Marketing Analytics Project Guidelines YywjeHAvw4

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Marketing Analytics Project (20 Marks) Report Format

Dear All,

The Marketing Analytics assignment should have following sections:-

1) Question you want to answer

a. E.g. predicting customer loyalty or Predicting buyer behaviour

2) Data Sources
a. For Secondary data source; time frame, source of the data and sample size should be
clearly mentioned and justified.
b. For primary data, sampling method and Size should be clearly mentioned and
justified. Questionnaire should be appended to the report.

3) Identification of features for prediction: - The inputs required for solving the problem
should be selected based on strong theoretical background (supported by research
papers/articles in that area) and cited as a reference at the end of report (APA Citation).
a. E.g. for predicting consumer loyalty which features were elected and why?
b. E.g. For consumer behaviour, what characteristics of consumers were selected and
which studies supported these features in the past?

4) Method(s) selected for prediction (Choice of a model):-

a. Did you check all the prerequisites for using selected method? (e.g., Normality
testing, randomness of error, Multi-collinearity for regression or Stationarity of
Times series methods etc.)
b. You are encouraged to use more than one technique.

5) Evaluation of Method(s) and Interpretation of output:-

a. The accuracy of prediction of a chosen model should be clearly measured using
various indicators. (e.g. Adjusted R-square for regression, Confusion Matrix for
Logistics and Discriminant).

6) Bibliography (APA citation)

7) Appendix (if required)

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Format of the Report:-

 Font Size:- 12
 Font Type:- Times New Roman
 Should be 1.5 lines spaced
 Length: - Not more than 5 pages excluding cover page and appendices (Only show
relevant statistical tables in main body and push outputs along with code from
statistical softwares in appendix).
 The cover page should include Title, Class, Division, roll numbers and names of the
group members.

Gentle Reminder
Final submission by 28th March 2023 in the form of Word doc or pdf over email along with outputs
from the software packages used. This may be followed by groupwise viva.

Dr. Yogesh Funde

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