion by a Prism Dispersion of light is the phenomenon of splitting of white light {nto its constituent colours on passing light through a prism. ‘This is because different colours have differen! wavelength and hence different refractive indices, Angular dispersion =8, ~8, =(n, -1n,) A whore, n, and, represent reactive index for violet and red lights Dispersive power, @ = +7 is the mean, refractive index. By combining two prisms with angle A and A and refractive index 1 and if respectively, we ean create conditions of (a-1A + Dispersion without deviation when, A’ jation without dispersion when, OPPER Refraction Through a Prism ‘A ray of light suffers two refractions at the two surfaces on passing through a prism, Angle of deviation through a prism, Bnite-A, where, iis the angle of incidence, eis the angle of emergenco and Ais the angle of prism. Scattering of Light Molecules of a medium after absorbing incoming light radiations, emit them in all directions. This phenomenon is called scattering. According to Rayleigh, Intensity of scattered light = 4 ‘There are some phenomenon based on scattering © Sky looks blue due to scattering © Al the time of sunrise and sunset, sun looks reddish, + Danger signals are made of red colour, Human Eye ‘The human eye is one of the most valuable and sensitive sense organs of human being, The cornea, acqueous humour. crystalline lens and vitreous humour together form a lens system which forms an inverted and real image on retina for the objects situated in front of eye. The optic nerve transmits this image to the brain which Imakan rol an analyses Visca Miser 2", Yellow soot staline tens Blin spot ~~ Optio newe cornea Wr, Retina Pool Aqueous humour cary muscles The eye lens has power of accommodation to adjust its length, so as to focus objects situated at different distances from eye at the retina + The least distance of distinct vision (D) or near point of an aye is genorally 25 em. Far point of a normal eye is at infinity. Ciliary muscles play an important role in changing focal length of eye lens. Persistence of vision is “Ys, ic. if time interval between 10 sro consecutive light pulses is lesser than 0.1, eye cannot distinguish them separately Resolving limit for eye is 1” bo © A person suffering from myopia can see near objects clearly, but can not soe distant objects. For a myopic (near sighted) eye near point is at 25 em, bul far point comes closer to eye from infinite, Causes of near sightedness are (i) decrease in focal length of eye lens, or (Gi) elongation of eye ball, The defect can be rectified by use diverging lens. If a myopic person cannot see objects situated beyond a distance x, then he should use lens of focal length f = ~ x So, concave lens is used to correct this + A person suffering from hypermetropia or long sightedness can soe distant objects clearly, but cannot seo nearby dbjects distinctly. It means that his near point has shifted away from 25 cm to distance x, Possible causes of hypermetropia are (i) increase in focal length of eye lens, or (i) shortening of eve ball, ‘To rectify hypermetropia, the person should use a converging lens of focal length f, so that it forms virtual image of an object situated at distance (D =25cm) at near a int x of defective eye, point x of defective eye, f= 29 So, convex lens is used for its correction, Some Other Defects of Vision © Presbyopia is due to weakness of ciliary muscles due to advancing age. Generally, defective eye suffers from near sightedness as well as long sightedness. To rectify the defect bifocal lenses are used. ‘Astigmatism is due to non-uniformity of curvature of the ‘cornea. The defective eye cannot concentrate simultaneously along horizontal as well as vertical. To rectify this defect, cylindrical lenses are used, Defects of Images The two types of defects which are occurred commonly, given below Spherical Aberration ‘This defect is present in spherical mirtors as well as in Innses, whose aperture fe comparatively Lago. In mirrors the spherical aberration can be almost eliminated by taking a parabololdal mirror instead of aspherical mirror. arghalrays Pratap Ina lens, we can minimise the aberration by (2) using plano-convex lens with plane surface on the side of, ‘more convergent/divergent light bear. (b) by using a combination of two lenses separated by @ distance d = f, = OPPER Chromatic Aberration ‘This defect is present only in Tenses. Chromatic aberration is the inability of a lons to focus rays of different colours! wavelengths at a single point Longitudinal chromatic aberration = fy ~ fy =f, where = dispersive power of lens material and f = mean focal longth of the lens. Chromatic aberration can be removed by preparing a combination of two thin lenses of different materials (of dispersive powers @ and of] and different focal lengths f and f’, such that Optical Instruments ‘An optical instrument is used to enhance and analyses the light waves. The light waves are in the form of photons, hence optical instruments also determine the characteristics properties of light waves. Microscope This an opie instrument whieh forts a magiied image of ‘sal nearby objet and this, ietoaes the ial angle fund bythe image at the ay, so that the abot ean tobe bigger and dain. 1. Simple Microscope (Magnifying Glass) It consists ofa single convex Tens of small focal length and forms a magnified image of an abject placed between the optical centre and the principal focus ofthe lens, Bae VN If the image is formed at the near point of eye, then ob4] ; 7 where, D = normal viewing distance (25 em), {f= focal length of magnifying lens, 2. Compound Microscope 18 consists of two lenses of small focal length and apertures, Also, the focal length and aperture of abjective Jens are smaller than that of eyepiece, The image formed uy the objective lens is ral, inverted and magnified. This image acts as the object for the ayep image is highly magnified, virtual and inverted wt. the orginal objec. mall jece and the final ae opi000 an) vee Wm, and m, be the magnifications produced by the objective and’ the eyepiece respectively, then total ‘magnification of microscope m =m , Xam , If final image is formed at the near point (D) of the eye, then L(,,D 4 fr 2) cappeow) eee med at infinity, then D D BEE Tom Length of tube of microscope, HG * Huygens’ eyepiece is tre from chromatic and spherical ROE aberration, but it cannot be used. for measurement purposes. + Ramstlen’s eyepiece can be used for precise measurement as cross ites canbe fiedin tis eyepiece. sight suffers from spherical and chromatic aberrations. Telescope “nlescope en opti inrument hich cess, he Thal nglat eee by forming te age stat Senta nt date of news, that te objec eae ee 1. Refracting Telescope consists of an objective len of lage fcal length f, and large aperture ‘The eyepiece consists ofa convex lens of small aperture and sinall focal length f. Distance between the two lenses i set abe ek OPPER In normal adjustment, the final image is formed at infinity and magnifying power of th In practical adjustinent, the inal image is formed atthe near point of the observer's eye. In this arrangement, (-4) 1k a3 2. Reflecting Telescope consists ofan objective which i a lage paraboloid concave mirror of maximum possible focal length f, andthe eyepiece is a convex lens of small focal length and small aperture, then & fh Reflecting type telescope is considered superior as itis free from spherical end chromatic aberrations, is easy to install and maintain, and can produce image of greater intensity. & Magnifying power, —m be then image formed by telescope wil be (3) times brighter than the image ofthe same objec, seen directly by ‘the unaides eye. Resolving Power of an Optical Instrument Resolving power of an optical instrument is its ability to produce distinct images of two points of an abject (or two nearby objects) very close together. Resolving power of an, optical instrument is inverse of its limit of resolution. ‘Smaller the limit of resolution of a device, higher is its resolving power. Limil of resolution of a normal human eye ist’ ‘The minimum distance (or angular distance) between two points of an object whose images can be formed distinctly by the lens of an optical instrument, is called its limit of resolution, Resolving Power of a Telescope Ifthe aperture (diameter) of the telescope