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May I have your attention please!

Our program will start in about a minute,please

find your self a comfortable set to settle down.Thankyou!

According to Kofi Annan, the former secretary-General of the United Nations

Gender equality is more than a goal in itself.It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of
reducing poverty,promoting sustainable development and building a good governance.

To our highly respected Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Lourdes D. Servito,to

the beautiful and intelligent Assistant Schools Superintentent Dt. Marilou N. Cardenas,to our
equally distinguish and vigorous CID Chief and SGOD Dr Editha Pridas and Sir Amor
Gloria,our creative and enthusiastic Education Program Supervisor Sir Marlon B. Ecol, to our
versatile Public Schools District Supervisor Dr. Milagros Fernandez, to our brilliant principal
in Doyong Elementary School Dr. Mary Grace A. Flores,to our Resource Speakers for this
GAD training who will be introduce to us later,to the very hard working School Gad
Coordinator Mam Analiza Tanedo,fellow teachers and participants my warm morning
greetings to each and everyone. I am Josephine R. Peralta your host for today!

After all the hindrances,conflict of schedule amidst the pandemic that came in our
way,finally today we managed to make this GAD Training possible.Today is not just a
wonderful day but we will also make it a day full of learnings.

To formally start this program,I Invite everyone to stand for the Prayer and singing
of the Philippine National Anthem . Let us all feel the presence of Almighty father as we
offer him a song of praise and remain standing for the singing of the National anthem by an
AVP presentation.

**Now what would make our moods even better?Lets energize ourselves and do some

To kick off this mornings program,we are please to have with us our very own
principal in Doyong Elementary School Dr. Mary Grace A. Flores to deliver her welcome

Thankyou so much maam for the warm remarks!

At this juncture lend us lend our ears to our Schools GAD Coordinator Mam Analiza
Tanedo for the presentation of participants.
Thankyou so much mam Ana for the roll call of the participants

I am honored and was given the task to state the purpose of this training give us the
overview of what to look forward for todays training.

The purpose of this training is to ensure that both men and women can participate
in, and benefit from the development in a way that is equitable.In view of widespread
disparities it is a process comprising both short term and long term objectives.In view of this
may I read to you the training matrix.
*(Read the Training Proper.Refer to the program)

And just like a meal,I know you are all excited to go to the main course and heart of
this training. To enlighten us on Meaning and difference of sex and gender,Right and equal
opportunities of men and women and Administrative discipline of government Employee.So
without much a do...It is my pleasure to introduce to you our first speaker for today.She is
presently our Public Schools District Supervisor in District I-A,the very humble kind hearted
and versatile Dr. Milagros B. Fernandez.

Thankyou so much for sharing your knowledge.

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