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 What is an argument? Answer: Introduction, Body, Conclusion.

Answer: Is an idea that supports the  These are the elements of an
claim argumentative essay.
 What does an argumentative Answer: Claim, Argument, Evidence,
essay present in order to let the Issue, conclusion, Counterargument,
reader know why it is more Rebuttal.
 In which paragraph is the thesis
Answer: Evidences for a claim found?
 What do you call an idea which Answer: Introduction
the opinions of people are
 How many paragraphs should
your essay possess?
Answer: Issue
Answer: at least five
 What is a counterargument?
 Your thesis statement must
Answer: An idea given by the opposing include the points you will
side against the claim given. discuss. At least how many
should you have in your essay?
 What is a rebuttal?
Answer: Three
Answer: The response
counterargument.  This are the components of an
argumentative essay.
 There are three parts to an
essay. Which choice contains all Answer: Introduction, Body, refutation
of them? and Conclusion


 It is the most complex skill in  This writing technique gives

communication. information and straightforward
facts regarding a topic.
Answer: Writing
Answer: Informative
 This is where facts, statistics,  In informative writing, the
statements, and other supporting following are considered
details are included. evidence except for:
Answer: body Answer: Opinion
 It is the purpose of an informative  The road map is usually found in
text. the ______________ part in any
type of writing.
Answer: To Educate
Answer: Introduction
 In choosing a topic, it must be
______________.  Informative writing is sometimes
called _____________ writing.
Answer: Specific
Answer: Explanatory
 It is considered as the road map
in an informative text.  This part summarizes and
reiterates the thesis statement of
Answer: Thesis Statement
an informative text.
Answer: Conclusion

True or False  The conclusion is the most

significant component of an
 Adverb phrases are used in
informative text. FALSE
informative writing for smooth
 In explaining a topic, reliable and
flow of information. FALSE
credible sources are needed.
 Unbiased information is needed
in informative writing. TRUE
 Accurate and essential data are
included in an informative text.


Identify if the statement is a description or an example of persuasive or
argumentative text. Write P for persuasive and A for argumentative.

 It aims to make the readers acknowledge the truthfulness of the writer’s

Answer: Argumentative
 It involves analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information or evidences to
give a solid support to the argument.
Answer: Argumentative
 It usually ends with a call to action.
Answer: Persuasive
 Diane Dimond wrote on her blog, “And once robbed of their self-esteem, they
can suffer from mental and physical problems, drop out of school and even
commit suicide.” No one likes the way insults feel, and this is why bullies are
Answer: Persuasive
 Slow internet speed in the Philippines is a problem in ensuring quality
education. The country fell six notches to 121 out of 139 countries, its 12.09
mbps far below the global average of 30.89 mbps; this is why Filipino learners
cannot keep up with international standards.
Answer: Argumentative

 best describes argumentative  What persuasive writing

writing technique uses an
Answer: It presents the writer’s interrogative statement to
side about an issue and the emphasize the obvious and
evidence to prove his points. make the reader reflect about
 type of writing aims to Answer: Rhetorical Question
convince the readers to agree  Besides knowledge about the
with the writer’s opinion or topic, what is an important
perspective aspect to consider when
Answer: Persuasive Writing writing a persuasive or an
 What technique aims to argumentative essay?
persuade the readers by telling Answer: knowing the target
that everybody else has audience
accepted the idea or that the  it is not an acceptable
majority is already doing it? evidence to prove one’s point
Answer: Bandwagon Answer: opinions of random

a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion

INTRODUCTION Background Information

BODY Counterarguments
INTRODUCTION Thesis Statements
BODY Evidence/Proof


 What term is often used ANSWER: background or summary of
interchangeably with the word the text
 question to asked when
ANSWER: REVIEW analyzing the characters in a
 this statement is not true about
a critique? Answer: How are the characters
developed and what makes them
Answer: It is a purely opinionated piece interesting and relatable?
of writing about a story, novel, film, etc.
 What detail can a critic use
 these is not an appropriate
best to support his/her
subject for critical analysis? evaluation of a story?
Answer: SPEECHES Answer: Quotes from the story itself
 What information or details is
usually included in a critique’s

 Critiques may follow different formats but they generally have the same
content or foci.
 A critique is intended primarily to point out the faults or flaws in work.
 It is alright to not give a summary of the story critiqued because the readers
are most likely familiar with it already.
 A critic is encouraged to write “I think…” or “In my opinion…” in his/her critical
__4___ Give recommendations as needed.
__1___ Give a short summary of the story.
__3___ Give an overall evaluation of the story.
__2___ State your analysis of the setting, characterization, plot, etc.


