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School Divine World College of San Jose Grade Kindergarten

Teacher Jevy Rose D. Paz Subject Language

Date January 12,2023 Grading Second Quarter
Detailed Lesson Plan Time 9 am – 10 am Instructor Teodora Mangilaya

A. Content Standards The child demonstrates an understanding of acquiring new words/
widening his/her vocabulary links to his/her experiences.
B. Performance Standards The child shall be able to actively engage in meaningful conversation
with peers and adults using varied spoken vocabulary.
C. Learning Competency Give the names of family members, school personnel, and
helpers, and the roles they play/ jobs they do/things they use.
Code LLKV-00-6
II. CONTENT I can name different community helpers and the jobs they do.
A. Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide p. 9-12
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Curriculum Guide (CG) p. 13
Learning Resource (LR) . Power Point Presentation
Portal .Visual Aids
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Let us all stand for our prayer to
be led by Nico
Nico will led the prayer.

2. Checking of Attendance
Is anyone absent today?
None ma’am.
3. Checking of Assignment
Do we have an assignment?

None ma'am .

4. Drill Alrigth,thank you Matteo

Children I will show a pictures

here in front. All you have to do
is to name those pictures.
Yes ma’am.
Okay let’s begin.
janitor/janitres,security guard and
canteen worker
Very good class!

Teacher, doctor, policemen,

firefighter and engineer.
A. Review of previous lesson
Now, in our past lesson you
learned about the people who
worked in the school.
Am I right?
Yes ma’am.
Today, I want you to identify
the pictures of these people who
work in the school and tell me
what kind of work they do.

First picture.

Who is this? A principal.

What kind of work of a
principal? The principal guides the teachers
to do their jobs.

How about this one, Aliz?

A teacher.

Very good! This is a teacher

What kind of work did we do?

The teacher teaches us to learn in

the classroom.
Next, Jaxs?
A guidance counselor.
Correct! What kind of work of a
guidance counselor, Amina?
The guidance counselor helps the
children in improving themselves.
Wow! Very good answer
How about this, Kelsey?

A security guard.

What is the work of security

guard, Cyrus? The security guard keeps the
school safe for everybody.

Very good children!

Those people helping us in the
school are called school
personnel. Understand? Yes ma’am.

Give yourself a good job clap

because you all remembered our
(The pupils perform the good job
past lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for the
If there are people who work in
our school, there are also people
who work in our community.

Do you know who they are?

Yes ma’am.
Yes, they are the people who
work and do many different
things to help us every day.

Who teaches us in school?

Who protect us from bad Teacher.

Security Guard.
Who treat us when we are sick?
Very good. All of them helps us
in many ways. We call them as
community helpers.
C. Presenting examples/instances Now, we are going to make
of the new lesson stick puppets of community
Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

I have here different pictures of

community helpers.
What you are going to do is to
attach popsicle sticks using glue
at the back of each community (The pupils do what the teacher
helpers. said).
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
Everybody, show me your stick
(The pupils will show the stick
Excellent children! Your
puppets look very nice.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
Now, tell me the name of each
community helper.
Teacher, doctor/nurse, police
officers, dentist, fire fighter,
construction worker, driver,
farmer, and fisherman.
Very good class!
What does each of the
community helper do?
The teacher teaches us to learn in
Correct! How about the doctor the classroom.
and nurse, Athena?

The doctor and nurse take care of

Right! Next, police officers, us when we are sick.

The police officers protect us

Next one, construction worker, from bad people.

The construction worker is the

How about driver, Xyon? one who build our house.
The driver makes us safe to ride at
How about farmer, Aljon? school.

The farmer plants rice that we eat

Very good! every day.
And last, the fisherman,
The fisherman catch fish.
Very good children!
There are many community
helpers in our surroundings.

Children, how about the people

in the barangay hall, do we
consider them as community
helpers too? Yes ma’am.
(Answers may vary).

As you have known, who are

the people in the barangay hall,
Barangay captain, kagawad,
secretary and barangay tanod.

Very well said, Aliz.

How do these people help the
community especially during They guide people to follow the
this pandemic, Matt? COVID-19 pandemic health and
safety protocols.

They help impose proper disposal

Correct! What else, Jaxs?
of garbage.

Very good answer children!

F. Developing mastery (leads to Let’s have another activity. This
Formative Assessment 3) is what we called Show and
Tell. I will show the stick
puppet of community helpers
one at a time. All you have to
do is to identify the community
helper shown and talk about
what they do. Yes ma’am.
Do you understand? (The pupils will perform the
G. Finding practical applications Do you want to play a game?
of concepts and skills in daily Yes ma’am.
living The title of our game is Act and
Tell. We should have artist here
in front and imitate the work of
community helpers that he/she
want. You are going to guest
what community helpers did she
imitate. Understand? Yes ma’am.
Okay let’s start. (The pupils will perform the
H. Making generalizations and What have you learned from
abstraction about the lesson today’s activities, Sofeya?
I learned about the different
community helpers.
Who are they, Linus?
Teacher, doctor/nurse, police
officers, dentist, fire fighter,
construction worker, driver,
farmer, and fisherman.
What kind of work they do?
(The pupils tell one at a time the
kind of work of each community
Aside from our families, we
have other people in the
community who help us with
our needs. They are called
community helpers.
I. Evaluating Learner Identify the names of
community helpers. Select their
names on the box and write it
below in their picture.

Teacher Doctor/Nurse
Police officer Dentist
Fire fighter Driver
Construction worker
Farmer Fisherman
J. Additional tasks or On your assignment open your
Remediation books on page 158 and answer
A. No. of learners who earned 80% of
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of ledarners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my taching strategies
worked well?Ehy did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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