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Delhi University Series Human Resource Management Paper BCH 3.1 Semester sai eae TM >A 1 = F Examination Papers (Solved) + University Question Papers with Answers + Examination Questions - Topic-wise + Strictly according to Semester Course + Latest Syllabus Shiv Das & Sons www.shivdas.in Vikas Fumo’ ae has Hh Biol. y) Examination Papers (Solved) Shiv Bas a Sons Educational Publishers Ye ——— Syllabus. B.Com. (Hons.) CBCS PAPER BCH 3.1 : HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT oration: 5 house Marke 100 Creits: 6 Syllabus {Course Objective: The ojactive of this eure i to eile earners to anders Me ‘ipotace of man researc and tir efctive managerent i organisations Gi) Course Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, the student shall be Unit 1 tur Human Resource Management able — ' 4 aS nti nents manent Unit Procurement ‘COD: analyze the current theory and practice of recruitment and selection. ee eer Unit Tair ‘em rlormance. I alg rd Deveopmen cou eg no econ mn ‘design compensation schemes that ere cost effective, that increase Us erimance ann See ay mag i erent Sen op con ey ate ay acy ge Senne Unit Compensation and Management — Unit Vt & 20 (COURSE CONTENTS: es emerging Horizons in Human Res eek Manag ni eae) Introduction: Meaning, importance and scope of HRM; Evolution of HRM; ment in? Sees Ome oe ee ee ee as University Question Papers (wth ansven) az | aekoten nance " onwards Unit ‘Recrutment, Selection and Development: Recrutment, selection, aes placement, induction, and sodalizetion ~ an overview; Developing Human Resources; Training ~ need, types, and evaluation: Role specific and ‘competency based training ‘unit | Performance Appraisat: Perfomance Appraisal Performance appraisal | nature and cbjectives, methods of performance appraisal, potential appraisal de employee counseling; Job changes—tansfors and promotions; | Houde. Unit 1V Compensation Job evaluation; Compensation—concept and policies, base and supplementary compensation, performance linked compensation — individual, group, and organisation level. jo ae ® en cars RM," green-HRM, Privacy), lovee wefan ergi8 Is8ues in HRM, Socal it a downsizing wort, tallenges of Hrwt, “tem, lite balance se = a see Human Resource Management ‘outsourcing HRM @) cots Je 4. Define MO and aca festures Le) Reet cn source Mangement. Human Resource Tr ee ivan opto erent levee. Mogens Se eo er tee procurement deveopren ization Se eon of xgansaona gon aoa arene manapument FRM) refers to a formal system devised forthe [tance na ean ees Si ne ae ts ae Oe Teed Setar conn ess ca ey Crtanisstion, HRM is designed for the purpose of maximising, employees santn HONS i enna Perms ap a Pg senor me reg a eae pee ete mai oe aang ete ee ieee ene pte ent cates i ee ire ee grr og oto nett a sol een a ee ce eee eer ses aa one es creme treed tied veneer a mst pi sn at eT EE Beige ie ere nent eese od oor ta eee anny ce erat = tS a ge oe are a ares, a sme rar meas ares i Lec el ar antmrmbte fdeg dare = gies area! Ty SERIES a process of procuring, developing 2m Sh Doe DELI UNWWERS a ey managing. people at work i Dae en Ge Naty a ok i) Pervasive function, HRM being a mandatory part of any orpanisation Fe ee ates ca Riga et eg ‘manage people under him in te best possible manner, fe Pe TEL sand ey et ree are ee ee ty Eouectaaee ratios ttn peuies ieee ncaa een as Sel 9 hanes ten rare ee oo ieeitieel ona os taar nls ee fe eget ao a ep nap se i ey oa ee ete ‘dimension in organizations. . Th flowing aspects conte th core and nature of HRM eve man doe gram ser cna 2 te el tt me oc RM i pervasive in nature I Drs pemensal eof mrapement nan engansfee tae ational goals and objectives, i selection, psychology, ction, rather than on record People cn asigned bs in or results. The reauliant gane peopl snd ns tan ga People and most then to 4 Acton oriented. HRM ns of employecs ar slved §, Directed towards Achievement of ing mechanism, HR 3. Conned ith people Hs sepa = reused to ema th ‘ais utr move npc on eed HI acs ater o eaae en ct a Pe diver of go Ses. HEM dence oars wie meh mae Pv ch a a asi wen i and manners ree ta aot inthe organisation. I tiesto integeate ng organisational goals for ache, gs in the organisation so thot the p2% and efficiently. It simply ig 98 such a manner that they contribute ghee" by Un JHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT a 7, Development oriented. HRM intends to develop the all potential of em- ployees. The reward structure is tuned to the needs of employees. Training is provided to improve the skill of employees. Every attemp fs made to use theit {ateats fully in the service of organisational goals. 8. Continuous process, HRM isnot a one short deal. I cannot be practised only one hour each day ar one day a weck. It requires constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in every day operations 9. Comprehensive function. HRM is concerned with managing peaple at ‘work It covers all types of people tall levels in the organisation. It applies to workers, supervisors offices, managers and other types of personnel, 'Q. 3. Explain the objectives of Human Resource Management. Is it the responsibilty of Human Resouree Department only? e010) ‘Ans, Human Resource is the aggregate of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skils represented by the talent and aptitude of the persons employe in an organisation, Management's basic job is the effective ullisation ‘of human resources forthe achievement of organisational objectives, that could ‘be profitable operations and growth through the satisfaction of certain needs of customers and seciely. The effectiveness with which various kinds of human resources are coordinated and ulilised is responsible for success of faire in achieving organisational objectives. Every aspect of a fir’s activities is ig determined by the competence, motivation and general ellectiveness ofits harm pact Following are the main objectives of Human Resource Management (HRM): 1 Organisational objestves. These functions acknowledge the function of human resource management in organisational eectveness, HRM hele the Busines fo secomplsh it main objectives. HRM is the means for an ergansation to achive elfiercy and tectveness. I serves vas anton $rtes 01 help an onaieaon to sin iene ns operations ae stain ie geal. Acrng ight people fo he jl an ining and developing them atethe main organisational otjectves of HRM, HRM ensure that ight pe ard umber of employees ae always avalale to an organisation Maso fans at oper utilisation and mantnancs of the workforce 2 Functional objectives. These objective attempt to maintain the HR departments comtibtion at aleve sable fore argnisaion's regents Human resources are required to be adjsted to match the demande othe organisation, The Hl depurtments level of servic shouldbe ested sti the Busnes it ais, HRM performs various function fo ther parents. HRM inst male sure that the cont of maintaining an depart fora ‘rgantion should no excnd the beets fered by 3 Personal objectives. These obtves helps workers in aiing thir personal. goals and bjecves, ach cctv ‘Donat the indnaduls Contato othe rgisaton. Fling sh objaives lp am nganston In reining, maintaining and motivating the wero. Ils ining te level of performance and satan ofthe employees HRM a st ching the personal goals of the empyecs an in retrn gett commie aap creating work ie ence for he employes is personal active 46 Ship Das DELI UNIVERSITY SERIES 4, Societal objectives. The societal object y thicat accountable for the requirements and dlifculies oF society. HRM makes lly ich HART esr ht la cs i gl Pay Fr etl work at ee EE il gh rprcion! yl oar mer ae relationship among all the organisational members. a = clarion wna organ, Heat Sanden i ta yn From te po he bt ofthe bi. pes Soe tte atin ee Se riogen pat merle ne comely eriopmany appraisal, compensation, etc. = Mee EEA Say acy nap: en ou iw on 9 ag ty ropa, isan en Tse Fer paceche ch mee genes eee ot hg Se dentin i corel wi he magnet anes ecm oe Ec vin bee ein = (2013:Noo) lentify and satisfy the ‘Ane. Human Resource Management developing and suinaining coy [Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5 ‘bul their strategic importance is growing in today’s knowledge based industries. ‘An organisations stcess depends on the knowledge, skils and abilities of templeyees, With appropriate Ik policies and practices an organisation can hte, {levelop and utilize best brains in the market place, achieve its professional goals and dover results better than others, ‘Main functions of HI To help the organisation reac its goals. HR department epartinents ian organisation that exiss to achieve the goals of the ‘organisation fist. «+ Toemploy skills and abilities ofthe workforce efficiently. The primary purpose of FIRM isto make people's strngths productive and to benefit Customers, stoekhlders and employees + To provide the organisation with well trained and well-mottoated