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Topic: Cats and dogs

Focus: The similarities between cats and dogs.

Categories 1: Body language communication.

Categories 2: Innate hunting instincts.

Categories 3: Intestinal parasites.

Cats and Dogs have many similar characteristic. Firstly, they

communicate with people through body language. For example, Even
though dogs bark and cats meow, they transmit their signals with body
language. Secondly, they have innate hunting and survival instincts. For
example, another similarity between cats and dogs is their hunting instincts.
Both animals hunt for survival. In the wild, cats and dogs hunt and forage
for food. They have a strong innate hunting instinct. Cats often prey on
mice, birds,and other small animals while dogs prey on larger animals such
as rabbits and squirrels. Finally, There is a risk of contracting intestinal
parasites. In addition to hunting and body language, there are also health
similarities between cats and dogs. For example, both of these species are
prone to contracting intestinal parasites or worms. The most common of
these parasites are roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and giardia. The
treatment process for these health problems is also similar. As a result,
although there are many differences between cats and dogs, there are also

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