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SATURAY, Alleah Jade E.

BS Entrepreneurship 4-2

Reflective Report/Reaction Paper

The webinar I attended entitled, “Breaking Boundaries: Building Better Skillsets for Better
Opportunities” held on December 09, 2022 at 2 PM was great. There were two speakers present to have
their talk regarding the topic. First speaker was Mr. Mally Delamar who talked about the 9 Leadership
Tactics for Leaders. His topic was mainly focused on how to become a leader and how to be a better
one. He said that everyone can be a leader, we are born to be one, and we just have to hone it. That’s
why he gave the 9 tactics namely:

a. Learn from other leaders

b. Work to build skills
c. Believe that you are a leader
d. Take up tasks
e. Share your ideas
f. Listen to others
g. Learn how to delegate
h. Treat other leaders with respect
i. Know that there are many types of leaders

He was very enthusiastic to listen to and that piqued my interest to listen more of his topic in which
resulted to me learning a lot from his topic. The second speaker, Mr. Herbert Sadicon, discussed about
different skills to acquire in 21st century and when having your first job. The 21st century skills he talked
about were:

a. Collaboration
b. Communication
c. Creativity
d. Critical Thinking

Or what he calls the “4Cs”

The job skills he talked about were:

a. Initiative
b. Self-Management
c. Time Management
d. Technological Skills
e. Open Mindedness

These are the respective topics of the two speakers and I learned a lot from their talks. It is something
that could help me hone the leader within me. It was a very smooth sailing webinar and also a fun one.

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