employees. HRM requires that the employees should be motivated to Che their ‘maximum efforts, that their performance be evaluated sy for revulis and they be remunerated on the basis of their Eontibution tothe organisation, + To marinise the employees” job satisfaction and selfactuaisation. tiie to prompt and stimulate every employee to realise his potential + To devslop and maintain quality of work Wife. It makes employment in ‘he organisation a desirable, personal and social situation by designing, suitable programmes for improving OWL. «To communicate IIR policies t0 all employees. To. make people “understand all the statutory and nor-statutory (voluntary) benefits given to them by the organisation is also a jb in HIM Q. 5. (a) "Human Resource Management is the responsibility of all managers” Comment on this statement (2015) “t) Distinguish between HRM and HIRD. What competencies are required to be a successful HR manager? ‘Or, Define competency In the context of HIRM. Discuss its various types. (Or, What are the various types of competencies in the context of HRM. (nu. (a) “man Resource Management ste responsibility of all Managers ‘This statement i aply stated a8 each and every manager working in whichever partment f constantly desing seth people who are nothing but valuable fhuman resource of the company. It is the duty and resporsibity of all the Inanagers to get things dane from the employees ia. a mutually beneficial se up, “They are required to fulfil major objctines like: (i) Elfective utilisation of human resources: {i Providing desirable working relationships among ll organisation: and (i) Maximam individual development in flfilment of the above objectives all managers of the organisation are supposed to perform the role of human resource manager ty, planning ekeloping, and administering policies and programmes designed t make Rpeditios use of an organisation's human resources, It © that pat “i Nehich is concerned vith the people at work and with their members of the 6 shiv Das 0 5 sid al he AMET ae Unit I HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 7 + ora win an ; sa ac Mu ae po se * Fottowing are certain core competencies associated with HRM: a) Atel oy tagger isconenel wih eat fr on ans and puree In EE — “IMD asi decisions and demonstrates commitment to accomplish work in an clair hoon pcben apt GC ean aca fer wo men aepOeB nar Gy Rtegbiin: ns cone wih ausing to plone work by ne ceis mare i y ‘ and ein I gh ssa he aE important thay gathering sigaficant information and applying etcal thinking to imcomet numbers TR es personal affairs The human esau fiddress demands ofthe changing environment ee Tone employes, but fa : gas well as lstering sll 1 ting neem erga cy h(i) Communlaton. I involves bth speaking a8 well slitening Tange a gue wih ded hr thon th yt mea xan fiom ss tt fae forthe pepo of nnn or Raa SE Tet peopl af AOL SImply ene gf” commun understanding Testing pif HEM eer ure of competi avaniag, 4 Lealeship' I conveye one's vision in ways that gain the support of fags of pred st ae and dsc thir employe bikes beter eras enor and melivatts, They guld and dct the Sr area seo and efor fhe oe , ‘ crcl impr EYETCS Hy te organisational eve, inlagy (0) Tea focus Teun oss concerned wi cooperation Tt means working non Resoue Deore toy 10 promot the Snell, ment ith tert are commen gals, Pople wth such competence te sei a Sandee eee of dg fre ning paySosed by tt preand 1 pen aieve ight haan potential asa neque commiiment. Hive inf ean arava rere debi mele noe, naan Eh srt ba rs tN ce th le mer he ion Sra ana Sep to cso eee Met gy Be avg aoe od Wh the appropriate Tevel of proficiency in the principles and practices of tnw’s lek! or profession. It demonstrates a commitment 10 continuous (provement, fo include application and understanding of technology. Q.6. "To bea successful HR professional, ons must have excellent qualities of head and heart.” Discuss. (2016) ‘Ans, Certain exsntil qualities that» good HR professional must possess are {i} Knowledge and expertise in Human Resources. An HR profesional should have concrete knowledge in the feld of human resource. He should be capable of handling the daily challenges associated with handling and managing people. A good HR professional should be able 17ST opal asndviuals and bring out inner potent ‘Seaton! sept poRpses: «Selly an aqpnbatnn care wich is conducive Yo motivation ad pr engloyss and + ERD proce ait by meshasms lke performance apprias, mean ingen ae evelopment Competes pared oe x iceman reonnce manager Competns ‘sthest of donee chances and sls la cable ar improve be stg of promane tj Acorn cran FR Scholars ‘Competence isacomtnatinofpacalan taertal nowt, cognitive sls batavost plea ype of Sscontntin a pa a ; solve il types of su palin and oh ‘elas el» mpoepreras or he ste or gully of Deg G) Communit, A god TT proesiowl mast prsess_ gan ‘dep ro ul, hang te ai oper 2 specific role Inf commancaton ils. le should bea gon opket a5 Well a 2 fod mG HAM cpa he anton ef seve and essa Tee He ston be abe to deal ith prople i El ad lei si tis Hepes tat conte evkane_—_prfesonal miter, He shold te very pend in writen an formal vo eras ali noon sess fommuriation, Ete communication f a Ke to sucess for an AEE, ied Nao indus Development Organist prfesonal as he diel eas vith the human clement in the Sopot ncn ited aowweg sara spcfeatinseigheaseas’ Rass. wh et lig i Spey to ering (8) Management an elf iin. An HR profes shade go Sacra Rael Onsite Ue Sas Competences se? ne managment ars dine, He oud set an example for wher nal ont ls ew Lage an patos cretion otha tallow He should ely an efit complete th tls ie SOE wer hg gd ge! sapedo Nt The wan hy prom hoi ton Seas ompeenG. ace essen ees, and Hen example fr others. A good HK professional shold nape i ite eid UNWERSITY SERIES sn es vob al pd fob cc a than, thy oan mang fase! shou be rte Trier Fe rr that an UR protect: ee ar the most important 4 en eroessional gt fhe et mong een totes hom hy A es cn pes the mento confident ok Beg sony a reverse in cea oe Iss tly esto ep his cre, "es i mo te soa shul have the ality yg (Impatiens based on ets and ey reviple tfeoution. He shoud not be gulded by his inyggen 2% enone opinirs. Te should be practical and should be exp rete nr prosre He dsb soube tne (oy EAM share, declop,eoaeh and mentor. 9 en fetta eaten 9 coneh and mance a Mould have the quabty of developing Taman resoureyr ft “organization Le should be expable of effectively shaving his kage Sai is ts gl the eogminasin Peiens ae RET era) ora should keep the employces uptodate and shold help they t developing har sls and talent He should provise ett inewicge the pep olecranon so tat Revise pe thebeats ° pad 0.2. tn whet wey fo Haman Tone Management imperan fr cea ae yon’ rie Human Rett Namgement ithe management of people a 2 {ais pu ft aston St coc he “pop Han resus ave conde asthe most Important ast sxpainon Thur fc ind hicent marogeme cent 22 tpristion. HRM paps itl rein accomplihnent of ergaateaton gab ad ajc, HRM emus thal ongnisatons can specie chee Se imple rable 6 watk na sale envionment. dt is nce ‘ployee telatiorship and ‘thin De organ Far the ences of oy ‘Jollosegnasone) 7 MSN HRM ptoys an important role due 9% (9 Objective Rat pn object totime by creating an Etisalion to achieve its objective fo Et '58 Poste and favourable atitude omong woe ee srs sins a win sap rose nal 8 (i) Recruitment and training ‘prepares plans and strategies for hiting 09 sete lng FED pe oa nk ao geen CE rE ee eee aptamer Meg ee ee sug 1 Seen at ei a eee “eee ae es aakey Se ae ee re re wan ee ion 0 ne neoeres o So ce nee ed eg aaa i eed eal ma 7 EEE SE ann ost eins aos Rene See Rem oc et eer creo elas een. arene acer en Scere fear (0 Developing public relations. HR manager also aims at establis Sr ES eam se ogy mes SS EE ey yee emotes ec ney ea a eine ene wo Eien 1 pee nine em cig etn empanadas ary dng me Sepa tags anh aT me Hr SES or mu erat Senne ea eee an Serna Gor eee Cea ee as Det! UNIVERSITY SERIES committed Fai 1 nt cote th he eel ff station Heng nora of the employer ovo ten ongarisaton By paying the oa shiv oof compensation iNeea8es the rmotvatod and Tae atepamanes ta Rithowcerte se es seen oe Sonny remot sores Lents signe and ress esos workplace oa Ses mine cate ae aan denn See on cm att oie sie head ‘and compcte with the beat inte world leading to eradication of ei a nu al sis or ifaece he people who work othe onanston. Discuss. 