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Efforts to overcome delays in ship departure times that were agencyed by pt rickmus ocean
A. Chalid Pasyah, Dipl. TESL, M.Pd.. 1) , Evi Kusumawati, MMTr.. 2) , Agung Pangestu 3)
Jakarta High School of Naval Science
Jl. Marunda Makmur No.1 Cilincing , North Jakarta. Jakarta 14150


PT Rickmus Samudera is a shipping company that serves ship agency services that are not far
from its human resources, where in terms of providing services good performance is needed so
that in addition to providing good service it is also to minimize errors that may occur when
providing agency services . This may lead to a lack of trust from users of PT Rickmus
Samudera's ship agency services, thereby reducing the number of ship visits. If this happens
continuously, it will cause huge losses for PT Rickmus Samudera. Some of the obstacles that
often occur at PT Rickmus Samudera in maintaining the number of ship agency customers
include: the ship's departure time is not on time, the implementation of the new inaportnet
system in Batam which is less efficient, the service time for ship clearance documents is less
than optimal, the lack of skilled workers. competent in providing ship agency services at PT
Rickmus Samudera, the number of complaints in the ship agency services of PT Rickmus
Samudera and the lack of facilities and infrastructure in the office in managing ship clearance

Keywords: Redress Manifest , Length of Goods at the Port

1.1 Background ship while in port. Because the
Indonesia is a country known as a maritime implementation of ship agency activities is
country, most of which is waters and consists considered good and is considered in
of islands. Therefore, sea transportation is accordance with the needs of the customers
very important to connect the islands scattered and the costs to be paid by the customers are
throughout Indonesia. One of the means of considered reasonable, it is possible that
sea transportation is sea transportation in the customers will continue to appoint the agent
form of ships. Ship is a vehicle for to serve the ships operated by customers on
transporting passengers and goods at sea. Sea subsequent visits. With the number of agency
transportation is a shipping company that is service providers in Indonesia, the business
engaged in the provision of sea transportation competition in this field is getting tougher.
services. Sea transportation services include Therefore, every agency service provider
passenger and cargo transportation services . company must have a reliable strategy to win
With the development of the shipping the competition. The competitive strategy for
industry, the need for shipping services will service provider companies can be formulated
continue to exist. This forces shipping based on the marketing mix, whose elements
companies to compete for customers. Because are Product, Price, Placement, Promotion,
the shipping industry is engaged in services, People, Process and Performance. PT
the existing competition will be carried out by Rickmus Samudera Batam has good relations
competing with each other to provide with ship owners so that many ship owners
satisfying and fast services to consumers in use ship agency services at the company. This
Ship Agency Services. Agency is a type of is evidenced by the increasing number of ship
shipping company that is engaged in services visits every month in the first year the
to ships that visit a port to unload and load company was founded, namely in 2020-2021.
export and import goods which the company PT Rickmus Samudera is a shipping company
has appointed the ship owner. Shipping engaged in the agency sector that manages
companies that provide ship agency services more than 16 agency vessels . PT Rickmus
must be able to carry out their duties properly. Samudera also always tries to provide good
Here the agent acts as a party representing the service so that there is no delay in ship
ship owner in preparing everything so that the departure time which has an effect on the trust
ship's activities while in port can go according of customers who use ship agency services.
to plan. Agents must also prepare facilities The clearance in/out service activity at PT
before the ship arrives and ensure loading and Rickmus Samudera aims to increase the
unloading activities can run well, so that they number of ship visits that will be agencyed
can provide full service to the interests of the because it requires skilled and professional
operational employees to work. The situation a. Destination Study
found by the author when carrying out his 
For identify problem length
practice at PT Rickmus Samudera was the of management process
documents at PT Rickmus
decrease in the number of ships under the
agency of PT Rickmus Samudera every  For evaluate performance
month or unstable. This thing possibility employees of PT Rickmus
Ocean .
cause lack of trust user service agency PT
b. Benefits of research
Rickmus ship Ocean so that lower amount
i. Aspect Theoretical
visit ship . If things this occur continously so
1) As a material to be able to
will cause big loss _ for PT Rickmus Ocean .
apply science regarding the
A number of frequent obstacles _ happened at
activities of the manifest and
PT Rickmus Ocean in maintain amount
redress manifest procedures
customer agency boat including : time
departure boat not enough appropriate time ,
2) Can increase understanding
application system new inaportnet in batam
of the importance of
which is lacking evisen , time service less
services clearance in and
than optimal ship clearance documents , lack
out of goods import nor
of power competent work _ in give service
export in order not to too
service agency ship at PT Rickmus Ocean ,
long be in the field
many complaints in service service agency PT
accumulation as well as in
Rickmus ship Ocean as well as lack of office
warehouse line 1 at the port
facilities and infrastructure _ in management
thereby preventing delays
ship clearance documents . Writer hope could
in spending goods from port
give input in increase quality source power
increasingly human _ improve and will bring
3) As learning material to add
progress for required company _ for service
experience and knowledge
clearance in and out services by PT Rickmus
and solution solutions if a
company Ocean , because if quality service
similar problem occurred.
