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Miller Indices

These are numbers used to showcase the orientation of a lattice plane or face in a cubic crystal system.

What is the format of the miller indices?

The format of the miller indices is (h k l).

How to find the miller indices?

1. Find the points where the plane intercepts the x,y,z axis of the cubic crystal system.
(Example: 4,3,2)

2. Find the inverse of these values

(Example: 1/4 , 1/3 , 1/2)

3. Find the L.C.D of all these values and multiply each by it

(Example: 12)

4. The resulting values is your Miller Indices. N.B Negative values use a line ABOVE the number.
(Example: 3,4,6 which is the miller indices)

What is the Miller Indices if the plane is parallel to an axis?

It should be noted that if a plane is parallel to an axis (x,y,z) the intercept to that axis is INFINITY (meaning it never
intercepts). This also means the Miller Indices of that value is ZERO (when you find the inverse of infinity, 1 divided by an
extremely large number results in zero).

Miller Indices 1

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