2 ein minimising the organisation’ Tlegatons of unfair employment Or Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT #1 ns EM iy concer with yo seo fonts i manasa nn ee rl deo iees ot fte Sr ns thst ha RD le Ton tc nn cy oor gue ep ek eatoneriane Sou Te tse manag nets ae pooing, one cing contig SE i deterining ie aarecoure of acon a Te HE meray expel termite SLE pera mon den ot ns Lorene er atin pinay once ih proper Bouping ot Or ea alten gape of i ae reer anl gate fue _ nahin dea tag lglg the peonnel Te HR Oa coe nl epenons of emgae a mes RU ths oles meaning the enpayey_pefomanc Cone ee tate and taal aig an ice Soldat On Ete funn of HR Manager te rid 0 ere sate et manage 8, enplymeny vm, eee cr ra ie elon Be ence! wih procerog and emp ada aecey Koovedgy Sle Sd Abies SAO Th aera aaeeer ping nerune scton Fhe ona cel st ey Terie, moun, caging md Sree ais Loowdge ee ays spd studs, SSE tint onde and re uemens evn a erp! oy ee et = unin Beets event Cine an Season _and Human Resource Development. * « Mataton and Conpesaton Wa proces whch nes pol 12 petra pectomaton tea ewe fin and ene mes + Rneance 1 preventing and peseving he hea (col Me aah eae oy te ee dataey pad eatery + apt anton. This tries negate he go of negation Brie ate a teres renee Iie reeaing petoce’ prema noting pope docu inewure embeeigpopeo dec ing mond {1s taps he loespeis of an HR manager Sax ietgeaponsiatie oor fk moar Gh Asan op manages In ply ermlaton and inplementaton. Te a? gaat te a df ne Hpac oF PON 12.8 Shiv Das DELL UNIVERSITY SERIES stems or to prevent anticipated problems. The revisions tn cover recurring pr rr ees deck on LR. plicisis with the Lop MAMBEETEN Of the Sra confusion on HR polices, managers can even turn tthe HI manager fo Py en aie A HR meg 9 erin Ho fee i png ond rg ES Te pode eo Tee nlc an Inte coma. HR erik eisai ee bead Gem pre ot toate ‘0.11. Critically examine the evolution of HRM in India. Bo ta tbat nde Se nd em oo Ce ees ere Ro Sec ea ee ad oe be et al ener a une ks oe eens Ee ree sree vpn nee so See eles ere Se cay ene pid apenas pote ree omumy es nage ih pu and pve aor chest ie Petra ag ah ea SE a a stevie ecg treme of a nes SSeame mare wae south ‘scamemor nr aout ti gant bed oganatos® ‘The HRM fsction i he decades "5 rome the decades of Ts ad ts nce te following ‘Unit -HIUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT a 13 (ip ands elation (6) Labor wetare During the sane period the ws eof manogerilunonsm where ron ‘worker ithout ung ne wo form soca that acted as presure troupe. Managerial unions eetad pene on the public sector Ths vested in {he med for managing the non-working. stall During tis phase, Indian tganations ace adopting fol nd techgues at eo help improving tfc aod producti Tom hen Ss H&M in Pudionogenoation grew trong fern phases ander the fence ofthe flocs ctr {A wllare approach towazde werkers came in exsene (2) A legatne emework for walle of Un employes cae it pce. {h) Goverment pos ogarting our management were inoduce. (Trade Unions emerged Ce Concept of moragemet started xsting. (53 Changes intneesenomy ocd By he ie various large cpuisatons fries eel a non-business bo etabled eprate depornent to anal the pence fueton with sega love! anapersharsing the 12 Liberation, Povatiaton and lobalaion (2) have imereased the cSalenpos acd by Hit angers, Do yom gre with he statement Isc, “Or Eaplin the changing leaf Haman Resource Management im todoy's wor ‘Or, Critically examine the human resources poicy measure’ undertaken by the govern! since 198s. Do you Delcve hat these MERU ae sAlequte and in the Hight diction? Justiy ‘Ans Human Resource Management GIR) isthe management of people st wor it ssl fo peeve ogansationsl pectoral and societal gk. The ote iro sain maxima indedoal deelopmt, doable wong raBRorshis tegecen employers and employes and abo employees and eplyers and effesve mong naman ressrees HEN he pss fn pope and ‘gration logeher <0 Wl the objectives of wach are alained. Coalition fe iberalsaon has ade nev dimes to HRN In oy’ weld ee 8 ‘mobil of manpower ot ony within th county but also pope arebenghied from eres he globe Wi ths an asination aking poe alllands aces an nw cules. ese dese an neve thought te Beng inode in Huan Resource Management mal isle al te note important Tollowing are the changes faced by IR manager 1 Rework the vision and mission of the company. HEM & becoming Increasingly involved wit swat plang and the develope of means by ‘wich people can wok prostvely towards the acieveront of ergastonal objectives HI planing lesely inked with sate parang, 5048 SPOR {hecorpany mison snd pie nemtve io maps Taiwanese 2 Alzacting an Retaining Tle The at otc ar ain et 2 ‘core Hl capability thot clic to achieving stainable bsines erornan. One can rete Ue mployees in the eurert station ony wen» company tress a good employer brand, Sealy a wel as extemal y surg tht People have good jobs hich make them feet proud of working forthe 14 Shiv Da DEL UNIVERSITY SERIES vo tang 0 shortage of KOOWTeA Cay gist. Toy, TF cama ae fing 8 HO wore hey ing a i thc 3 Empowering Emplayees. Emporis st nite en powe hte opens Inan ene A ti, ‘manager shuld tle at ear ies rom all i emieyss an froma sled few. Manager ofan empowering ongnation sould know th thccompany sms kl to suceed hen ema ave the oe inn, and athony odo thei bet and understand at inform of ‘Share it with all he employees, “Managing Global Workforce The biggstcalnge ta he organisation, aun the globe a aig i to know the soca anes and categories frog eh th new gba wert are oe ers ano understand he sens ‘cational ining tat she he otha they canbe made 2% ang ultualy ft to serve citomers Companies are ging global duet Which the ‘workforce diversity i increasing, Managing the vat af people with differeny religous, cltral and moral Backgrounds is a challenging tsk for the HR Managers in today’s wold 5 Managing Werkplce Dives. Tas is especially tre for multnation, ‘ompaies (MNCS) who have operations on a global stale ard employ people from diferent countries and ethical and cultural backgrounds, Ths, an HE, ‘manager needs to be mindful and may employ a “Think Global, Act Local approach inmost circumstances Thus, many lal HR managers bave to undergo Culture based Human Resource Management trinng to improve ther abilities fo ‘otvatea group of profesional thet are highly qualified bt culturally diverse Furthermore, HR professionals must asure the local professionals that these foreign talents ae ot atveat to thr carcer advancement. 6. Economic and. Technological Changes. Several economic changes have curred that have alee employment and occupations pattems i ina A ‘major change that is being observed isthe sf of bs from manufacturing and agriculture fo service ineustry. The example of computerisation of barking Industry which forced many to quia they tfwsed to adapt fo the technologie changes The explosive goth of invormaton technology, particulary that ied to he interme, has forced many changes Uoughout organisations of al types. 7, Challenges of Merges and Acgulsions Liberation Prvatetion and Globalisation (LPG) isas dangerous itis beneidal. Increasing competion has force the organisations to device ways an means to grow, perform eal achieve cece, Mergers and Acqusions are being accepted ws one of the most efiectve tects to strengthen a companys tatet poston sid adopt ence technology to gain competitive advantage over other organisations The business situation Heaps altering every day. Before ever, one comes to kee the ownership of the company changes hands starting off «wave of uncer of an acted company. Suddenly the employees start fedling that thir busses IDE ged fmt ysl bth the stad, Some of them find emselves in grave danger of losing ther jobs. A general de entvating Papetntesthecrgaision mae eaten ‘The HR professtonals hve to ‘competences, These incade: © Creating transition teams. Especially those teams that will develop Perform certain activites with ase of skill and (Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT w 15 {infrastructure for new orgenisation process and design systems, addres clr ses te (i) Managing the eaming processes. Since the new erganisation will be having new st of business wits with diferent technologial needs (dt) Resting the HR department, ic, developing new polices ad practices consistent with vision of new organisation (Go) Providing inputs nto managing the process of change. HR managers ore ‘he change champions providing the requized change in the management skill to align the right people with appropriate knowledge and skil-base to moot the shared goals of the enterprise. 