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1. You will hear part of a talk about health. Listen and complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
• artery (n): mạch máu
• block (v): làm tắc nghẽn – blockage (n): sự tắc nghẽn (mạch máu)
• debilitating (adj): làm suy yếu, suy nhược (cơ thể)
The heart is a (1) ……………. A diet high in (2) …………… can slow down the (3) …………… and can lead to heart
problems. A heart attack is caused when an artery that (4) …………… to the heart becomes (5) …………… Patients
must be given (6) …………… immediately. A stroke is caused when there is blockage in an artery that leads to the (7)
…………… A stroke can have a major effect on your body, and as yet there is no (8) …………… A healthy diet will
keep your arteries (9) …………… and can lower the (10) …………… of a stroke or heart attack.
2. Listen to a student called Emma interviewing a man and a woman for the healthy eating survey. Tick the answer they
give on the survey form.
• nutritional (adj): thuộc về dinh dưỡng.
• processed (adj): đã qua chế biến, xử lý.
• caffeinated (adj): đồ uống có chứa caffein.
• helpings (n): phần ăn (thêm/ phụ).

3. Dictation. Fill in each blank with what you hear.

Conversation 1.
Emma: OK, I’ll make a note of that. Next question – do you eat processed food at least once a day?
Man: What is processed food exactly?
Emma: OK, it’s ‘any (1) …………… item that has been (2) …………… from its (3) …………… before it becomes
available for consumers to eat’.
Man: Huh? That went right over my head.
Emma: Well, anything that has added fat or sugar, (4) ……………, artificial flavours, that kind of thing.

Conversation 2.
Emma: I see. And could I ask – do you eat processed food at least once a day?
Woman: Well, most foods are processed in some way, aren’t they? So yes, I’d say at least once a day. Provided it’s not
too processed.
Emma: Would you mind (5) …………… on that?
Woman: Well, I would never eat (6) …………… meals. You never know what’s in them.
Emma: Of course. And could I ask – how often do you drink more than one caffeinated drink per day?
Woman: Well, I do like my coffee – especially before a meeting. It keeps me (7) ……………,. So – yes, on most days
I’ll have more than one.
Activity 1. Put the activities in suitable columns.

Activity 2. Listening

Activity 3: Listening

Activity 4: Speaking
Think of two healthy activities you do and give an explanation about why you like each one. Use the expressions to
help you.
E.g.: I am fanatical about playing the piano because it makes me feel relaxed after working for a long time.

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