objective be the D, then the minimum angular separation (8) between two distant objects, whose images are just resolved by the telescope, is go 22th D and resolving power ofthe telescope, Resolving Power of a Microscope Tho last distance (4) betwoen two points, whose images are just seen distinctly by a microscope i given by zen nq sind where, favelength of light used to illuminate the object, zg =reftactive index of the medium between the object and the objective lens, and ‘= semi angle of the cone of light from the point object. ‘The torm 1, sin is generally called the numerical aperture of, the microscope, Resolving power of the microscope, 1_2ng sine _ (NA) 1.228 OBIh RP. FOUNDATION QUESTIONS EXERCISE 1 Aray of ight 's successively deflected from two plane mirrors inclined to each other at a certain angle the total Geviation the path ofthe rays rellected from the two mitrors be G00" then what is the number of images formed? (2130 (015 ©) @ 2 Aboam of light from a soures Ls incident normally on a plane mirror fixed at a cartain aistance x from the source. The beam is reflected back as a spot on a scale placed lust above the source L. When the mitror is rotated through a small angle , the spot of the light is found 10 move trough a distance yon the scale, The angles aiven by “+NEET2017 we we oL wet 2x ‘ MF ay ‘ 4 3 A.concave miror forms the realimage of an object which is magnied 4 tes. The objects moved 3.0m away, te magnification ofthe mage is 3 times. What's the focal length of the itor? (@)3em — (&)4em (120m (a) 36m OPPER 4 The image formed by 2 convex m 30 om is @ quarter of the size of t (ofthe object from the mirror is (2)306m —(b)900m —(c) 206m for of focal length lect. The distance (6) 60 0m 55 The frequency ofa light wave in a material is 2% 10"*H2 and wavelength 's 5000 A. The refractive index of material willbe (140 (LS (B00. (@) 183. 6 A glass slab (i =1.5)of thickness 6 cm is placed over a paper. Whats he shift inthe letters? (a)4om (0) 20m (tom (3) None of these 7 Anair bubble ina glass slab with refractive index 1.5 (near ‘normal incidence) is em deep when viewed from one surface and 3 em deep when viewed trom the opposite ‘ace. The thickness (in em) of the slab is NEET 2016 (8 (b) 10 () 12 (0) 16 8 A student measures the focal length of a convex lens by putting an object pin ata distance w from the lens, and ‘measuring the cistance vo! the image pin. The graoh between U and v plotted by the student should look tke fem) fom) @ oem rr 9 Alens has focal length 19 cm. An object is placed 15 em infront of it Where should a convex mirror be placed, so thal image is formed at the object itself, when focal length of convex mirror is 12 om? (2) 6 cm rom tons (0) 8m rom ons (6) 5.0m from ens (a) 40m trom lens 10 The distance of the image from the focus of a lens is x and that of object is y. What is the nature of the graph y (a) Straight ine (0) Ellipse (¢) Parabola (6) Hyperbole 11 Alens when placed on a plane mirror, then object needle and its image coincide al 15 em. The focal length of the lens is (a) 15 oF (6) 206m 12 A.concave miror of focal length fis placed at a cist of d from a convex lens of focal length f.. A beam of light coming from infinity and falling on this convex lens concave mirror combination returns to infinity. The distance d must be equal > CBSE AIPM 2012 Gh W)-B+E (a2 +6 13 A convex lens and a concave lens, each having same focal length of 25 em, are put in contact to form a combination of lenges. The power in dioptres of the combination is (a)25 (b)50 14 IF na plano-convex lens, radius of curvature of convex surlace is 10 cm and the focal length ofthe lens is 30 om, tho retractve index of the material of the ens will be @) (0) 1.68 (133, (aa 15 When a biconvex lens of glass having refractive index 1.47 is dipped in a liquid, it acts as a plane sheet of Glass. This implies that the liquid must have retract index > CBSE AIPM 2012 (a) equal o that of glass (b) ess than one (c) greater than that of glass (d) less tran that of glass (+h (chiniinte (a) 16 Which of the following is not due to total internal retlection? > CBSE AIPMMT 2011 (@) Diference betwoen apparent and real depth of