8. Other challenges: Ethics and Values, In the times when we ate getting more professional and rarest its very important to have Ethics aed Values to be in place which as, fn the lng run decide the sustainably ofthe organisation, Balancing work an persnat lif. Huge responsiblity i put on the -houlders ofthe HR Manager to ceate a balance between the work le and personal fe by providing fr flex work hours, ptemity leaves and vacations. ‘Stress and Conflict. Long working hours, target pressures, high competition te. add to the tess and confi in the Organisation. Iti the duty ofthe HR Manager to have proper responses t the stress and conflicts before these ease damage to someone's personality. Consultative approach. Developing continous dialogue, open communication snd participative decision-making are very” important for_ implementing Consultative approach lis the HR Manager who ca fatale such approach to procure participative and democratic eulire 'Q. 13, Trace the development of Human Resource Management from its beginning in the 20 century till present. Ans. Anearenas regarding HRM was felt during the industrial revolution round 1850 in Western Europe and US.A. Only during the beginning of 20" ‘century, it was felt in Tn, Since then tothe present era, the development of HRM may be classified as follows: 1. Trade Union Movement Era. The conditions of workers in te aftermath of factory system as an outcome of industrial revolution, were very pathetic The first world war worsened the situation, The Royal Comunission of Labour in India in 1911, under the chairmanship of 1H. Whitely, secommended. the abolition of the Jobber ystem and the appointment of labour officers in industrial enterprise to perform the recruitment function as well as to setle workers’ grievances. Workers also started forming ‘ade unions. The Trade Union Act, 1926 was passed in India The base objet underlying trade union was to safeguard the worker's interest. 2. Scientific Management Era. The concept of scientific management was lnlroduced by FW. Taylor in the USA inthe early patt of 200h century as an alternative tothe prevaling system af management by inkiative and incentive based on his shop floor jb experience ‘Taylor developed four principles of scientific management: () Development and tse of scientific methods in seting work standards, Sey SERIES 16m Shy Das OLED UNI vay of doing work best sulted to perora the ‘sed development fog beter » ai work ane best : (iy Scenic selection and planement of work aroun tase and. provision of tei trining ‘anima efficiency. (i Choa vt division of ‘workers ov and responsiblity between manogement ang (Haan toni a or npn psa tka a ee ey a onc rw i —. a a ay, 2. oon ae 3 Eaton of tk, ET ny cme el igs ee seater ie Oe Ya a ee a ee ag apelin fog Baw et ee eee oh as rere tabi Sr ae eee alone Fe an AN ay rata oo nea Fp ec ctnecte nada eat ee ee ese 0 ER ld wal peril ool od x ee ee ers om i eontrrige er o seat meena teenies ee Te its jae Deter alte oes cong cee el Ts Sera ics 1 Re Baayen site n't gel on U ioct eer ket ee et eins change is behaviour. am dere eh ER oc a i bn i Cites finite yee caer soe pee A ee pert ec ug Dzau eat th et cn tin By nate roped wt dco oe se ek and ow Unt HUMAN RESOURCE MARAGEMENT a7 (io) Expanding subordinate influence, slfeonirol and self-ainection can limpeove operating eicieney. 5. Systems Approach Era, A system may be defined ae. so of iatecdependent ports farming am organized unit or entity. The pars alo knovenas subsystems Interact with each other and are subject to change. These sub-systems are interelated and interdependent. “The system approach is characterized by the following features (9) A ystems a group of intrrlted elements which are separate enti (i) All she cloments are errelate in an orderly manner. (ii) There is the need for proper and timely communeation to facilitate {ntereton berween the element (io) The interaction betwen the elements should lend to achieve some common goa. [At the heart ofthe sysfems approach i a Management Information System (Mis) nd conmication network for calloctor, analysis_and flow of information io faite the funtion of plang and contro. Meer thinkers fonsier HM se epsem tht integrates acts with an objective to make best uae of resources which ae always scarce {6 Contingency Apronc Era, Contizgeney sles tthe immedi cumstances, CContingeney approach believes that ther eno one way of managing thot works best all stuatone According ths approach dhe Bes way te manage varies ‘wi the situation ene this appech alle! as situational approact “There may not be ane universal way of managing nll situations. particular approach may yield fruitful results in one situation but moy drstcly Fal in nother situation. Therefore managers ate to analyse diferent situations and then use the best approach suitable in that particular situation. 'Q. 14 Trace the events that le tothe development of HRM in India ‘Ans. Like UK and USA, th evolution and development f HRM in india was not voluntary Alter the Socond World War dificle conditions erupted it India Malpractice inthe recruitment of wokers and payment of wages led to trade union movement. In 193, on the recommendations of The Royal Cemmision of {atoun Jobber system wes abolishes “Alle independence, the Factories Act, 198 lid down provisions fr Labour fiers Labour welfare safety and regulation of working hours and working conditions “Twa profesional bodies emerged, They areThe Indian Institut of Personnel Management (IPM), Calcutta, now ‘Kolkata’ and dhe ‘Natioal foie of Labour Management (NILM). Bombay, now Mumbai. These two institutes are the guiding sources in Human Resource Managernent and Latour management “Tne massive thrust on basic industrie in India during the Fst Five Yess Plan (1956-61). which accelerated public seco undestakings, gave trast 10 personnel management and HRD practices ‘The prfesionatis in managing brganizations became quite discernible by 1970. There was clear sift from twellare approach to efficiency appeosch The two professional bodies (TPM & ILM merged in 1980 to form Nations! Institute of Personnel Management {NIPM) with Kolkata a ts headquarters Oe sumo Tk itd 1 human vas ving alg the yeas the appro as ited 0 Raman vs ag rect thang people ic aginst auch a slim magn Inthe hits apps ome a Humor Rees Ngee Tater imecendnceet pea aman cour changing neal sonnet ih crpaneatons al for by wna man ae maser nao rman Sede up ef wan vse Abts aps of rgaizng ap intrpeseal restate st wake Cres eect i ganizations Srcture acne eto pone and reward dbo conor, devclopacat prose otvatbnal dynamic orgrzaon arty, arm tnd soppt eed by emplvees adr ags, standard of peronnnc, an she ute values, An fete work clare Hei ingete Tenvalzal peormancecrented quay esd, coopwate colstoratve, anf sporive. The mao elements of HEME statgy and Income can be ‘ested to. orginal cure Corporate nay Phlwphy and sage plan ive ath ocr gaan 1018 Wha re the rent developments the fl of Huan Resource Management? ‘Ane Recent Deelopments iv tony Resource Management, Recent developments in te arene aman ruc manageneat ince wet the ‘xnpoyes secon, sei pote and ep and wore “he inportant spt of deolopmen of HRB yar ie fsa eet + Inthe yar 10 emp hed to mone evelopment (RD). + the ear 18 emp on HRD, cla very more ond artpative manopemen contac, Furey, the oes aca ened ‘nth nuded ttl ly fh managment in HRA, competing ae Sxployesand developing coponeed tere ad neng He Saves management und the lop management tas teased Th HM th coe of competencies othe 21 cou corporssons + le the yor 199 Sond Nol Commision on Labour was spt study be abor conden Inthe yer 201, emphasis asad on ‘net cing o the organise + Inthe yon 200% phases opt aia of Ne oe employes rather an sland owe 1 ye 28 fhe wa nom niece qe 60) + Inthe yeor 208 there was a worker + the yas 2005 tere wa ane vital sacs Inthe year 2005, HRM became he ct of svteic managment evel, "he ee 37 ncn of wa ll a al In the year 2008, emphasis 508 sid on retention dielopen’ of ov hn ‘with universies/cliegs business operations due to if srom skilled eorkers to knowledge hl fom hlrarchial structures to eb 3 and ran resources by companies through aliances Jn the same year, thaw was dstng i loka economie recession and cri. ‘Unt HUMAN RESOUNCE MANAGEMENT 39 +The year 209 saw a contro of fb cuts, py costs an ly fede to prolonged pol ceson and rs + In the yer 206, emphasis buted lo islent management and Geile mea fesoares Pies an praia, 46, What is Industrial psychology? What are the main objectives of indusial paychelogy? “ans. nda fo ig a scenic tay of employees, workplaces, cee owenana tai nual yc sak Ean 2 ors paschlog,ecganizatonl pryelogyot 0 papehoiogy. An dsr asin combos by mploung. Te workpiece srtcton, fe snalivation levee ofthe employees and helping the over produetviy of the ‘mganizaon. There iy rseuch Gone, after which suggestions, sons ard lmprovement area to vanious appt ks the fed procedures aun ers ob ei eam promos xpi sary elope licks, secrument policy, ‘General this lp when the organization gong trough a anion phase, or ding some new developments iniestnl PoyCvlogats are peal Snwolved in researc and empy 2 variety nf matiecé Hike surveys case sacies, interviews exprinet, bsewatons ad Gu eperines fr ungarzational Improvements Thee ore aso somerous quontiarve techniques, tate stployed lie regression variance analy so ifort sats modeling Sef edi cin. The ay cro se “ralogy is 10 give the worker greater physical and meal ease at Wor ino ncustal pretoogy is carch rer than adistaen The me ‘Stfctives of indict payehlogy ae fo explained blone ( roper Man at Proper Place. Irdotrial Poychology has developed = whale ary of tests By the uso of systematic inlet inereens and Paycologxal tests such as ineligence, aptitude Silly abies ard Interest test, the personnal characteristics of the persone are mest ad proper man edt and pced on ejb (Proper Work Distribution. Tae next sim