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Great Success.

Audio Drama
How I ended up choosing a Radio Drama
Radio Drama about ground shelling and artillery and its effects
- on enemy soldiers.

- Radio Drama about an air leak onboard the ISS and the loss of a
- colleague, mentor and friend
Idea Development
To give an idea of how a stereotypical mountain dwarf would sound like I looked to
google images and well known franchises and films.

I kept it simple and narrowed it down to thick scottish and traditional Irish accents

One of the 3 characters will have an unintelligible accent which only one other
dwarf can understand and has to translate throughout the whole production.
Idea Development .2
More development via:

Spider diagrams & Focus groups

Alcohol -> Expensive beverage

Radio Drama -> SciFi & Fantasy

Final idea ‘ rough outline’

3 Mountain dwarves discover each others love for adventuring and experiencing somethings new, they set off on a
trek to search for something they all can admire together.
3 days into the trek they come across an abandoned ancient brewery, they take their time uncovering it all and
looking through it carefully and thoroughly.
As this brewery was their first discovery on their journey, they decide to make rest here for the night, whilst
getting the place ready for nightfall one of the dwarves uncovers a secret book containing the mystical recipe for "
The following day, they decide to read through this book, recreate the recipe and find out what this beverage is and
why it was left here for all these years. After countless attempts and several instances of wanting to give up they
finally create the mystical magical drink called " Beer". They marvel at their creation and document it all, after
an absolutely fabulous pint of it they all exclaim in glee at their love for this liquid.
The 3 dwarves snatch as many " Beer" making tools and books as they could, they scrap the idea of venturing onwards
and rush back home.
We hear the dwarves scribbling down notes, muttering to each other and tapping their ink feathers against the table
brainstorming ideas for their new beverage company, after many many long silent minutes one of the dwarves exclaims
their idea to the other 2 members, they all celebrate their new company name, send off letters to family and loved
ones about their new passion and love and get to work on testing and mass producing their new luxury liquid.
Months fly by as they perfect their new recipe, blood sweat and tears they put into their work finally pays off. AT
LAST! They have the confidence and pride in their new drink and are more than ready to take on the competition.
Facing issues
- Recording equipment failure
- Bad weather
- Timing
- Poorly voice actors
- Editing equipment failure
How will I challenge myself
Create my own soundtracks.
Violin &/or Piano

to portray different emotions, to help move the scene along.

Record more outdoorsy sounds.

snapping of twigs, singing of birds, white noise of rivers.

Why should I produce this production?
- To give listeners a variety of choices in what they want to listen to.
- To push myself out of my comfort zone.
- To reinforce existing skills and learn about new ones.
- To complete my college course

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