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Women professional aspirations and sexual exploitations

Women do aspire as every human or man do; they have dreams and aspirations to make it big and
build a respectful l personality. But for many centuries, women are not allowed to do so. They can
build their careers. They can't work for anything, and they can't study. This was the situation in the
Indian households and around the world in most countries way back and now in most of the areas.
They can't raise their voice against anyone, especially men. Women's aspirations to build a career or
do a business to work in a professional field to earn money was never an option before, but slowly
it's changing, and opportunities are many available to women. But, in most households, when
women try to pursue their careers, they are abused by their relatives before marriage and by their
husbands after their marriage. Because husbands and fathers have the only authority to make
decisions and nobody else, the wife or the daughter is just the players in the household and are
meant to work under the directions of their father or husbands. Husbands have total right to do
anything to their wives if they disobey their decisions like sexual exploitations, torture and abuse the
women so much that they are only meant to work at the directions of their husbands. They have no
right to work because the men of the household would feel inferior if the wife earns more than the
husband, which would mean she would have the authority. Poor some of the wives who think to do
good for herself or the children and when the husband does not like it, he abuses her every time to
prove the point that his ego is more important than his wife's life. When they try to talk that they
studied till a point and have good merit and what to pursue further studies or work in their field, the
husband doesn't usually talk or can't see what she wishes for they are either silenced by not
answering, or they are sexually abused till the women wipe the idea they have in their mind about
their careers .but these women who spoke up and tried to fight to all the barriers and who have
stood even after going through all the torture of abuse because of them it has become a place to let
women explore their own paths in today's world because they raised their voice and their voice did
make a difference.

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