of Induct Poychology i he Proper disbation of work aconing to the abiy and opted of Ssoployers so thit they foal satised al gove minh output at ritmo (i) Minimising the Wastage. The Indust! Peyehology also aims a ‘inimsing the wastage of manzewer de to fig ioe neces ele I studies Several psychological factors cating fatigue or acide and fs meature for preventing the aecidnts Gr muniieng gue The teens of motivation ae morale reused for this purpoe (Promotion of Labour Welfare Industral Psyetology sme to promote lnbour welarethrough job satisfaction, incease In Itour edie), Incendve provisions sk: (> Improvement Human Rela The an infin Py egy inion ua ela he ay orn torr fine a the “relasons or castrate among inca na erariaon ‘nthe group behaviour that emerges from Duse reone™ inurl Peychology fas made sigant conbution ithe sphere of human rebtions by developing concep and wexhrigoesof endethip supervision, Communication se employes palpation in maaageient. — iat Retations. Industrial Psychology studies yy sed fl an sas ta a ia ie atta en taney i from each other in degree though not 1m cpasroehinah eset eae oped hing he problems ke Pe sles (Maine dain, ca lye sa oye ete may ree op Oe ee feet ‘Ras. To achieve the aims and objectives of Industrial Psychology, the scope of tte nfo ere a te ahd tp ie etek ing or my xing regen nate Ere cad ee a whch Sa te tee Dy ent wet Pees asTas chien tse ate ase ecg Saye et Sa a a cape be cele Boom Fa Aes anh ew mc ee pip nigel ein rch er aa pace ek es of dul Pryce mayb eee conse Wh Rosuln of Faso pug yen aig an tic Mt a spate a oiled ee Scio nc ae nls en eer (9 Soe ore ce ran ho ets inte Steerer ce eee or eter ease fo cae Tae on ee Rint pommen of recreates at (Teng se Excise Dhcopnen Ae ta adaton of he ‘executives using tests and interviews, the next step is taining the cress Ba yc prin ber ae a Siig ane dlopmen rogues, ie ass Peychologt keeps a range of goals in mind to uncrease the effectiveness of the weave group. ‘Unit I= HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT w 21 {o) Promotional Schemes. The pronation, demotion, wansfer et. of an famployee shoul ‘be baced” on abies, wstuiness and selon. Terformance appa sone of he prycholgleal techies 0 Feogise ths peoples ay. Mere seniority chu nol be considered a8 the fuidng pip for promotions seherur atte (o Bdvsion Industral Peychelogy probes othe behaviour of people at ‘Worf determine the conditions in ohh an lida els motivated Ju wiling to work wfleheanely to maximise the preductiiy. ints! Papcology baw ented the final and. no inana Incentives which are use by tae msg to motivate the personel (Ai nd Fleer eae seas Sgufant problem of management nina psjehlegist can go Sp ine the case behind Tow onste ofthe employes. and cin dletrnire te factors influencing the slatonehip bemeeen studs of eanpayes a ter psformance. (cy Wage Ind Salary Adminataton, The pychoogists have develope the Tetbiques eb cvafaton, eit eatng and jo alysis as bss for ‘tonal wage nd aly adistration Jo analy determines tej ‘Section and worth the jb, wheres ment ating evaluates the man. (oi Pal Relations IndastialPeycology” helps te management" evtlp effective and systematic ube fatone machinery in ode {nce sigh tage of he organteaton. With te rapa expansion and gow of taunt underage the management cing probes in Ghectvely communicating ts polices procedures ard practices to is tployenssarealders consumers and general public (i) Ho Engineering, Haman Engrening ts detignng and laying out ‘aut nore fe greet tse ra mtn an ‘he Induct paycholaie wen in home in hhh management Sa de inporee eograe e poct forthe coort and to increwe these Ue sattacton of he toners (2) ecient Prevention, The Psjcological Stade show tha 58% ofthe Sccidents in the. indusry are preventable. It spesbe. personal Pjeologcal factors ply an important roe in any. progam of “cient prevention. Menotony and fatigue stds lpn miaing de Secon Payoh made the eoneeton tothe develope | Sly progpanmes an the prev of accidents nthe iy by ‘culygte fcr take an mow accent pone an obey Tey fave ls sages cerain postive menus reds ace poles (0) Organisational Bchaviout Managements in varus ple pak ard ten nother cctrs have Ben sealng the npotance ote spt ih the orpmision and redesigning the erganstional. scutes snd policies based on each findings on organaoral behaou (0.19. Gives detailed overview ofthe Organisation ofthe Human Resource Departnent, ‘An: Orgisation requires the creation of srs rsonsips among he free departments the people and ater rescurers Yo ave the dsed ‘jective. In oder to combine and coordinate the efor of people working at ‘erent levels nthe rgaisation, proper reatoreipamang theo in tems of ‘uthorty and esponbity should be up. Xs 2 sr ET atin noe and i, pean 28 the SIE OF mie reson Depart Lie ro o fone stsght hike From on” atten a ar er in 8 Eom rete ‘Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT w 23 1M, Personnel Department in Divisionalieed Organisation. Divisioaisaton is analternative way of grouping organisational members by aggregating all te speclists needed to produce 3 given product or servic. The principle bate is ‘ne of assembling within one department, individuals with complementary but Givere expertisn rather than simular expertise. There are ferent kinds of Aivisionaisations ike produc, service, erstories Trang] (apeei] [ier ore [i ju _ % ition ot ac ——— 1 vel stim Line and Staff Organ oes love. - ol ten Ope eee egtatn sett neat ing) [Franz] in] [eg] [Ha Tam aa par en evolved. Under i staff postions are attached to lg | Manager | [Manager| | Manager | | R&D. ‘eee sa rece efor postions whch fare te respon rates Line ke ae FO met fog Obes i abe a a en nay and sty for prong [SC ag Sa ee beset of ove Unde hs, ere : a ane Giana fous tite ef muuene em pore man oak ; See tle nameaine elon (ose (pay _ car see auc Temata (Fersoanal _ ‘Branch Manager |_[ Branch Manager - Delhi Mumbai, : r : Reratmen [ang Wires] ampesion ‘Manager of anager Mana Mar CGifce Marketing) | Office Froduation| otic] Urea] 1, Pavonrel Department in Functions! Organisation. Under this, all activities ae grouped logeier according to conan fnetions like production, marketing, finance and personne! and eich fanction is put under the charge of specials ‘Thus each funcional bad performs a Specialised function for the entire ‘emterpite, The funcional erganisation i based onthe concept of “Aanctional oreannship” suggest by FW Taylor, Porson! Department ix Matix Structure. In a mat erguizatonal suture employers veo peas nt ey ae ur dl ser. One of onan fanned Ge other pret ian Heer at Sacre lr a soca sec Ts he am of employees whch compris the pain apt ave te spear fe penal {npr rel den an pat mange aa ec eh reson a struct aeprmantand tala, wth per he elo} ‘oth he fncion head ands pret manage. " 1 w Shir Das DELAU UNIVERSITY SERIES _ —— exbk = ee Ehos|| Machines aia), pas), (et Te | Heavy Iles Personnel Group (0.20. Wate a note on Human Resource Polces Discus thee nature, What purpose do they serve? State the diferent ype ‘ani Sra san source poe are formal rues ond procedures that dicate eee resold be edvesed inthe workplace neuding employee Tap Ser Ua HR polices ae ed Yo employment leis prevaling in the ent orth onder wo avend noncompliance andl penalties from the gover Fee orn adhere to Kpalces HR pois ae simply the guns aa eric an organisation intends to adopt in managing ts workforce It ae ae epctic gules to HR anager cn vaows matters elated to Peer pies arth formal le and pues st organsations pu rem he ran, asses and rear te members of thee workforce, HR rare alin nen ofthe ngantaton about diferent aspects of homan saree ganagement Ike recrufment promotion, compensation, raining, eke FE.CIN dane the conceptions and value of the orgasation on how ethics! be treated, Good HR polices provide gener! guidance othe ap reer opt by the engariaion tvards is employes and thelr manage Fae ie ieganteaton tee a dierent st of rcumstances and hence devel Sr individual se of human resource pobcs Tollowing ae the nan characterises or nature of HR policies: Mo'The Ht poteypreents the principles Hat guide the organisational ih valve af employees {iy Ht pois ae formulated ater considering the long range pans ard ‘eed ofthe orpanation oes (i) 1 poten are reasonably sabe but not rig, The policies should B= ‘eset ever a normal range of activi. [Unt 1=1JUMAN RISOURCE MANAGEMENT w 25 an ecceratn paseest eee UD HR poles provide en Commersain betwen the orsisin and ie he Sete ae SET aay 1 aE TIS annem is ark acraerspuien ee eo eecpermt esa rne eae Sata nc paogennee tye Ree peti th eae at tae Faastinte acta med re acerca o maaan ae eae oat sen rarest ing ep Fog tpt oo eedacas en aia eam fet ms eo eke us re Oa nope ae ses epee Sea ete meetin Mgmeracentacteieee ovniiniet ects a estan chon acooee rice ate amare particular, Such policies are formulaied by the toP management. They 9 eis poem niatcueame te o Bet erecta nt 24 w sy Dos DAL UNIVERSITY ERIS ‘issues of the company. Such