more clearance in/out services fast provided
ii. Aspect Practical
by PT Rickmus Ocean , then agency ships _
Research results this by
will leave appropriate time . With thereby
practical expected could give
customer will feel satisfied in the end result in
benefit for institution nor
the more big influence to amount ships that
company related with study
use service agent PT Rickmus Ocean .
this , namely :
1.2 Purpose and Benefits Study
1) Can provide practical ship crew needs (provision) and ship
information to all cadets and crew change or crew changes.
lecturers about clearance in PT Rickmus Ocean once get protest
and out activities , from the principal because not enough
especially in managing maximum service from agency and
manifest and redress performance from PT Rickmus Ocean
manifest. experience decline in 2021 .
2) As a consideration for B.2. Research time
decision making in improve The author carried out the research while
the company's performance, carrying out the Land Practice (PRADA)
especially in the operational which was taken by the author for
sub-section who takes care approximately 9 (eleven) months from
of clearance in/out and August 2020 to April 2021 in Batam,
redress manifest services Riau Islands as a port operational
improve services in order to location.
speed up the process of B.3. Research Place
docking ships in the The research took place at PT Rickmus
company's agency activities. Samudera which is an agency shipping
3) Provide information and company, Jl. Tengku Sulung Botania
descriptions to readers in Garden Complex "Cluster Magnolia"
order to find out the Blok D9 No. 01, Belian, Batam City,
management of the manifest Batam Center, Batam.Riau Islands
and redress manifest. ( KEPRI )
B.4. Approach Method
B. RESEARCH METHOD The author uses a qualitative descriptive
B.1. Data Description method that describes the events that
PT Rickmus Ocean as object study is a occurred thoroughly and in depth, where
companies that do activities on the object of research of this thesis is how
business shipping and engaged in the to deal with it so that it goes right. time
service transportation sea especially so that there is no decrease in the number
field agency ship . PT Rickmus Ocean of ship visits agented by PT Rickmus
is company service voyage that Samudera. PT Rickmus Samudera is a
delivers service in Thing management shipping company that serves ship
document boat for clearance, provider agency services which are not far from its
human resources, where in terms of
providing services good performance is Is a data collection technique by
needed so that in addition to providing conducting direct questions and
good service it is also to minimize errors answers to related parties in order to
that may occur when providing agency obtain complete data and information
services. in accordance with the topic of the
B.5. Data collection technique existing problem. The authors have
In the preparation of this thesis the conducted interviews regarding
author uses several data collection clearance in/out activities and human
techniques based on thesis writing resource competencies with the Head
guidelines. of Operations and other operational
Several methods of data collection staff.
techniques are:
a. Observation c. Documentation
The author made direct observations The method of collecting data is by
in the field while carrying out Land viewing and studying documents
Practices (PRADA) for related to the problem being studied
approximately 9 months at PT at the Shipping Company PT
Rickmus Samudera In this technique, Rickmus Samudera. The supporting
during the practice period, the documents in this research, namely:
authors observed problems that Organizational structure of the
occurred especially in the agency company,
division. During the observation, PT Arrivals and departures of ships,
Rickmus Samudera experienced ups Document clearance in and out
and downs situation which most of Interview result
the factors are the delay of the ship's
departure time and its own human d. Literature review
resources. Because the agency The author obtained data directly,
division is a service company that namely data collection techniques
relies on the ability of human used to collect information and the
resources in terms of quality theoretical basis used as a basis for
operations so that it can provide good analyzing problems using written
service. sources such as literature, scientific
numbers, as well as lecture materials
b. Interview at the School of Shipping Science
(STIP) which were given with
problems and problems. this thesis number of operational employees, it is
research in order to facilitate the not uncommon for agents to have
author in the preparation. difficulty in managing ship documents
that are agencyed by PT Rickmus
B.6. Research subject Samudera due to the lack of employees
Writer use situation social certain with owned by PT Rickmus Samudera so
researching three element as subject study that that it can cause problems.
is actors , places and activities.Perpetrators in the work piled up because not
study this are people who are looked at know infrequently the ships in the agency
about the social situation , where writer were not only ships that carried out
researching whole existing elements _ within activities in a day. Because when the
the research area where subject study namely ship arrives at the port, the agent must
the speakers in Thing subject study namely also make a loading permit at
the employees of PT Rickmus Ocean and government agencies and
activities from study this is Document
clearance in/out activities ship . deliver to the ship, but because the
C. DATA ANALYSIS agent is not skilled in using the
1. The length of the clearence in/out inaportnet system, it can cause ship
process for ships in government delays to carry out loading activities at
agencies and the lack of employees of the jetty due to the length of processing
PT Rickmus Samudera documents in government agencies.
