The Air Force School Class - 9 W.T - I Social Science SET-1 History

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The Air Force School

Class -9
W.T – I
Social Science

1. There were frequent food shortages and rise in price of food grains, low income that led to a
struggle for survival for the 3rd estate. This was called subsistence crisis.

2. 1/10th of the produce was to be given to the church by the peasants (3rd Estate) as tax. This was
called as Tithe.

3. The ideas of philosophers were discussed intensively in salons, coffee houses and spread among
people through books and newspapers.

4. The 3rd Estate that comprised of peasants, workers, artisans who are poor and the most burdened
were benefitted from the French Revolution. The1st ( clergy ) and 2nd Estate(nobility) were
forced to give up the privileges given to them by birth. These groups were disappointed as their
position in society came under threat and they were fearful of equality measures being advocated.
5. Long years of war had drained the treasury of France.
France had taken 3 billion livres loan from moneylenders who began to charge 10%interest.
Louis XI helped the thirteen American colonies to gain their independence from Britain.
The cost of maintaining the army,court, running government also emptied the treasury.


6. Military dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet was established as a result of the military coup on
11 September, 1973 and Allende ‘s presidential rule came to an end.
7. Michelle Bachelet daughter of Alberto Bachelet was elected as the President of Chile in 2006
through a democratic elections.
8. Chile- ruled by military dictator.
Pinochet openly favoured big capitalists.
Pinochet was a dictator.

Poland- ruled by a political party.

Party claimed that it was ruling on behalf of working classes.
General Jaruzelski was an elected leader.

9. Lech Walesa who was a former electrician led the workers strike.
They demanded the following:-
a) Right to form independent trade unions.
b) Demanded the release of political prisoners
c) End of censorship.
10. General Augusto Pinochet held a referendum in 1988 in chile as he was sure that his power would
be restored in the country. However the people had not forgotten their democratic past and voted
against him bringing an end to his corrupt rule and was also convicted for planning treason
against Salvador Allende.This ultimately gave way for conduct of democratic elections and
finally led to restoration of democracy in Chile.
Answer Key

Q1. The period, society, political set up and institutions in France before 1789( French Revolution)Was
called as the Old Regime.

Q2. Tax levied on the common people(3rd estate)by the King or overlord.

Q3. 1st Estate and 2nd Estate were exempted from paying taxes. They also collected feudal dues from
the 3RD Estate. Peasants were obliged to give services to them, work in their houses, fields.

Q4. French Revolution was steer headed by the Philosophers and they conditioned French people with
their ideas.
 Rousseau advocated for government based on social contract between people and
 Montesquieu proposed division of power between Legislature, executive and judiciary.
 John Locke criticized doctrine of divine.

 Rise in demand for food grains. Production of grain was slow. High prices of essential items like
 Income was low
 High population
 Owners of factories did not increase wages of workers.
 This led to constant subsistence crisis.


Q6.Martial law in Poland when the authoritarian communist government of the People's Republic of
Poland led by General Jaruzelski drastically restricted normal life by introducing martial law in an
attempt to crush political opposition. Thousands of opposition activists were jailed without charge.

Q7. Salvador Allende was the PRESIDENT OF Chile.

His pro poor and pro worker policies like distribution of milk to children, land to landless farmers were
opposed by the rich and landlords.
Also he opposed foreign companies and multinational companies that displeased the wealthy classes..

Q8. In both countries people could not choose leaders.

No real freedom to express opinion.
No liberty to form association, organise protests.

Q9. Allende did not favor big capitalists and had a socialist ideology.
Lech Walesa- favored free market.
Michelle bachelet- followed a mixed economy.

Q10. Within a year solidarity swept across Poland and had about one crore members.
Revealed corruption and mismanagement of government.
Fresh wave of strikes were organised by solidarity in1988.
Fresh elections held in 1990.
Solidarity wins elections and lech walesa is declared president of Poland.
IX- Geography / Economics

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