Answer Key Class - 9 W.T - Ii Social Science SET-1 History

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Answer Key

Class -9
W.T – II
Social Science

Q1. Rousseau proposed a form of government based on a social contract between people and their representatives.

Q2. A) Voting rights were granted only to the Active Citizens (Men 25 years of age who paid taxes equal to at least 3
days of a laborers wage.
B) Remaining men and women, children and youth were classed as Passive Citizens and had no voting rights.
C) Power to make laws was given to the National Assembly which was indirectly elected by Active Citizens. Passive
Citizens had no such rights.

Q3. A) It inspired revolutionary movements in every country of Europe and South America.
b) Ideas of Liberty, equality and fraternity and democratic rights were the most important legacy of French Revolution.
c) These ideas were spread from France to rest Of Europe where feudal systems were opposed by the people.
d) These ideas even spread to India and used for freedom struggle.
e) It instilled a spirit of nationalism among the people of the world.

Q4. A) Bastille
b) Bordeaux
c) Alsace

Q1. It responds to the needs of the people as the elected government is bound to act according to the wishes of the
people to continue to stay in power.

Q2. A direct Vote in which an entire electorate is either asked to reject or accept a proposal. This may be adoption of a
new law, or policy.

Q3. As many people have to be consulted in a democracy it leads to delay in decision making.

Q4. The Veto power (power to stop or take any decision) lies only with the 5 permanent members of the Security
Council. Non-permanent members have no say.

Q5. A) U.S.A attacked Iraq on the grounds that it possessed Weapons of mass Destruction (WMD). When a UN team
interrogated it did not find any weapons. It didn’t find any weapons.
B) Saddam Hussein was removed from power and an interim government was installed in U.S.A.
C) The war was not justified and was also declared illegal By UN Secretary general Kofi Annan.

Q6. A) Musharraf overthrew an elected government by a military coup in 1999.

b) A referendum was passed illegally that granted him 5 year extension.
c) He issued a Legal Framework order which gave powers to the President to dismiss national and provincial assemblies.
d) Work of Civilian Cabinet was supervised by National Security council dominated by military officers.
e) Elected representatives have no power. Final power rested with the military officers and Musharraf.
Answer Key
Class -9
W.T – II
Social Science


Q1. He proposed a division of power within the government between the Legislative, Executive and judiciary.

Q2. The women started their own political clubs and newspapers. The Revolutionary and Republican Women was most
famous club.
The government took the following steps:-
A. State schools were established.
B. Schooling was made compulsory.
C. Women could not be forced to marry against their will.
D. Divorce was made legal and could be applied by both men and women.

Q3. Maxmillian Robespierre, the leader of the Jacobians was to be blamed for the widespread terror in France from
1793-94. His rule is called as The Reign of Terror because:-

a) He followed a policy of control and punishment.

b) Enemies of the Republic- nobles, clergy, and members of other political parties were arrested, imprisoned and
tried by a revolutionary Tribunal.
c) People who were found guilty were sent to the guillotine.

Q4. A) Bordeaux
B )Brest

Q1. Mistakes in democracy cannot be hidden for long. There is public space for discussion on mistakes. There is room for
correction. Either the rulers have to change their decision or the rulers can be changed.

Q2. Socialist Party of Chile

Q3. Democracy is based on electoral competition and to win political parties and leaders indulge into fraud,
malpractices, use of muscle and money power. All this leads to corruption.

Q4. Veto- The right of a person or party or nation to stop or take a certain decision or law. Veto gives unlimited power
to stop or adopt a decision.

Q5. A )Democratic rule in Myanmar ended with a military coup in 1962.

b) Elections were held in 1990.National League for democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi won the elections but the military
leaders refused to accept the result and step down.
c) Aung San Suu Kyi was put under house arrest.
D) Political activists were jailed. Anyone caught criticizing the regime was sentenced up to 20 years.
Q6. A )Opposition parties contest elections but never manage to win.
B ) PRI was known to have used dirty tricks to win. Teachers of government schools were forced to force parents to vote
for PRI.
C) Media ignored activities of opposition and criticized them.
d) Polling booths were shifted from one place to another at last minute which made it difficult for people to vote.

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