a pond (©) Mirage on not summer days (c} Ballance of diamond (a) Werking of optical fibre 17 ‘the ertical angle for total internal retlection trom a ‘medium to vacuum is 30°, the velocity of light in the (2)3 10% ms“ (0)1.8x 108 ms“ (6) 6 10° ms“! (a) V3 x 108 ms" 18 A ray of ight traveling in a transparent madium of rotractive index, falls on a surface separating the ‘medium from air at an angle of incidence of 45*. For which of the following value of, the ray can undergo total internal reflection? + CBSE AIPM 2010 (Qu =133 ()H=140 (CH =150 (a) = 1.25 19 hollow prism is filled with water and placed in al. It wll dviate the incident rays (a) towards the base {b} away from base (6) parallel to base (@) towards or away from base depending on the locaton 20 A thin prism of angle 7° and refractive incex 1.5 is combined with another prism of angle @ and refractive index 1.7. The emergent ray goes undeviated. What is the value of 8? @s (os os" @r OPPER OPPER 24 What isthe retracve index of prism whose angle ‘A= 60" and angle of minimum deviation dy = 30"? (a) V2 wy + 3 () a) + 22 boar of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incigont on a right angled prism. The cetractive index o the material of the prism for the above red, green and blue wavelengths are 1.99, 1.44 and 1.47, respectively “+ CBSE AIPM 2015 ee Green Re¢—>— 45) ee The prism will {@) separate tne blue colour part from the red and green cokurs (b) separate al the three colours from one anther (6) not separate the three co (@) separate the red colour part from the green and blue cokurs 23 The angle of a prism is A. One of ils refracting surfaces is silered. Light rays falling at an angle of incidence 2 on the first surface returns back through the sare path a suffering reflection at the slvered surface. The refractive index of the prism is + CBSE AIPM 2014 2 3 4 (a)2sind (@)Ze08A e)Lcos A ana 24 ray of light is incident at an angle of incidence / on one face of a prism of angle A (assumed to be small) and emerges normally from the opposite face. Ifthe refractive index of the prismis, the angle of incidence i, is nearly equal 10 as “> CBSE AIPM 2012 “ ‘ a RE (ey ain 25 A glass prism ABC (refractive index 1.5), immersed in water (Tofractive index 4/5). A ray of light is incident normally on face (o)sino2 2 3 (e)2 CBSE AIPM 2015 wt et wir 34 The magnifying power of a telescope is 9. When itis adjusted for parallel rays, the distance between the fe and eyepiece is 20 om, The focal length of lenses are CBSE AIPM 2012 (a) (6) 18cm, 20m em, 106m (0) 156m, § cm (a) Mem 8cm OPPER 35 The focal length of objective lens is increased, then magnitying power of '* CBSE AIPMT 2014 {@) microscope will increase, but that of telescope decrease {b) microscope and telescope both wil increase (6) microscope and telescope both wil decrease (c) microscope will decrease, but that of telescope will 36 The rato of resolving powers of an optical microscope for swo wavelengths 2; = 4000 A and, = 6000 Ais = NEET 2017 (acer (wore (3-2 {6} 16:81 PROGRESSIVE QUESTIONS EXERCISE 1 Aroom (cubical) is made of mirrors. An insect is moving along the diagonal onthe floor, such that the velectyo image of insect on two adjacent wall miross, is 1ems"" The velocity of image of insect in ceiling mirror is, () 10¢ms" (6) 200ms 4 (a) 10,2 ems (3) 30° (45° (o) 60" (a) None of these 3A dom thick layer of water covers a 6 om thick glass slab. A coin is placed at the bottom of the slab and is being observed from the ait side along the normal tothe surface. Find the apparent Position of the coin from (70cm (800m 4 A.small coin is resting on the bottom of a beaker filled with a liquid. & ray of light from the coin travels upto the surface of the quid ane moves along its surface as shown in figure. ein tocm —(@)5em How fast is the light travelling in the liquid? (2) 1.8% 10! ms“ (0)2.4x 108 ms~ (€)3.0x 10% ms“ (a) 12x 108 ms~ 5 For an optical arrangement as shown in the figure. Find the position and nature of image. (a)szem — (b)06em 6 A thin plano-convex lens of focal length fis soli into two halves. One of the halves is shited along the optical axis, The separation between object and image plane is 1.8 m. The magnification ofthe image formed by one of the halt lens is 2. Find the focal length of the lens and separation between the two halves. ()6cm —(g) 05m 1 em (01m — ()O4m — {e)A9M 7 Athin convergent glass lens (.