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Adras and atlas of Mergilan

The first trades known from history are, of course, the

craft of stone-cutting, jewelry and woodworking.
During the stages of civilization, different crafts began
to appear one after another.
The settlement of artisans in one place gave impetus to
the emergence of cities in Ferghana. Along the
naturally favorable landscapes, places close to water
sources, and along the caravan routes, first craft
districts, and later cities appeared.
The city of Margilon has been described as the land of
silk workers and craftsmen since time immemorial.
The city is a place that reflects the ancient history of
our country, unique and unique culture, customs and
traditions of our people. In Margilon, ancient craft
schools, especially the silk school, have been
preserved. Today, more than a thousand households are
engaged in handicrafts in the city of Margilon. The
number of members of the "Hunarmand" association,
which is officially operating, is 527, and they have
more than a thousand students.
Craftsmen with 17 types of crafts are working in the
city of Margilon. Their main directions are the
production of national fabrics (adras, atlas) and sewing
products, the production of national shoes,
woodworking, woodcarving, hat making, weaving,
blacksmithing, and coppersmithing. .
In cooperation with "Uzbekipaksanoat" and
"Hunarmand" associations, "SILK IKAT AND
CARPET" LLC for export was established in the city,
and the production of silk carpets and satins was
On the initiative of master craftsman Ibrahimjon
Sultanov, the Craftsmen's Center was built and
commissioned on the basis of public-private
partnership. 600 craftsmen have started their work, and
the production of more than 200 types of satin and
adras weaving, carpet making, household service,
tailoring, handicraft products has been launched. About
2,000 women and young people were recruited by
On the lower floor of the two-story center, satin, adras,
silk, velvet, bekasam fabrics are woven. On the first
floor, there is an exhibition of finished products, a
podium, and a shop. In the shop here, the processes of
drawing flowers on fabric, tying, making a circle, and
making a circle are demonstrated in a visual way.
There is a carpet shop on the upper floor of the
building. Here, all products are woven entirely by
hand, from 100 percent pure silk.

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