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Name: Nina Rica D.

Dagangon Course/Section: Bsed-Eng 1D

Instructor: Ms. Clarissa Alban Subject: GEC 2

I. What It really means?

 Primary – not made or coming from something else, original
- primary sources it can be most evidence because it comes from someone who was right there at
the said event.
 Firsthand – coming directly from the original source
- Firsthand is the one who participated or experience and the one who write or record the said
 Source – a person, publication, or objects that gives information.
- Source Is the origin, but source can classified into two the primary sources and secondary
sources both of them has an origin sources.
II. Web Diagram




III. PS or SS.

PS 1. Memoirs

PS 2. Annual reports of the governor general

PS 3. Philippine history textbooks

PS 4. Newspaper Clippings

PS 5. Online journal articles about the role of the collaboration in WWII

PS 6. Artifacts and relics

PS 7. Documentary Reports

PS 8. Photo Exhibit

SS 9. Editorial Cartoons

PS 10. Paintings

Exercise III: Venn Diagram

-Direct Access to -interpreted by

-Sources researchers.
-have the same -use generalization,
-written & narrated
content analysis,
by the person in the
exact event -

1. Explanation for overlapping concepts.

Answer: Primary Source and Secondary Source are have the same concept, if in venn diagram you can
see that there are two words that I wrote their which is the sources and same content. Sources because
it was came by the person which is there on the said event and these two will have the same content as
what the writter said or write on the said event. Their differences is when the Primary Sources was
narrated by the person in that event, the Secondary ources was can made by the reseachers that uses
generalizations and analysis so they can give the exact meaning or happening in that event.

2. List down 8 examples of primary sources.

 Journal
 Photographs
 Interview
 Autobiographies
 Speeches
 Memos
 Government reports
 Meeting
3. List down 8 examples of Secondary sources.
 Textbooks
 Research paper
 Editorial
 Biographies
 Dictionaries
 Political commentary
 Magazines
 Documentaries
4. List down 6 examples which can be either be primary or secondary sources depending of the
context and use.

Classification of the sources: Primary or secondary.

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