= 1.5)has a power of +5.0 D, When this lens is immersed in a liquid of refractive indexy,, it acts as a divergence lens of focal length 100 cm, The value of, should be 32 4s eps (2 8 A thin glass prism (1 = 1.5)is immersed in water (1 = 1.3). HF the angle of deviation in ar for a particular ray be D, then that in water willbe (020 (030 (aim (6}050 — (@) 060 OPPER 9 A ray ol ight incident al an angle 6 on a refracting face of a prism emerges from the other face normally. I the angle of the prism is 5° and the prism is made of a rmalerial of refractive index 1.5, the angle of incidence is (os (a)28" 10. The refracting angle of @ prism is A and refractive index ofthe material ofthe prism is cot(A2). The angle of tion is 1+ CBSE AIPM 2015 0 (0) 190-24 (190A (a) 130+ 24 11 Two identical thin plano-convex glass lenses (refractive Index 1.5) each having radius of curvature of 20cm are placed with thelr convex surfaces in contact at the Centre. The intervening space is fled with ol of refractive index 1.7. The focal length of the combination is + CBSE AIPMT 2015 (0)-25em (2) 500m (2) 206m (6)-60 em 12 The radius of curvature of the curved surtace of a plano-convex lens Is 20 cm. If the refractive index of the ‘material ofthe fans be 1.5, it will (2) act as a convex lens only forthe ebjects that le on its curved sia (b)act as a concave tens forthe objects that le on its ‘curved siae (6) act as a convex lens irespective of the side, on which the object les (d) act as a concave lens respective of side, on which the object les 13 An thin prism having ratracting angle 10° is made of glass of refractive index 1.42. This prism is combined with another thin prism of glass of refractive index 1.7. This combination produces dispersion without deviation, The relrecting angle of second prism should be + NEET 2017 (a) 4° (oe a (a0 14 An astronomical telescope has objective and eyepiece of ‘ocal lengths 40 cm 4 em, respectively. To view an object 200 em away from the objective, the lenses must be separated by a distance » NEET 2016 (a) 480m (0)50.0.em (©)5400m ()37.3em 15. The angle of incidence for a ray of light at a refracting surface of a prism Is 45°. The angle of prism is 60°. Ifthe ray suffers minimum deviation through the prism, the angle of minimum deviation and refractive index of the material ofthe prism respectively, are + NEET 2016 (2) 30": V2 (0) 488: 42 (30 (a) 48% 16 Two identical glass (41, = 3/2) equi-convex lenses of focal length f each are kept in contact. The space between the two lenses is filed with water( jt, = 4/3). The focal length of the combination is “ NEET 2016 i : a 3 @s we © @t 17 A plano-convex lens fits exaclly into a plano-concave lens. Their plane surfaces are parallel to each other. If lenses are made of different materials of refractive indices, andytpi and Ais te racius of curvature of the ‘curved surface of the lenses, then the focal length of the combination is + NEET 2013, a 2A. (Fw) 8 ey (o) PKs =H ew) ew) 18 A biconvex lons has a radius of curvature of magnitude 20 cm. Which ane of the following options deseribe best the image formed of an object of height 2 em laced 30 om from the lens? = CBSE AIPMT 2011 (a) Viral, upright, height (0) Real, inverted, heignt = 4 em (6) Real inverted, height = tem (2) Virtual, upright, neight = tom osem 19 A lens naving focal length f and aperture of diameter a a forms an image of intensity 1 Aperture of diameter & in 0F ty | ADs $ central region of ens is covered by a black paper. Focal length of lens and intensity of image now will be respectively CBSE AIPMT 2010 fand£ (o)Land 4 (eyrand t(j Sanat catanat eS (oytara (0) Lana 4 ! 