policies are desig SoS client rum pli Brey desc 21 hat eh nets an tations of HR i ie tnccp meted inte formaain of PS tees da minethuman msouce ps are te formal gels 0nd TS at eqanstion formulates with regards tothe hiring, Wain rd ‘ead ft employes of the onan. Tvs of HR Poti crema insets Mounentundings fatten the pager ad the employee A wel, ‘drafted human resource policy will inform employees of ir rights ang ce, . (i) Renies and promations. HR polices expin te company’s stances on fers and promotor. (i) Compensation and evaluations. HR stafers use a combination of jb sraiyas techniques and mathe! surveys 10 determine the amount compensate an employee wile remaining competive within the workforce Further st pcs ring (evaluation and management human petormance ses mde the prise (eo) Training tnd development. HR polices Snlude the provisions for tring and professional development so tat te employees know the rrourts it ar vate te, (0) Employeer eee FR pce norm employees abou how to handle the problems at work, Tey cust avenue fo employees 0 report ary mistnduct (6) Labour ew application. Labour aes are very vst and ample Human reoure poles fe porting beatdown of laws so te employer Understand how the as apply tem. (ot) HI pots provide grounds for erination. (08) Outer the company’ Inkeral poles and the company’s code of thee () Recent and employment, Advertising for hiring employes isa coef of its ses pve igh pt Pope at ght place (2) Other benats of HR polices ate incensed communication in the workplc, reduced management experaes nd amore cooperalive work vironment. Limitations of tik Police: (Recent og, The concept of eet origins i aks universal approved academic base and withthe passage of ‘ime an accept approach willbe developed. ee (© Lack of support of op management. HRM should have the support of top level management. Bu in telt op m ot support ‘pp eve mage ty top management doesnot support t (Gi) Improper actualization, HRM should ‘raining. and dovelopment requ igned to undertake cera, be implemented by assessing the ements of employees. The aspirations Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT w 27 and needs of people should be taken into acount while making HR policies. (o) Inadequate development programmes. HRM needs implementation of programmes such as career planning, on-thejob taining, development programmes, MBO, counselling et. (0) Inadequate information, Some enterprises donot have requisite information about their employees in the absence of adequate Information ard data base in the system and hence may formate inadaquate policies, ‘The development of HR policies depends upon the day-to-day problems arising in an organisation and their solutions. The process of Human Resource Policy formulation involves the following steps (@ Identifying the need. Identifying the purpose and objective which the organisation wishes to attain tegarding its human resource department. Policies are required in various areas of personnel management sich a5 hhlning, Waning, compensation, employee relations, employee benefits, termination, industrial relations et (i Gathering information. Once the need for a policy has becr accepted the next sep i to collect necessary facts for its formulation, The HR ddeparment should study existing documents, survey industry and ‘community practices and policies and interview people within the organisation to collet appropriate information ‘The attitudes and philosophy of top management, socal customs and values, aspirations of employees, labour leat et, ll such factors eed tbe duly considered (ti) Examining policy alternatives. On the basis of information coleted, policy alferatives are evaluated and examined in terms of their ‘contributions to organisational objectives () Putting the policies in writing. After the necessary information hasbeen {gathered and the alteratives examined, the HR department can begin the actual work of fermulating the written expressions ofthe company’s HR polices, While weting the poles ematonal pre shoul be (©) Getting approval. The HR department should send the policy draft to the top management forts approval. Its the top which has the final authority to decide whether a policy adequately represen the ‘organisation's cbjectives oF not. (0) Communicating the policy. After getting the approval of the top ‘management, the policy and procedire should be well communicated thnoughout the organisation promote clear understanding of this ‘newly formulated HR policy, (i) Evaluating the policy. From time to time the policy should be evaluated ‘There may besituations when an organisaon is nat geting the expected results. This requires modifications in the policies. Any serious difficulty with a policy along with suggestions should be reported to the top sry SERS 28 Shiv Das DEL UNIVEESTTY SS the management t0 decid enable Lt d argent Sac nw wll Sy. Conny ned t restate o Tene (9 meet the curre ce ee i ne ae ee ma id oe ie a a 8 ices? of codified decisions, establisheg Teeanton eter a we ts pa he ae oi as ee ey Per er ent ah ae ia ont ‘Senegys HR in to achieve strates 0 Se mae re cays het ace on sm ee slr Sh a on ates Eg Stn ewer igre rt mca tapi na noi iota ee eens ae to Ce epee nes hd fairness FR. pol 1a] employment (Ss wt pt erg loi rat Pars ty me Sead wd toe Paar Ee cicero oe te te ale eS a eer Viggen elena 5 EE a es Taplin nd pm = be ‘must for designing and implementing personnel functions such as nj ig Sc A sound HR policy has the following essential: (@) The HR policy should present the principle that will guide the fonganisaton’s actions and reflect a faith in the ethical values of (i) The HI policy should be formulated after considering the long range plans and needs ofthe organisation. i) The HR policy must be reasonably stable but not rigid. It should be Aleile to cover a normal range of setivites. Change ina policy should ‘be made only when itis essntal and at fairy long intervals ‘Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT a 28 (i) The HR poty shouldbe formulates with due roan for tenet ofall the _sancemed partis—Ue employers, the employees and the public commu. (0) The HI policy must be developed withthe active participation and support of the management and the cooperation of employees at the shop flor level and in the office. It should be Formulated with active participation of the tage unions as well (9) The HK policy should be definite so that its easy to understaru. Itshould bbe stated in clear, definite and easly understood terms 8 that what it proposes 1 achieve Is evident .23. Define open door poticy. ate Ans. Open door policy, It means that every manager's door in an organization {open to every employee. The puspose of this policy is to encourage open ‘communication nan organization. I aims at encodraging open communication Within an organization. Often companies opt or such policy to develop emplayee trust and to allow free ow of information within the oxganization. In simple ‘words it isa communication policy that encourages opens and transparency with the employees of that company. I lps in sustaining positive employee relations and encourages candid communication among employees. An open door policy promotes mutual respect ard consideration inthe work place and Improves relationship among superiors and suboedinaes 1@.24 Write a short note on Human Resource Inventory Ans. Human Resource inventory, also krovn as. tho skills inventory «comprehensively lists down the Easc formation on all the employees, ike thet ‘education, experiences, sil, age sex, salary related data, job preference and special achievements Its a vital tool used in HR planning and policy making “The information contain in the human inventory should be such that tis pot ‘only relevant to the curent job position that an employee holds but can alo be used by recruiters to consider the individual for other jab openings that might come up in the future. Ths, the basic premise of maintaining a current skills inventory i to identify if tere are gaps between the current level of sls and relevant knowlege possessed ty the employees and the knowledge, skis and abilities (KSAq) needed to mec ature busines pols. ‘Human resource inventory isthe information or record about sil inventory of human rewources currently employed i the organisation, It provides {information about personal skill what they can do and what they are lacking Yarious information included i the inventory areas follows ‘Name, age, marital status of employee. + Formal academic qualification of employee. + Informal training and workshop undertaken by employee + Specialised sills of the employees, + Experience fom previous employment + Current position held + Job and location preference. + Salary level and benefits receiving + Performance rating of the employee, ee ena NST esource inventory is Very ag et cs iste 25 Blow Seis and Howat of empngg fe hich can be reference for ta sation wv for tran ow shir DS wig ‘working 1 he Souci ocala aston a ge