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Conference on Therapy

Case 1. (COPD with PTB)

A 70 years old engineer came in due to 1month history of chronic cough accompanied by
exertional dyspnea. A week prior to admission he had blood-tinged sputum with
intermittent fever and night sweats. He is a known smoker since 25 years of age, 1 pack
a day. He has been admitted 5 years ago due to exertional dyspnea and has since then
been maintained on salbutamol inhaler with irregular use. At the ER, Physical
examination: BP: 120/80, CR: 82/min regular, RR: 24/min, T: 38.2C, BMI: 21. Lung PE
showed intercostal retractions, symmetrical chest expansion with expiratory wheeze.
CBC showed Hgb: 14g/dL, Hct: 40, WBC 13.000/μL, ESR 74mm/h. Chest X-ray
revealed a cavitary lesion on the right upper lung with atelectasis. Spirometry done last
year showed baseline FEV1/FVC ratio of 0.6 which improved to 0.75 postbronchodilator.
ECG: unremarkable. Family history unremarkable.

1. Give the most probable diagnosis/diagnoses.

2. Explain the pathogenesis of the disease/s.
3. Enumerate the treatment goals
4. Enumerate the non-pharmacologic approaches for the disease
5. Create a most logical pharmacologic treatment plan based on Efficacy, Suitability,
Safety, Cost.
6. Write prescription covering all the necessary drugs
7. Explain how to monitor response to treatment and treatment adherence

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