2 20 An astronomical refracting telescope will have large angular magnification and high angular resolution, when ithas an objective lens of ~ NEET 2018 (a) large focal length and large diameter (©) large focal length and small diameter (} smal focal longth and large aiamete: (@) small focal length and small diameter 21 The refractive index of the material of a prism is V? and the angle of the prism is 30°. One of the two refracting surfaces of the prism is made a mirror inwards, by silver coating. A beam of monochromatic light entering the prism from the othor face will rotace its path (aftor rellection from the silvered surface), if ts angle of incidence on the prism is, NEET 2018 (a) 3") 45" fe) BO (A) eto 22 An object is placed at a distance of 40 om from a concave mirror of focal length 15 om. I the object is. displaced through a distance of 20 om towards the mirror, the displacement of the image will be + NEET 2018 (2) towards tho mitror (b) 36 om away from the mire (c) 30m away from the mitror (@) 36 om towards the mirtor DAY TWENTY EIGHT Hints and Explanations 18-360" 20, ete, 8 = 200" Hence, 6 = 20" So, the number of images 2 When the plane mirror is rotated by an angle, the reflected ray or bear of i rust rotate by angle, from refraction atplane surface theory From the figure ws_y Ifthe angle is small tan 29 = 29 5, tan29 2 In the first case, m In the second case On solving, we find f su=-90cm| 8 From th ons formula, jae & Velocity of ight waves in material is "cats it wae i) suis always nogative, vis positive Refractive indox of material is oid alt nek wa . whore,¢ is spood of light in vacuum or or ek Given, v=2x 10""Hiz = 000A = 5000 x 20°” m, 3% 10"me™ > ¥=306m, ‘We have to place the convex mirror in such a way that it receives normal This givesn = 3 radiation. Hence, we shall place at a Gistanco of radius of curvature (24 em) from (position af image) ar 6 cm from lene, 6xtezem a 7 Lat thickness ofthe given slab ist Accordine te the etrtion, when viewed | 10 According to Newton's formula, xy = f2 irom bath the surfaces Hence, y hyperbola crap isa rectangular 11 When the object is placed a the focus, the rays ave parallel 1e mirror placed normal sends them back. Hence, image is Formed at the objoct tl OPPER 12 According to question, the ray diagram willbe TJ ee IE ar So, distanced between convex lens and teoncave mirror is given by d=2f 4h 13 Focal length of combination of lenses placod in contact s Aek FE or convex lens, f, = 25em For concave lens, fy = =2 Hence, = 2 Fos Ca 1 Fedew ence, power of combination, deo 14 For pla convo ans we have 7 ea) Hee, f= 306m. = 10 em, thes 15 amv ns betes plane thocot pasa pss undevsed through it only when medium has same refractive index as thet of iconvex lens, 16 Real and apparent depth are explained ‘on the base of refraction only. The toncept of TK is not involv i 17 pot = Hence, v= n —T 48 For total internal reflection, > C > sini> sinc = po anon 19 ‘The prism doviates the lig towards its base ys 20 Here, (uy 1), = = 098 ie (15-17 Hence, a7-ne 21 Refractive index of prism, 0" in 2 sins 1 2g sinaor “TET 22. For refractive index ofa prism, aoogig ion A | si e AS, ted = 13% guae = 14am Buge = 187 only red colo reflection 29 According to question, diagram is shown below. Se, ZMON ad. = 90" = 4-4 By Snell's law, S204 — y -»sin(@Al sine" sintay Bein ACO8A _ 4, sy = 2con A saat 24 Refractive index In cage of small angle, sin j= J and sina a iewa 25 or tata internal reflection at AC face, singete > singe Be ais singe 26 To correct myopia focal length should ‘be equal to the distance of far point 27 Giveo, P, = 40D andP, =200 We have, y= 40D + 20D = 60D f= 100. 100 yom Pq 60 28 Given, image distance, v Using Ions equation, 23-14 = fr-4m [Now, power ofthe zequised lens is, 4=-oasp ‘Thus, tho porson zoquirea concave lens of power 0.25 D. 29 Apparent depth of mark as soon through 4 glass slab of thickness wand refractive index is Apparent depth seal dept AAs image appears to be raised by 1 em, therefore microseope must be moved upward by 2 em 30 In compound microscope, intermediate mags (image formed by ebjctve lens) is teal, inverted and magnified, 31 tis «caso of normal adjustment, Hones, M = fff Ako Mp Tourn B= Hore, f= s0em.f, = Sema =2* Hac, = 2 a2 bed a fe cue 3Sx 18 [18% 30° ra Tis ges Bae OPPER ‘Wo know, magnification of telescope, weave 34 Given, magnification = f= 9 and +f, =20-9f, = 9f So, Of, + f,=20—9f, =2em f, = 9x25, = 196m 35 Magnifying power of micrascope 4hee