PE 4 (Dance Genres)

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Guico, Jem Mariel S. P.

E 4

2nd Year – BS Psychology Mr. Gerodias

1. Do you think that the genres of dancing (such as folk and classical), incorporate new
forms of dancing into the genre?

I don’t think we should incorporate the new form of dancing into a genre, because
these dances were also derived from the existing dance genres. It would be great if we
acknowledge the new forms of dancing and link it to the existing dance genres. Creating
new forms of dancing is not forbidden, but I think we should acknowledge more the
existing dance genres because some of these genres are being ignored by the current
generation. Adding new genres will only lessen the attention that the original dance
genres are getting.

2. What do you think should be implemented for these genres to gain the attention it

Something that will catch the taste and attention of every young people.
Nowadays, it is very easy to make something popular, but to be able to do it, we should
implement things that are very trendy these days. For instance, use a popular music and
extraordinary movements that is easy for everyone to be able to dance it. In that way, it
will gain attention and everyone will love it. TikTok is an application that we can use to
dance or create contents. There are simple moves that are very trendy and popular music
on this application. Using those movements and music will gain attention and it will
somehow become popular.
3. Should modern contemporary dance incorporate new traditions and culture into its
dance or just retain it as is?

Modern contemporary dance is evolving, so incorporating new traditions and

culture into this dance is necessary and acceptable. Modern contemporary dance creates
freedom in movements and it relies on improvisation. So, for us to be able to express or
show our traditions and culture, contemporary dance would be a great genre to use,
because when dancing this genre, we are free to move using our body.

4. What genre of dancing do you think deserves a chance to be taught in PE classes?

Hip-hop and street dance would be a great genre to be taught in PE classes,

especially to this day because students love hip-hop music. But I think, folk dance
deserves to be taught in PE classes. Nowadays, young people have literally zero interest
on learning about our traditional and cultural dances. Teaching it in PE classes would be
a great opportunity to at least encourage the students to learn, love, and embrace our
culture and traditions. Through learning these traditional and cultural dances, students
will be able to gain knowledge about our culture. For instance, when teachers introduce a
folk dance (ex. tinikling), before doing practical dances, the teacher will discuss about its
meaning and history. In that way, students will be able to acquire knowledge and
experience the traditions by dancing it.

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