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The word Environment is derived from a French word “ENVIRON” which means
‘Surroundings’. Hence, everything that surrounds us is called ‘Environment’.

DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENT : Environment is defined as “the sum total of all the

surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which
provide conditions for growth and development”.

DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES : Environmental Studies is defined as

"The multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the
environment in the interest of solving the complex environmental problems".

 Environmental Studies not only studies the physical and the biological characters of the
environment but also the social and cultural factors and the imapct of man on the
 This field examines all the aspects of natural environment, social environment, politics,
ecology, etc and how they all work together.
 Environmental Studies brings together the principles of physical science,
commerce/economics and social sciences so as to solve contemporary environmental
 It is a broad field of study that includes the natural environment, the built environment
and the sets of relationships between them.


environment in different perspective

 Environmental studies need to be studied both by scientific and social science subjects.
 Scientific subjects includes Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Taxonomy,
Morphology, Microbiology, Genetics, Hydrology, Physiology, etc.
 Social Science subjects includes Sociology, Politics, Economics, Climatology,
Geography, Archeology, Anthropology, etc.

SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES : Environmental Studies discipline has multiple

and multilevel scopes. The study is important and necessary not only for children but also for
everyone. The scope of environmental studies are summarized as follows :
1. Awareness : Environmental Studies helps in creating awareness among the social groups and
individuals about the total environment and its related problems.
2. Knowledge : Environmental Studies helps in imparting knowledge among the social groups
and individuals about the environment and its allied problems (i.e. Conservation of natural
resources, Pollution, etc.)
3. Attitude : Environmental Studies helps the social groups and individuals to develop an
attitude of concern for the environment.
4. Skills and Capacity Building : Environmental Studies helps the social groups and
individuals in acquiring skills in identifying and solving environmental problems. Further, it
also helps to develop an ability to draw unbiased conclusions and inferences.
5. Participation : Environmental Studies helps in motivating the public to participate in
protecting and improving environment and its problem.
6. Evaluation : Environmental Studies helps the social groups and individuals to develop an
ability to evaluate different environmental programs in terms of social, economic, ecological
and aesthetic factors.
7. Environmental Studies helps the social groups and individuals in striving to attain harmony
with the nature.
IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES : In an 'Industrialized Era' that we live
today, every component that we intake- be it air, food or water are contaminated by the industrial
activities. THUS, THERE IS NO ZERO POLLUTION. To minimize this, the knowledge of
Environmental Studies is essential. An in-dept study of environmental studies will helps us in the
following ways :
1. It helps us to realize that Environmental problems are global.
2. It helps us to understand the impact of development on environment by adopting an idea of
3. It helps us to shed light on the contemporary concepts such as how to conserve biodiversity
and natural resources, prevent and control pollution, etc.
4. It helps us to know the behavior of different organisms under natural conditions.
5. It helps us to learn the interrelationship between organisms in population and communities.
6. It also helps us to learn the relationships between different living organisms in an
7. It helps us to play an effective role in protecting the environment by "DEMANDING
8. It helps us to learn and create awareness about the environmental problems at the local,
national and international levels.
9. It provides us with the knowledge, values, skills and tools that are required to solve
environmental issues both at the local and the global levels.
10. It helps to discover a sustainable ways of living by having a "POSITIVE ATTITUDE

NEED OF PUBLIC AWARENESS : Public awareness is very essential to understand the

prons and cons of the Environment and its problems.
1. After the Scientific and Industrial revolution in the recent past, there has been immense
impact of man on his environment and on the balance of ecosystem.
2. Industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, use of pesticides and insecticides and improper
use of fertilizers and chemicals in environment are some of the contributing factors which
challenged the life of man, plants, animals, birds and other organisms.
3. Human activities are causing many kinds of environmental pollutions for which public
awareness is necessary. There must be proper planning about the effects and control
measures of environmental pollution. Government should initiate and help by awareness
campaigns to save environment.
4. Any government at its own level cannot achieve the goals of sustainable development until
the public has a participatory role in it. It is only possible when public is aware about te
environmental issues. Public should understand the fact that if we degrade our environment,
we are harming ourselves.
5. There should be an integral part of our educational programs related to environment and its
problems. This is the duty of educated people to educate others about the adverse effect on
6. Everyone needs to make aware and motivate each and every individual for environmental
7. Both formal and informal education on the environment will give the interested individual
the knowledge, values, skills and tools needed to face the environmental challenges on a
local and global level such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, declining fisheries, ozone
layer depletion, illegal trade of endangered species, destruction of habitats, land degradation,
depleting ground water supplies, solid waste disposal, environmental pollution, sewage
disposal, etc pose a serious threat to ecosystem in forest, rural, urban and marine ecosystems.
8. Mass public awareness : Newspapers, radio, TV strongly influences public opinion on
conserving our environment.
9. Join groups such as BNHS and WWF-I, etc. to study environment.
10. Begin reading newspaper, articles, magazines which will tell you more about our current
environmental issues also several environmental websites.
11. Practice and promote issues such as saving paper, saving water, reducing use of plastics,
practicing 3Rs principle of reduce, reuse and recycle and proper waste disposal.
12. Join a local movement that supports activities like saving trees in your area, go on nature
treks, recycle waste, and buy environmentally friendly products.
13. Practice and promote good civic sense and hygiene such as enforcing no spitting or tobacco
chewing, no throwing garbage on the road, no smoking in public places.
14. Take part in events organized on World Environment Day, Wildlife week, etc.Visit a
National Park or Sanctuary or spend time in whatever natural habitat you have near your

1. Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), Mumbai

 An NGO founded in 1883.
 Wildlife policy building, research, popular publications and peoples action have been
unique features of this multifaceted society.
 Works towards conservation of wildlife species and ecosystems.
 Publications: HORNBILL, Journal on natural history, Salim Ali handbook on birds,
JC Daniel’s book on Indian reptiles, SH Prater’s book of Indian mammals and PV bole’s
book on Indian trees.
 Assisting government in framing of wildlife related laws.

2. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-I), New Delhi

 Initiated in 1969 in Mumbai and then moved to New Delhi with several branch offices all
over India.
 Works towards Wildlife education and awareness.
 Organizes nature clubs of India program for children. Works as a think tank and lobby
force for environment and development issues.

3. Center for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi

 Organizing campaigns, holding workshops/conferences and producing environment
related publications are some of its activities.
 It published ‘State of India’s Environment’, the first of its kind to be produced as a
Citizen’s Report on the Environment.
 It publishes popular magazine ‘DOWN TO EARH’ a Science and Environment
 It is also involved in publication of material in the form books, posters, video films and
also conducts workshops and seminars on biodiversity related issues.

4. CPR Environmental Education Centre, Madras

 CPR EEC was set up in 1988.
 Conducts variety of programs to spread environmental awareness and creates an interest
in conservation among the general public.
 It focuses attention on NGOs, teachers, women, youth and children to generally promote
conservation of nature and natural resources.
 Its programs include components on wildlife and biodiversity issues. It also produces a
large number of publications.
5. Centre of Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedabad
 It was initiated in 1989.
 It has wide range of programs on the environment and produces a variety of educational
material. CEE’s training in Environment Education (TEE) program has trained many
environment educators.
6. Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research (BVIEER),
 This institute is a part of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University and has a Ph.D, Masters
and Bachelors program in Environmental Sciences.
 Also offers an innovative Diploma in Environment Education for in-service teachers.
 It implements a large outreach programme that has covered over 135 schools in which it
trains teachers and conducts fortnightly Environment Education Programs.
 Biodiversity Conservation is a major focus of its research initiatives.

7. Uttarkhand Seva Nidhi (UKSN), Almora

 A Nodal Agency and supports NGOs in need of funds for their environment related
 Major program is organising and training school teachers to use its locale specific
Environment Education Workbook program.
 The main targets are linked with sustainable resource use at the village level through
training school children.
 Its environment education program covers about 500 schools.

8. Kalpavriksh, Pune
 It is an NGO and works on variety of fronts: education and awareness; investigation and
research; direct action and lobbying and litigation with regard to environment and
development issues.
 Its activities include talks and audio-visuals in schools and colleges, nature walks and
outstation camps, organizing student participation in ongoing campaigns including street
demonstrations, pushing for consumer awareness regarding organic food, press
statements, handling green alerts and meetings with the city’s administrators.
 It is involved with the preparation of site-specific, environmental manuals for school
 Kalpavriksh was responsible for developing India’s National Biodiversity Strtaegy and
Action Plan in 2003.

9. Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), Coimbatore
 Dr. Salim Ali wished to support a group of committed conservation scientists on
permanent basis and that dream became a reality only after his demise.
 It is independent organization and is based at Coimbatore since 1990.
 It has instituted a variety of field programs that have added to the country’s information
on our threatened biodiversity.

10. Wildlife Institute of India ( WII ), Dehradun

 This institution was established in 1982 as a major training establishment for Forest
Officials and Research in Wildlife Management.
 Its most significant publication has been ‘Planning A Wildlife Protected Area Network
for India’.
 The organisation has over the years added an enormous amount of information on India’s
biological wealth.
 It has trained a large number of Forest Department Officials and Staff as Wildlife
 Its M.Sc. Program has trained excellent wildlife scientists. It also has an Environment
Impact Assessment (EIA) cell.
 It trains personnel in ecodevelopment, wildlife biology, habitat management and Nature

11. Botanical Survey of India (BSI)

 It was established in 1890 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta.
 However it was closed after several years after 1939 and was reopened in 1954.
 It carries out the surveys of plant resources in different regions.

12. Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)

 It was established in 1916.
 Its mandate was to do a systematic survey of fauna in India.
 It has over the years collected ‘types of specimens’ on the bases of which our animal life
has been studied over the years.
 Its origins were collections based at the Indian Museum at Calcutta, which was
established in 1875.
 Older collections of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, which were made between 1814 and
1875, as well as those of the Indian Museum made between 1875 and 1916 were then
transferred to the ZSI.
 Today it has over a million of species! This makes it one of the largest collections in
 It has done an enormous amount of work on taxonomy and ecology.

Individuals who have been instrumental in shaping the environmental history in our history :

1. Salim Ali
 Fields : Ornithology, Natural history
 Awards : Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan.
 Salim Ali has written several great books including the famous ‘Book of Indian Birds’.
 His autobiography ‘Fall of a Sparrow’ must be read by every nature enthusiast.
 He was our country’s leading conservation scientist and influenced environmental
policies in our country for over 50 years.

2. Indira Gandhi
 As a PM, she has played a highly significant role in the preservation of India’s wild life.
 It was during her period as a PM, that the network of protected areas (Pas) grew from 65
to 298!
 The Wildlife Protection Act was formulated during the period when she was the PM and
the Indian Board for Wildlife was extremely active as she personally chaired all its

3. MS Swaminathan
 Mankombu Sambasivan Swaminathan is an Indian geneticist and international
administrator, renowned for his leading role in India’s Green Revolution.
 One of the India’s foremost agricultural scientists and has also been concerned with
various aspects of biodiversity conservation both of cultivars and wild biodiversity.
 Founder of the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in Chennai, which does work on
the conservation of biological diversity.
 Nickname : Indian Father of Green Revolution.

4. Madhav Gadgil
 Known for : Gadgil Commission, People Biodiversity Register in India.
 Field : Ecology, Conservation Biology, Human Ecology, Ecological history.
 Awards : Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan.
 A well known ecologist in India.
 His interest range from broad ecological issues such as developing Community
Biodiversity Registers and conserving sacred grooves to studies on the behaviour of
mammals, birds and insects.

5. Anil Agarwal
 He was a journalist who wrote the first report on the ‘State of India’s Environment’ in
 He founded the Center for Science and Environment (CSE-New Delhi) which is an active
NGO that supports various environmental issues.

6. MC Mehta
 India’s most famous environmental lawyer.
 Sice 1984, he has files several Public Interest Litigation (PIL) for supporting the cause
Of environmental conservation.
 Awards : Padma Shri.

7. Medha Patkar :
 She is known as one of the India’s Champions who has supported the cause of oppressed
tribal people whose environment is being affected by the dams on the Narmada river.
 Awards : Right Livelihood Award.

8. Sunderlal Bahuguna
 Sunderlal Bahuguna is a noted Garhwali environmentalist and Chipko movement leader.
The idea of chipko movement was of his wife and the action was taken by him.
 His fight to prevent the construction of Tehri dam in a fragile earthquake prone setting is
a battle that he continues to wage.
 The Garhwal Hills will always remember his dedication to the cause for which he has
walked over 20 thousand kilometres.

Internationally known environmental thinkers who have made landmarks and whose
names are frequently mentioned are :
1. Charles Darwin
 Author of “Origin of Species” which brought to light the close relationship between
habitats and species.
 It also brought about a new thinking of man’s relationship with other species that was
based on evolution.
 Alfred Wallace came to the same conclusions during his work.

2. Henry Thoreau
 In 1860, he wrote that the wilderness should be preserved after he lived in the wild for a
 He felt that most people did not care for nature and would sell it off for a small sum of

3. Ralph Emerson
 He spoke of the dangerous of commerce to our environment way back in the 1840s.
4. John Muir
 He is remembered as having saved the great ancient sequoia trees in California’s forests.
 In the 1890s he formed the Sierra club, which is a major conservation NGO in the USA.
5. Aldo Leopold
 He was a forest official in the US in 1920s.
 He designed the early policies on wilderness conservation and wildlife management.

6. Rachel Carson
 In the 1960s, Rachel Carson published several articles that cause immediate worldwide
concern on the effects of pesticide on nature and mankind.
 She wrote a well-known book called ‘Silent spring’ which eventually led to a change in
Government policy and public awareness.

7. EO Wilson
 An entomologist who envisioned that biological diversity was a key to human survival on
 He wrote ‘Diversity of Life’ in 1993, which was awarded a prize for the best book
published on environmental issues.
 His writings brought home to the world the risks to mankind due to man-made
disturbances in natural ecosystems that are leading to the rapid extinction of species at the
global level.

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