available in organisation. se amo PO Tis eS pees an Tn fe i de (om at Dag ay st provides SIE 1 gman roses ogo ively using for diversification and exy ec oppor fo er expansion of canbe maraged effete nan advan se appraal BY rating their performance, sions rE ie balance fs considered ny Q, 25. Why achieving eye) What are the general workplac i caicaging ase for 2 HR Manager? WH 8 orkplace wen an or ping cploens a Have 3 work Balany ahah scenario colony “eh err esOobrwsen in tres cfr to make tine fo Sina, workcife lance daly fr bay (eet ern sly, peso got sae an In oot ate deans of th wa Te ate peor cy mei cxpec me They dona ie fo werk caret ner ee ete te pom nesting Pres when are never home to enjoy their salary: etn oe penne a persona, profesional and money 1 ny anny beens challenging Employes can ait Be nee in wie are bp offeing such opportunism ee aad time of (TO) polices, responsible te aed fen or tapers end. companysponsored family evens md sciatis cit of workife balance reduces the stress that an employe expec hen Sey spend aft of hic Gays on workreatd ects he a they ave naeing healer important comapanens of the sg ‘ulng in sues and unhappiness Work-ife balance enables employes tf {Si thy oe paying atention fall the important pects of hr ves. "A por work fe tlace aves many employers feng overworked nd eerie mer lect ‘absenteeism and reduces retention see: By poring beter wok if blanc, a company can expect more loyal mes? sc oe ce ig Testa hw th ob rd ga seeecrs ee oe enti tg rate (9 Weng town Roving more Hele and consuive restoring = ‘working hours to all the emplayees, including shit Unit HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT a 31 + Port He work Providing more parttime obs with ess hous er fewer his, jb sharing arrangements. to all the employees. + Reasonable working hours, Reducing excessively lang working hours and duit shits (i) Leaves: Flexible leave arrangements, Providing. grater Sexibilty im lave arrangements 0 sul employees’ personal circumstance, including Teave for school heldays through purchased lave arangements and feended leave without pay to provide full time care to faruly somber. + Tee i single days, Allowing exiplyees to request and fake leave in single days aed acered hours as ie of es of payment. (i) Caring for family members: ‘Inhouse dldcare service, cocoordinatr to identify the availability cof eiléare, before and afterschool care, vacation cae faites and 9 sit employees to find a suitable place for their children. «Ths service could bw exerted to assist the employes o find stable ‘Airesre residential or diy-care facies within the community for elderly family members i) Provide Hime saving facilites and srviees for employees in workplaces, Sicha dry iening pickup and. drop of, acess to readymade healthy take-away meals at te end of shits, este ATMs banking facts and post boxes (c) foo mobility. Providing increased mobility for employees to camer fetwcen sats, hospital, work ares and health services to find more stable wosking seangements Uh will asit them to better balance {ie current work and family/ personal responsibilities. {fo Safety and wellheing. Improving safety vll-being and respect or all the employes in the workplace Procurement EAM ae ay te Human Resoutee Planning? Describe 6 characte Jetons of Human Resource Planning? is, bees a Resource Management begins with manpower plang, Ha eansranning (HRD isthe process By which management eLriNes fy pesmi aaten should moe fro curent manpower positon 0 desig, Fenton, Trough HRP tbe mmanageret sives 10 ave the gh rave uw ngit kind of people at the ight places, atthe ight time, do TARE ch rot in both he organisation and the sndiidual ee ae ting range beneit. Manpower planing i the etatey £0 ty eon ‘ealtion, emprovement,and preservation of an ongaisabions He. es I aims at coordinating the requirements forthe aviabiity Uilernt types of employees, Thus, Haman Resource Planning i the Pros faking aire that there i adequate safing and that employees ore qualified ‘eet the needs ofthe company. ‘Some important definitions of Human Resource Plana: Seman seoure lenin i de preces fy cha management deeraines he a ngentzaton should ote fom ts cvrent manpower positon fo 1 desir mapa itn Trough planing amar geent snes tase he right mabe i ght Kin of ppl the ight pecs, the ight tne odo tings whe rex al ngusation and Be dal reefolg he venue og ange Be” —EWNetter -atman Resource. Plan is pros of determing at assaring the the vganiation wil ce an adequate marae of unified persons oie f Ihe proper fines, performing jobs tokich muck he neds of the enterprise nd whi) prove sation for heads ots” Dale S.Beach "toma resource pling is wt iteration proach 10 perorning the playing gyal ofthe personel fncton in order to have « suficint supply of adequately ‘Boeloped acd motieaied pple to perform the dues and tasks raped #8 ar Cngetstionat objectives and soi He individual nerds and gods of organisation monies” Leon C. Megginson Human Resource Planning (HRE) is the process by which management etermines how an organisation should move from its current manpower position toits desired manpower postion. Trough hunan zesource planning the ‘management sims to have the ight number and the right kindof people at right ‘places the ight me, doing things that result in both the organisation and the Individual receiving maximum long range benefit. In other words, human resource planning isa process that identfes curren and future human resource 2 Q. 1. What “objectives and liitati Unit PROCUREMENT a 33 ‘nceds ofan orgnistion to achieve is gous, KP serve asa ink between human resource management and the everal strategic plan of an organisation. I the prvcess. of forecasting the future humin resource requirments of the ‘organisation and determining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organisation canbe wills According to FW. Vetter, “Hunan nsourc: pling isthe proces ty his rmgement lems hae wn orga snd take fro its current mupaer pti Yo i desi manpower postion” (Characteristics of aman resource planing Organisation's objectives. and_goals in its strategie planning. and ‘operating planning may form te objectives of human resource plan, = Human resource planning sims at determining the human resource neds ofan enterprise. = He aime at keeping, and malntalning, manpower inventory that can be lied for taking higher responsbities in the rear fate. = Te helps an organisation to see a balance been demand for and supply of manpowee — Haman resource planning ensures that che organist provides good ‘working conditions to its employees i order to provide them with rete level of job saiction, Objeties of nan resource planning To ensare proper wilation of human resource To check the development ofthe employees for the achievement ofthe ongoniaton goal. = Toensure proper human resource polices = To prvide proper control measures whenever required = To anticipate the impact of technology on jobs and requirements for shaman resources, — To asees surplus or shortage, i any, of human resoures availabe, over a epscifed period of tie. = To forcut future requtements of human resources wit dierent levels of sal — To-ensure adequate supply of manpower as and when required. Limitations of unate resource planning, vensinee future is uncertain, ence changes in extemal ficiors ike {ecinelogy,pobtical stability, economic conditions ete. can have a great deal of impact on employment oppotanities Therefore, the human source management of an organisation cannot rely comple} om human resource planning = Organisations offen ase termination, laos t,t get id ofthe sues Insnpower under the provisions of human resoures planing, This ay Create a sense of insecurity among the employees and hence they 9 Toce faith in to organisation. = Human resource planing i » very time consvaning process. tis ome of the major limitations of HRP. Collecting and analysing the comple tiformation regarding the personnel requirements ofeach department involves lot of time ad efforts 3 why Dos EL UNIVERSITY SEES out ram thet ipsam expensive ces. th acs carl ot Ue Saran np he fl pent moe ne iat eapenss cee ei assoctd wi hao 08 oto eee he staig el ora aay MS igen’ DO YOU aan en Tr eins compan/ obses” DO YOU E yor wh nt What te mp xpos? " et porto atcity eset for ais oe ee asa of es hon rec Forecasts personnel regutement: HR PLN xsl deere Farce aan agente he sO 8 a ia ave mo TEA PP Jpeg te Fs anges ang eel Pe resp wt tn ty a MeN ET hag na ye ue eee FH 2 ee etal edge and ai si ech on el BY ecg a vty TS th ‘order of skill, level, training, ‘rl te posi fon te te fob planing 4 oy ond UP iting stance of Human Resource Planning Activity i an orgauisation’s iene in fe) romtes employees Sys of which the management decides the tematic manner. HR planning, provides {sell information one bas romain of chgible persnne! in 3 Or Pym enoure regular protons of competent risation, Because of HRP itis ‘people on 2 justifiable basis (o) Crates reservoir of talent. The organisation