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Group_id Date Name Roll no.

Task Overall Progress

8 02/03/2023 Drashtant Singh Rathod 22111021 Designed the smart contract, explored the Remix IDE Explored the Remix IDE, Metamask Wallet and came up with a basic smart contract of the voting system.
Sudiksha Navik 22111059 Installed the metamask wallet, explored the Remix IDE
Shashank Rapolu 200839 Designing Front End of the dApp

8 16/03/2023 Drashtant Singh Rathod 22111021 Updated the smart contract, Learning to integrate the front end to the blockchain Updated the smart contract, setup the private blockchain and executed the smart contract on ganche
Sudiksha Navik 22111059 Setup the private blockchain using Ganache Truffle, Executed/ Interacted with the smart contract on the Ganache
Shashank Rapolu 200839 Designed the front end using Figma, Test Cases for smart contract

8 04/04/2023 (to be held) Drashtant Singh Rathod 22111021 Working on integrating front end with the blockchain, Exploring Backend
Sudiksha Navik 22111059 Setup the validating nodes that would validate the transactions occurring on blockchain, Exploring the Backend Designed the front-end of the applications and setup the validators of the blockchain based voting system
Shashank Rapolu 200839 Finalized and designed the Front end, Exploring the Backend

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