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(Name of the Account holder)

(Full Postal Address)

(Contact No.)


The Manager

(Name of the Branch)

(Name of the Bank) (Address)

Sub.: Reactivate/unblock my ATM/debit card Ref: ATM Card No.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am maintaining a savings account bearing no. .............I was issued an ATM/debit card bearing in
your bank's.....branch at

www.arter ormats.com
Yesterday. I had requested over the phone to your bank's customer care executive to block the card
as I was unable to find it after searching all required places. But today fortunately I have found it in
my office cabin.

or (you can write as below)

I understand the bank blocked my ATM card because of some suspicious transactions. I have now
confirmed that those transactions were done by a known person. Hence, there is no further thing to
worry about.

Therefore, I kindly request you that the said ATM card be reactivated/unblocked so that I can start
using it again. Applicable charges, if any, in this regard may be debited from

my savings account no......

Please process my application at the earliest as I have insufficient cash with me now.

Thanking you!

Yours faithfully,


(Name of the Account Holder)

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