A formalist critic…
 must be a close or careful reader who examines all the elements of a text
individually to discover how they form an organic unity. HAPPY
 questions how they come together to create a work of art. HAPPY
 looks beyond the work by reading the author’s life, or literary style. SAD
 examines the work’s historical background and condition of the society. SAD
 allows the text to reveal itself. HAPPY
 analyzes how the elements work together to form the unity of structure and to
give meaning to the text. HAPPY
 achieves understanding of the text by looking inside it, not outside nor beyond.
 studies how the text’s influences or figures out similarity with other works. SAD
 takes the elements distinct and separate from each other. SAD
 scrutinizes the point of view, structure, symbols, tone, theme and other
elements or literary devices. HAPPY

1. Which of the following refers to the C. Plot

evaluation, analysis, description, or
3. What do you call the opposition of
interpretation of literary works?
forces which is essential to the plot?
A. Literary criticism
A. Climax
B. Literary approach
B. Conflict
C. Literary device
C. Exposition
2. What element in a literary work is
described as the series of related
events? 4. What is the most exciting part of a
A. Theme
A. Exposition
B. Setting
B. Climax C. Analyze how the elements work
together to give meaning to the text.
C. Rising Action

9. Which of the following is TRUE about

5. Which of the following is the central or
main character in a story?
A. It is concerned with the historical
A. Antagonist
events outside of the story, cultural, and
B. Protagonist religious beliefs.

C. Confidant B. It uses quick reading to get the main

idea of the text and compare it with
6. Which among the elements of a short other related works.
story refers to the perspective of the
character or narrator telling the story? C. It analyzes the work as a whole, the
form of each individual part of the text
Symbolism from the individual scenes and chapters,
B. Point of view elements, and literary devices.

C. Theme
10. Which of these features of a text
would a formalist critic be most
7. What literary criticism approach interested in?
analyzes the structure or form of each
individual part of a story and it focuses
only on the text itself? A. Structure
B. Author
A. Moralist Approach
C. Reader
B. Formalist Approach
C. Marxist Approach
Read and analyze the introductory part
of the story A Day in the Country by
Anton Chekhov. Answer the following
8. How to analyze a text using formalist questions.
A. Examine a text including the
biographical information about the A dark leaden-colored mass is creeping
author and the effect on the reader. over the sky towards the sun. Red
zigzags of lightning gleam here and
B. Scrutinize the point of view, structure, there across it. There is a sound of far-
social and political ideas. away rumbling. A warm wind frolics over
the grass, bends the trees, and stirs up
the dust. In a minute there will be a A. the villagers were expecting for an
spurt of May rain and a real storm will approaching storm.
begin. Fyokla, a little beggar-girl of six,
B. Fyokla and the villagers were
is running through the village, looking for
preparing for a feast after the storm.
Terenty, the cobbler. The white-haired,
barefooted child is pale. Her eyes are C. a storm destroyed the village.
wide-open, her lips are trembling.

15. They hear a whistle and a rumble,

11. What literary device is evident in the but not such a rumble as the
introduction of the story? stormclouds carried away. A good train
races by before the eyes of Terenty,
A. Imagery
Danilka, and Fyokla. The engine,
B. Metaphor panting and puffing out black smoke,
drags more than twenty vans after it. Its
C. Irony
power is tremendous. The children are
interested to know how an engine, not
alive and without the help of horses, can
12. Who are the characters introduced move and drag such weights, and
in the story? Terenty undertakes to explain it to them.
A. Fyokla and Anton What is the point of view of the narrator
B. Terenty and the cobbler in the story based on the text above?

C. Fyokla and Terenty

A. First person point view

13. Where do you think the story B. Second person point of view
happened? C. Third person point of view

A. The story happened in the province.

B. The setting of the story was in the
C. The events took place in the jungle.

14. Which of the following can be

inferred from the exposition of the story?
In the beginning of the story…

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