nen reservoir of rete, reer tne. People with rogue skis are rdiy Uvalable fo cary out the assigned tas {o) Prepares people for future. People. can Aoveloped in advance and this helps in met (ual employers, Likes, human resource short Tifonatly (in cose people uit the organisation for vasious ‘hough proper hums resource planning. (cy Walp in expanding or contacting, be ogaisation wants (expand sees of operations, ft can go aheed easily. Advance planning ens i Shunacut supply of people with requisite sills who con hale the ‘ailenging jobs easly and wiceserst, (ei) Cate cuts HRP helps in controling manpower coats by avoiding Shonages/oxceses in manpower supply. The physica facies such #8 fantoen living quarters school medial help et, can also be planaed in nin be trained, motivated snd ing ute needs fr high yes an alo be met ws reason) ‘Unit MPROCUREMENT w 35 Pre an Han a Piece rete eerie te et en dea ep psd en Re ee oe Se et ea een ta ote ome ie te ent nome te me SE a Tis a ere I eS Fo Ei” Peek tech repli Oe go $6 Shiy Das DELLE UNIVERSITY SERIES (ii) Determining the supply of Human Resouree. Supply frecsting messes the umber of peopl key to be available from within and from outsce the organisation, having allowed for ation (Labour wastage, and retiment)abwenteinm, intemal movement and promotions changes tn fwork hours, and other conditions of work, Herein, a manpower, Inventory i made s0 a8 to find out the size and quality of petsonnel tvailable inthe organtation, Human Resource i mainly availble from incrnal and extemal sources, A profile of internal employces of, the ‘organisation should be maintained. Also extemal recruitment options Tike outsourcing coneacts et. shouldbe kept ready fr se. ‘There ave varigus methods by which records of manpower can be kept. abe. W shows the numberof employees in each jo. Ties to Rare ermrloyces om the basis of age, seX, positions eatery, ‘experience, qualifications skillset e Moe unas. This technique uses hstrial rates of promotions, eae amet tamowes to estate faure availabilty i Ue workforce, cea. sis inventory af assessment of the knowledge sls, See cepeiance and career spat of eco he curent employes Cannes ned, such recor help 3m organisation to quieXy math the feamhcorang jeb openings with employee backgrounds. (a) Determining Manpower gaps. The exsting rarber of personnel and their ‘Bine trom human resource inventoey) are compared wih the Forecasted ‘Fanpowrer needs (demand forecating) to determine the quantitative and [guatatvegops in the workforce. A ecenciiaton of demand and supply ‘Betcmts wl pve us the mumbo of people to be recite {oj Fonmulating HR Plan. The Homan Resource eequterent lated ca er iranintad into a concrete HR plan, backed by detalled politi, programmes and staples (for recruitment, election, tiing, promotion, retirement and replacement tt) Per utment pan Ie ndicaes the umber and type of people required ie atin they are awost neced; special plans to recruit the right people at rigit time and how they are to be dealt with via the eruilment programme. « Redplagmen! pln, It indicates the programunes for transfering or re- ‘raining existing employees for new jobs «Roddy plan Te andeates who is redundant, when and wher; the ‘plans for re‘raining If iis posible; and plans for golden handshake, rereachment,layol, ee Tuning plan. Ht indicates the mumber of trainees or apprentices exqired and the programme for recruiting oF taining them, existing ‘galt requiring training or retraining; new courses to be developed or changes to be effected in existing courses ‘+ Productivity plan. Tt indietes reasons for receding employee productivity oe reducing employee costs through work simplification Studies, mechanization if zequired, productivity bargaining, incontives and profit sharing schemes, job redesign et Unit PROCUREMENT w 37 + Refton pm tite reasons fu tet pt adi for employee turnover and make stalgis to avid wastes though compesaton pis changin drork teitement and inyeovenentn working codons + Contre pints The ene manpower plan may be rejected to clove monitoring. Control pots shou! be setup to fad out defile perlodie updating of manpower inventory in the light of changing SSromstances an sleps should be ondvahen to env coon Sind develop fare plas, - (0.4. You ae the HR Manager ofa reputed IT firm. What ate the problems chatlenges faced by you while condutting HRP process? How w fvercome there problems? ne “Ano, Chaffenge/Probiensof HRP process, While conducting HRP process the Hit ranager of » reputed IT Rr Woald face numerous problems, Mainly they zor two type z sternal tn itera, "Eterna chatlenges ethos challenges whic vis fro ts portant sores 1) Economie development. Liberalisation, opening up of banking sos, opal mater and the ntne ang pen Rave rete Huge Sand for If profesional. The ate 9 nw the se of manuactanns, GMCs, Phammaceoiale, Automotive componens, Heaae and ‘Ceical dusts ina steady manner Consguey the demand or Fhuncring and: Management yodote, Sats and Healncre [proesionals has picked up in ect tes. (ip Potter, Tegal, ssial and technical changes. The demand for ein Chega of employees and sills is also inlenced by change in ues, loyal and soit stucre of an economy. Like fme oloyng est tectlogy in constuction, power, automubes ec, Jue get enhanced the worth of ecicans and engineers coring he Tas couple of yeas Inproving tcluwlogy makes HR ple more alto prs. For example Computerisation in Boks. avays, Pest Gai Tetegeph dopants bas relvce the demand for personnal in te depavtnent (600k kop. forex) creasing tanta (Goch se computer operations). High tehoolgy with all is aed {renefits may compel organsotons to Become leaner and downsize swore suddenly (a) Competition. Companies operating in Ges where a large number f piayersare boot upen citing each thers wt witha ve toesbane Thar market shar) often reduce their workforce. Compestion terefidal for customers but siidl for companis operating on thin trorgts Aso companies at are doing well and progiesing soa ‘wll avays Took for people with ens ll Interval challenges: i) Organnalonal dectsons, The orpuiatn’ sateic passes ant rection forcat and ret wees must sake np a8 ployment planning nd accordingly new esument ces Na fe goat At tes, such deans are not aen prompt By th 129 aera or ee rot shared wth HR manager in gm te {renting a challenge Haran Resse Msn ea se sie Do UNIVERSITY SEES een i ea me AHO eT pe ee fcr ee ace Pt evn Ta ce nes ay pile stent i ma si a ee in he ea A Tee ee ee are, et, ej, van ais cma deep Pa cn tement suppor pn mt Tennant yen ater emt x ene et exon at ae a Ee rng ed ei al cee sing seen fo Carat hla ee pander 2 ar hy ri of uta naprach to fora e oed mobi fc Mae pt ats prem say eso while preparing he PPO inventory oy tan Mesure Infomation System. To Mags Mepoyee sil acd He Resear era compared amen ier non imal emogahiy aman sry ile pe ving tet aos era we caves ee te gate, To aa sc pr i cee 0 THESE rales cet mow the changing needs ofthe ty Desalination. separate HR planing divin, oe aa nage garners, cornae HE planning MESS at serous levels {0.5 What are the portant aspect of HR pln (073) 5 ate ptiesnstcave all ares Of HSE” PN Oe, What are the features of HR planning? or Moan Hesource Planing is» process of det Altonntsand ne meas freeing ose rsremens {integrated plan ofthe organist ‘important Aspect of Horan ResonreePlaising a eg the human resource mons f the gation it ‘oth numbers and skis oe inventory of existing manpower of he oranisaion = Nope in dternning the shortall or surplus of manpower 7 the ation. = Htencompasses acquis human resource in the organisation. — amuuresavallbily of necesarytesources when require. fetermulates transfers and promotions 7 EAS in proper recraltent and election, so tat the right candidate teil be available a the right postion a right time. __ Tevteaie in reduction of labour costs, sinc it anticipates future mar power requirements or surplasar helps in Rting/ fring of employees, — Ritlsaa basis for employee’ development by forensting the skis eis. ithe in formulating managerial susession plans sining human resource order to cary cut tition enprovertent and preservation of Unie H=PROCUTEMENT 1 38 a “cu oman gn na Tans. HR Addit. HB audit refers to a compe ‘ {ocumentation and stor to identity ds fo Tae leesead em eer Sapte een chest cleat ans pc Se a ee serene eee ee rr ae as Pe ponsiises and obligations “e ies ee yw mgt hi i Toe ly aps emp fhe _ deem ee an 2 Be oes aa a Pee eee dere eet Ate ‘Benefits of HR audits . et Pe tm eat enn a ising the contribution of the HR — Hearn rm ce nan nee Tse atin tepartnent and profes = 2 ESSE ee map Secor ners —iaae eee ae phere eseened ee font te dcr on a teen Rapa _ Bhushan ong me sce in ang wih ik ae ee aan cea ren mao hs ies Si mm se tect Jementation of Raut. The out he ese f Ue ait fed that they are above rat that ican be sed against the HR ih of some sat in be department maintain regulary’ and continaty of HR

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