ale) “Magnifying power of telescope lish nL pl So, the focal length of objective lens is ‘Increased, thon magnifying power of microscope will decroaso but that of teleccope will increase, 36 As, resolving power of a microscope (er) RP _ iy 6000 RR, 7,” 4000 SESSION 2 1 veo 45" = 1057 = 10/2 ems“ some as Inthe coiling mieor, the orginal velorty wil be seen 2 Given, y= x Yc ax-2x im > tand=1 90-45" The slope of normal at B, Jee} a -1 5 0-45 From the figure, ange of incidence i 45% Hence, angle of reflection is 45° 9 Using equation, the total apparont shift Goin Tins hah, + he o-3 700m 4 As shown in figure, ight ray feom the coin will not emerge out of Liquid, if ‘San Therefore, minimum radius corresponds 107 = rani, er Given, A=Sem.4= 4em-94 8 = 200" A 108 met ra 5 According to Cartesian siga convention, R= -20em, ap = 198 Applying equation for refraction {Brough spherical surface, wo get Mat ol i ve ®t aj 0 After solving, v = -32cm ‘The magnification ism = "Te positive sign shows that the image 6 ‘Thieis « modified displacement method problem I acta 2 e-1.8 man Solving, we gold =0.6 m aoe bam 7 Whom the lens isi air, we have Tis gives, y= 5/2 a Batu -0A Forair, D=(45-1)4 For water, ‘As to ray emorgos from the other faco of prism normaly, io & goo} An nenea From Sxsin (01305 pe | i \ ‘0 5 1 object ies on plane side, R,==,R,=—20em f= 40cm. The Ions boheves as object lies on its curved side, cm, fy = = olan {f= 40cm. The lens behaves as convex, 13 Lot prism angle ofthe frst and sacond prisms are A, and 4, respoctively Similarly, thei eactive indices are hy and Condition for dispersion without deviation is8, 8, =0 yA, mbes AA, wa, (Boa, erat) aa-0 14 According to question, oval length of objective Tens, Focal length of eyepiece lens(f,) Object distance for objective lens (u,)=-200cm 16 Applying lens formuta for objective lens, Objective ens Eyepiece lens a0 200 200 200 50cm Irnage wil be form at fist focus of eyepiece lens So, for normal adjustmont distance between objectives and eyepiece lense {length of tube) willbe Vth 50s Stem 15 Consider ray of light PQ incident on the surface Alf and moves along KS after passing through the prism ABC. tis givon thatthe incident ray sulfors ‘minimum deviation. Therefore, the ray inside the prism must be parallel to the ‘base BC ofthe prism From the geomotry ofthe prism and the ray diggram, itis cler thet angle of incideneo, i = 45° ang of rfraction r= r’ = 30" langle of emergence, = Thefore, minimum deviation sul by the ray ie Bay Ete +r) = 90° = 60” =a0° Algo, we now that, win{ 222 a a 2 where, j= refractive index of the material ofthe prism, ‘A> angle of prism = 60" sin 2728") sin 45° # cao sing" Consider the situation show i Let radius of curvature of les surlace is ‘The combination is equivalent to thre lenses in contact. OPPER 17 Focal longth ofthe combination, % We have Putting these vals of and in E Co, gt f=) w-0 moa 18 Given, R= 200m, hy =2emandu In geaeral we have assumed =1.5, 1 ped asteps-9xde2 70S O 85" 35 So, Now, as hy=-2x2--40m ore, image is real, inverted, magnified tnd height of image is 4 cm, 19 As we know that, (Untensity) I = A (Aree exposed) xd 20 a and, and focal length remains unchanged. Angular magnification of an estronomicalreltacting ilescope is givenes Mf he whore, f, and f, ar the focal longth of objective and eyepiece, respectively From the given relation, itis clear that for large magnification either f, has to bo largo orf, has tobe small, Angular resolution of an astronomical refracting lelescope is given as ae x wher, ais the diameter ofthe objective “Thus to have largo resolution, the diameter of the objective should be lege. Hence, from the above objective lens should have large focal length (f, large diamoter(o} 4 According to the question, the figure of ‘mentioned prism is given as, [reflected normally) 5-30" From Snell's law sind, te say wy 7 22 Case When the object distance, Focal length 20 Case 11 When the object distance, y= 20cm me: tatsem Using the mirror formula, wo got Substituting the given values, wo ge 1 oem “The displacement ofthe image is =60—[-24) = 26m = 86 cm away from the miror

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