Nclex Pointers

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- Echinacea

NCLEX Study Notes - External trianging

- Internal trianging
- Side effects of Quinidine
- Computations and conversion ex. IV calculations, flow
- Study paranoid schizo
rates, infusion time
- Neostigmine for myasthenia gravis
- Room assignments
- Obsessive compulsive behavior
- Delegations
- Suicide manifestation
- Age-appropriate toys
- Accident prevention for toddler
- Patient on lasix –
- Abruption placenta & placenta previa
- Patient with myxedema
- Side effects of carbamazepine
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- A client on Glucagon
- Intussuceptions
- Manifestation of client on DKA
- Hirschprungsdis
- Celiac sprue = Don’t give hotdog (contains gluten) on a
- Myasthenia graves
- Safety and health promotion
- Heparin = subQ, use g 25-26 needle, 5/8 inches long
- Alzheimers dse
- Beta blocker = wheezing adverse effect
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Electric Burns
- Akathisia = Can’t remain still, patient on antipsychotics
- Estrogen therapy- what is the priority nsg intervention
- Tracheostomy
- Eye trauma - Nsg Management
- Pancreatitis = Don’t give morphine
- Meningitis
- High Risk for Breast Cancer = early menarche
- Mastitis
- Lab findings that needs to be checked before giving
- Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Patient on mechanical vent (with tracheostomy)suddenly
- Apnea Monitor
coughs, what is the best nursing intervention?
- Diabetes Insipidus
- Patient with radioactive iodine
- Intussusception
- Infant post Circumcision
- Glaucoma - eyedrops
- Proper feeding of patient with difficulty swallowing
- Esophagoduodenoscopy
- Thoracentesis- pre -- post procedure
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Patient with body weakness, how will you position while
- Hepatitis A
lying on bed?
- Ulcerative Colitis
- supra/infratentorial -
- Radiation = significant side effect = immunosuppression
- Hypoparathyroidism
= fever
- Laennec’s Disease
- Intermittent Claudication = Nursing Interventions
- Osteoporosis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Ulcerative colitis
- Multiple Myeloma
- Colorectal Cancer
- IV Phlebitis
- Hodgkins Dse
- Z track
- Prostatic CA
- Infective Endocarditis
- Thoracotomy
- Myasthenia gravis
- Head injury (cerebellar part) symptoms manifested
- Digoxin Toxicity = Anorexia
- Removal of adrenal medulla pt will manifest?
- CAPD = Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
- Fetus Forcep Delivery---abnormal manifestation
- Laminectomy = log roll q 2 hours with pillow in between
- Battered wife
- Death concept of a 5 y/o child
- Peripheral Arterial Vascular Disease = warm and red
- Borderline personality
- Peripheral Venous Vascular Disease (thrombophlebitis) =
- Magnesium S04- nursing mgt
elevate legs
- Prozac- nsg mgt
- Prolapsed Umbilical Cord = All possible nursing
- Lithium- correct understanding on nsg mgt
- Aminophylline- drug adverse reaction
- PICC = Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
- Ancef- what to watch out for
- Study about Ileostomy
- Mannitol—initial manifestation that drug takes effect on
- Signs/symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
patient with ICP
- S/S of Myastemia Gravi’s
- Haldol
- Inderal
- Mestinon
- Zantac (when to take)
- Synthroid- nsg mgt
- Heparin therapy on pt with DIC—what’s the purpose
- Lipitor and eye medications
- Fruit high in protein
- Celiac disease
- Warfarin & Heparin
- Colchicine toxicity – signs and symptoms
- Asthma
- Heart failure patient on digoxin , be alert in when =
edema of face and feet ?, loss of appetite in the last few
- B-adrenergics
- Purpose of pursed-lip breathing exercises in COPD px
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- aPTT value (on Heparin Therapy)
- MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse)
- Subtotal Gastrectomy
- Glycosylated Hemoglobin
- Total Laryngectomy = positioning
- Priapism , management of =
- Patient Controlled Analgesia
- Quadriplegia
- Lung Cancer
- Ectopic Pregnancy , signs and symptoms
- Ideal play for 10 month old = pat-a-cake ? mobile in
crib ?
- Post Cataract Surgery = Avoid watching tv and reading
- Patient on corticosteroids = Use sterile gloves when
taking BP
- Aminoglycosides , side effects and adverse effects =
- Private room = Cocaine addict with HIV infection
- Nifedipine = let patient sit in chair for 30 minutes while
reading the newspaper
- Pancreatitis
- Hepa B virus = body weakness and fatigue
- Osteoporosis, best exercise?
- Anticholinesterase

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