Complaint Against Mahan Airlines

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Dear sirs,

I hope you are enjoying a fine summer.

At the onset, Most companies, including airlines like yours, hire
people with favoritism. Unfortunately, your university degrees, in
some fields have no validity and cannot be used for work, and
airlines do not accept them for employment, even your own
airline does not accept your degree, and this is a serious problem
for scholar.
 At the first glance, Mahan university trains many expert and
literate students, In such a way that they have no competitors in
front of the rest of the aviation institutes and colleges. If you
remember, for the world aviation competition held in China, the
competitor sent by Iran was a graduate of our own university.It's
really a pity that you don't use such efficient pupils for work and
recruitment, and when hiring, you replace the forms of those who
are accepted and merit this job with the forms of your
acquaintances, and these job opportunities are taken from those
who deserve it.In addition, you are also responsible for engage
personnel for AIRSA company. As you know, AMTs are very
important and if you do not recruitment skilled engineers for this
company, the lives of thousands of people will be at risk because
these engineers are not able to perform a proper flight check of
the aircraft and correct troubleshooting And patronage in this
work is not the right thing at all.
At the second glance, Mahan Aviation College has very capable
professors to teach and very intelligent students to train, the
result of all these efforts of professors and students should not
be a certificate without credit for airlines. The flight attendant
degree of this college is completely worthless in any case, the
avionics and A&P degree is only valid if you get a civil aviation
degree (B1 & B2), for pilotage , students must study in botia in
order to be able to get CPL and PPL. The only fields whose
degrees can be used in this university are fields that have nothing
to do with aviation, such as language and tourism.
As far as I am concerned, For the development of your personal,
especially for AIRSA, which is very significate and deals with
people's lives, and in order not to let the rest of the airlines use
your students to improve their work and surpass you, it is
preferable use those who the graduates of this university and
they are very experts in this work . For a college degree, it is
better to use a certificate for flight attendant that is approved by
civil aviation and put an airplane typing certificate next to it,
anyway, they spend two years of their lives studying this field in
this college. For the field of avionics and A&P , in my opinion,
transfer the exams that are held in Tehran to obtain B1 and B2
degrees for your students to Kerman, This way is easier for them
and you earn income from this work. For the field of piloting, in
my opinion, combine the classes of botia Mahan and Mahan
University so that students do not pay extra for this , because
pilotage is an expensive field.
Best wishes in your business. 

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