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You Have the Ability to Learn at Your Own Pace.

With online learning, you can set

your own pace, which can provide you with a better chance of adequately absorbing
and retaining the information in your coursework. In online learning you can’t feel the
pressure to recites because you can choose if you will open your camera or not.
Unlike traditional classes where you will need to take notes feverishly during lectures
so that you can review the material later, online learning allows you to review the
course materials as often as you like and at a time when you are most focused. In
online class the teachers will freely end their power presentations that you can visit
often. Discussions and lectures will be in the form of video and podcast, which can be
watched, paused, and reviewed as needed so that you can make sure you are following
along. It also provides you with the luxury of being able to complete materials in
courses that are easier for you more rapidly, so you can take more time to focus on
courses that you may find more difficult. Like in exam, you won’t feel the pressure
you are feeling when it’s the traditional learning. In online learning you won’t feel the
pressure because you can’t see your schoolmates. In online class you can prevent the
spreading of the virus, you can’t go anywhere and you can move freely when you are
in online class. You can make yourself grow in your own. You can do everything with
your own without the help of other not unlike the traditional learning that sometimes
students making their own leader do the whole presentation or group works. Like the
research paper, there are students who don’t help their fellow members.
You Can More Easily Communicate With Your Professor. In a traditional classroom
setting, you will likely only be able to communicate one-on-one with your professor
during their designated office hours, or maybe for a few minutes after class. And
sometimes, students are shy to talk to their professor that’s why when learning online,
you will be able to communicate with your professor via email, live chat, or by phone
to get the feedback you need or assistance to help improve your online learning
experience. You may feel more comfortable learning in a classroom setup. From the
beginning, most students have been accustomed to going to school to study. The setup
is familiar and therefore, comforting. You can easily distinguish being on ‘school’
mode and ‘out-of-school’ mode simply by leaving the campus after all. You can
understand better from ‘real world’ examples and stories from classmates and
teachers. In face-to-face education, you learn new concepts and skills alongside other
students in real life. It’s easier to empathize and learn from one another because
you’re on the same learning journey. You have the opportunity to learn from other
students. In a traditional learning setup, you have the chance to network and bond
with other students. This helps build camaraderie, and in turn, have better connections
with people from different backgrounds. You can concentrate better in a classroom. In
face-to-face education, there are less distractions. You’re required to pay attention to
your teacher or school work at a certain period of time. In turn, you’ll be able to
concentrate harder on learning the lessons at hand. You can collaborate with others
easily. Not all school work is done individually. There are times wherein you have to
work with other students to accomplish projects or assignments. In a traditional
learning setup, it’s easier to work with other people. You’ll be able to keep tabs on
one another. At the same time, you can share ideas in a dynamic manner.

EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE EDUCATION A review of early studies (capper &

Fletcher, 1996; Carter, 1996; Chu & Schramm, 1975; Clark, 1985, 1994; Kozma,
1994) comparing the effectiveness of distance education with that of face to face
instruction or the effectiveness of different technologies leads the conclusion that: • in
many instances, distance education is as effective as conventional classroom teaching
and shows no difference in learning outcomes and • there is no general learning
superiority for one type of teaching over another. However, in some studies
( Daugherty & funke, 1998, Hiltz, 1994; Jonassen et al., 1999), online instruction has
led to significant better results on examinations, in solving complicated problems, and
in perceived learning out comes. In addition, Thompson (1996), based on a review of
comparative studies, found that online distance education was better regard to
students' acquisition of information technology skills and increased familiarity with
technology. Thus, the online treatment outperformed the conventional treatment when
it incorporated more appropriate instructor inventions, depending on student's
characteristic. All the studies that have examined the effectiveness of online class
remind us of Clark's argument that the way the medium is used determines the
effectiveness, nit the medium itself (Clark,1983).
Additionally, in the face-to-face training the participants have the opportunity to
observe and experience real-life demonstration of the concepts, and thereby learn and
gain confidence from the model through imitation and observation. Though live
demonstration is not possible in online training, modeling can be incorporated into the
training through the use of video clips. While creating these video clips, it may be
necessary that the person who is modeling the performance activity is familiar to the
participants. When the modeling is done by unfamiliar persons, it is possible for the
learners to be disengaged from the learning process since they may not be able to re-
late and learn from that experience. Further research on the use of video technology
during online presentation will provide guidance on how to effectively incorporate the
video elements in the online format.

Secondly, face-to-face training provides opportunities for feedback and

encouragement and motivates the learner who is afraid to attempt a task due to past
failures to persist and finish the task.In the face-to-face training, the facilitator and the
other learners provide instant and constant feedback to support and guide learners
during task performance as they attempt new tasks. The facilitator also clarifies
misconceptions or misinformation instantly and stops the learners from getting
frustrated as they quickly modify their learning and build upon it. As a result of on-
going informative feedback, learners obtain confidence to explore unchartered
territories, persist despite trials and tribulations, endure failures and ultimately
experience success, thereby gain more confidence to attempt even more challenging

IYou may feel more comfortable learning in a classroom setup. From the beginning,
most students have been accustomed to going to school to study. The setup is familiar
and therefore, comforting. You can easily distinguish being on ‘school’ mode and
‘out-of-school’ mode simply by leaving the campus after all. You can understand
better from ‘real world’ examples and stories from classmates and teachers. In face-
to-face education, you learn new concepts and skills alongside other students in real
life. It’s easier to empathize and learn from one another because you’re on the same
learning journey. You have the opportunity to learn from other students. in a
traditional learning setup, you have the chance to network and bond with other
students. This helps build camaraderie, and in turn, have better connections with
people from different backgrounds. You can concentrate better in a classroom. In
face-to-face education, there are less distractions. You’re required to pay attention to
your teacher or school work at a certain period of time. In turn, you’ll be able to
concentrate harder on learning the lessons at hand. You can collaborate with others
easily. Not all school work is done individually. There are times wherein you have to
work with other students to accomplish projects or assignments. In a traditional
learning setup, it’s easier to work with other people. You’ll be able to keep tabs on
one another. At the same time, you can share ideas in a dynamic manner.
You are able to learn at your own pace. Since you can learn at your own pace with
online courses, you may have a better chance of fully assimilation and retention of the
material. Because you have the option to open or close your camera, there is no
compulsion to read aloud when you are learning online. Online learning allows you to
examine the course contents as frequently as you like and at a time when you are most
focused, unlike traditional classrooms where you will need to frantically take notes
during lectures so that you may review the material later. The lecturers in an online
class that you can visit frequently will cease their power presentations at any time.
Lectures and discussions will be held in

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