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Name: _________________________


I. Write the Memory Verse: Colossians 1:16


1. There are three angels whose personal names we know. Name them..

(1) ________________________ (2) ________________________ (3) _______________________

2. Angels are personal beings with intelligence, thoughts, and free will. True, or False? ________

3. What are the two names of the Devil before he fell?

(1) ________________________ (2) ________________________

4. What was his name after he fell? ____________________________

5. The term “angel” is not a personal name; but, rather, a title describing an office.
True, or False? ________

6. Who is going to blow the trumpet when Christ comes for His Church? ______________________

7. Gabriel is the angel that disputed with the Devil about the burial of the body of Moses.
True, or False? ________

8. What archangel appeared to Zacharias and Mary concerning John the Baptist and Jesus?_____________

9. How many angels did Christ say He could call to deliver Him from being apprehended while
in the Garden? __________________

10. Where is the primary dwelling place of angels? _______________________

11. There are three dwelling places of fallen angels today.

(1) ________________________ (2) ________________________ (3) _______________________

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12. In Job 1:6, Satan and the sons of God presented themselves before the Lord. These are the fallen
angels, called the “sons of God” by ____________________ not by _______________________.

13. All the wicked angels will one day die the second death. True, or False? ________

14. Angels will never die. True, or False? ________

15. A description of the cherubim is found where in Scripture? ___________________

16. The angelic beings known as seraphim are only found in what book and chapter? _______________

17. Who is the only archangel in Scripture? _____________________

18. Who is the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament? ___________________

19. All angels, good and evil, are in subjection to Jesus Christ. True, or False? ________

20. When are the Devil and his angels cast out of Heaven to the Earth? ___________________________

21. Satan created his evil angels just as God created His holy angels. True, or False? ________

22. Who is the angel who does most of the fighting against the demonic angels? __________________

23. Name the angel who is known as the “messenger” angel. __________________________

24. Angels can do many things for the protection of the Christian, that we may never see or know
about until we get to Heaven. True, or False? ________

25. Can demons inflict physical harm to a person without God’s knowledge? ____________________

26. James 2:19 says, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe
and tremble.” If we believe like the demons, then why are they lost and we are saved?_______

27. Does Satan have the power to kill a person? _________________-

28. The word “devils” in the New Testament is best translated what? _____________________

29. What are some of the characteristics of demon possession?

(1). __________________________________________________________________
(2). __________________________________________________________________
(3). __________________________________________________________________
(4). __________________________________________________________________

30. Where are the demons that brought about the Flood? _____________

31. In Genesis 6:2, we are told, “That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were
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fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” Define the following:

(1) “Sons of God” - _______________________________________________________________

(2) “Daughters of men” - ___________________________________________________________
(3) “Took them wives” - ___________________________________________________________
(4) “Which they chose” - ___________________________________________________________

32. What was the sin that caused Lucifer to fall? _______________________________

33. In John 8:44, Satan is described as “a murderer and a liar.” Of all the wickedness he causes, what
is his main objective toward the human race?
(1) “Liar” - _______________________________________________________________
(2) “Murderer” - ___________________________________________________________

34. In Isaiah 14:12 we read, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.”
The NASB (New American Standard Bible) and the NIV (New International Version Bible)
have omitted “Lucifer” and put what instead? _______________________

35. The Hebrew word for “star” is “KOKAB”, so how do we know this is a perverted translation?

36. How do we know these two Bibles purposely mistranslated this verse, by mistranslating
Lucifer? _____________________________________________________________________

37. The Hebrew words translated “Lucifer, son of the morning” are “Helel ben Shacar.” Translate
the following:

(1) “Helel” -________________________

(2) “ben” - _________________________
(3) “Shacar” - _______________________

38. This is correctly translated in the KJT; but, purposely perverted in the NIV and NASB.
True, or False? _______

Scoring: Memory Verse – 1 off for each wrong word.

Actual Test – 1.5 (one and a half) off for each wrong answer.

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