The author got a finding to underlie the In addition, the implementation of the
preparation of this thesis which of inaportnet system that has just been
course relates to efforts to optimize implemented in Batam is felt by
ship services PT Rickmus Samudera. shipping business actors, especially
In the process of ship services carried agents, to be less efficient because the
out by PT Rickmus Samudera, it is inaportnet system which is supposed to
obligatory to appoint one of the be a platform for simplifying the
employees in the operational division bureaucracy. Batam so that it becomes
to take care of all ship needs, starting less effective for ship agency business
from taking ship documents and doing actors coupled with the lack of
clearence in/out at government socialization and training regarding
agencies. However, in its inaportnet to agents, this can cause the
implementation sometimes it ship document processing process to be
encounters problems, with a small long and less efficient.
In providing ship agency services by was not willing to go on board to the
PT Rickmus Samudera, planning is ship because the agent was late in
needed that is researched in advance in providing the ship's arrival letter and
handling activities in serving ships and did not inform the officer in advance
processing ship documents which take and caused the in-ship clearance
a long time in the process of processing process to take a long time. If this
ship documents because the number of continues, the company will lose its
employees in the company is still said customers. Other employees, especially
to be lacking. in the operational division, often come
2 . The length of service time for on time for unclear reasons. This can
processing clearance documents result in a pile of work that should be
According to Hasibuan (2002) done on time to be late and not on time
Discipline is an attitude of respecting
3. Lack amount employee part
and appreciating an applicable Operational
regulation, both written and unwritten
Good management will be responsive
and being able to carry it out and not
in meeting the needs of employees who
refusing to accept sanctions if he
have the ability and desire to
violates the duties and authorities given
implement company programs and
to him. Employee discipline is needed
address these needs, it is necessary to
to support the company in achieving
plan human resources to ensure that
the company's goals and ideals. But
they have the right employees at the
what happened at PT Pelayaran
right time to carry out company plans. .
Rickmus Samudera. boarding officer
It can be seen in the table for an
employees are just the opposite. There
operational employee named Rano,
is still an undisciplined attitude in
whose education level is a high school
boarding officer employees when
graduate and has no basic knowledge
carrying out the in-ship clearance
of shipping and has no experience
process often late in giving a permit
working at all in shipping companies
notification of ship arrival to
from the number of ships he has
government agencies at the port,
sometimes the agency is tolerated but if
very little handle compared to his two
it is done continuously it can cause
colleagues in the operational section,
problems. This causes frequent
this cannot be separated from the lack
misunderstandings in the relevant
of competence of the individual
agencies, even the immigration party
regarding his work the company has where no one is allowed to enter the ship
assigned to him, this factor also blinds other than the ship's crew and the ship's
the ineffectiveness of the ship's printer engine. damaged / out of ink
clarance process, besides that, errors then it makes it difficult for the
are often found in his work, such as onboard agent to create documents
mistakes in taking ship certificates
when onboard and lack of coordination
Based on previous chapters using causal data
with agencies in port
analysis (Fishbone) based on discussion From
d . The workload is too big
the discussion, it can be concluded that the
The workload of the employees at PT
main causes of the decrease in the number of
Pelayaran Rickmus Samudera is too
ships being agencyed include:
large, the agent board who has just
1. The slow processing of the SPB
returned from the ship must still enter
document (Sailing Approval Letter)
the office. Even though the employee
due to the lack of efficiency of the
had just returned from the ship in the
inaportnet process with the
early hours of the morning, he still had
administrative management system at
to enter the office until the time he left
the BP Batam port authority plus the
the office. As a result, employees who
lack of training and socialization of
just got off the ship will find a way not
the inaportnet system that has just
to go directly to the office after
been implemented in Batam can affect
arriving ashore. This resulted in delays
the difficulty of the document
in the delivery of soft file document
processing process and the lack of
loading to the owner, shipper and
discipline of PT Rickmus Samudera
charterer. Problems like this will cause
operational employees to prepare
complaints from service users and if
document notification of ship arrival
the company cannot overcome this, it
for government agencies at the port.
will result in losses for the company
This can lead to non-optimal
e. Lack of office facilities
employee performance resulting in
it is a mistake if the ship that is the agent delays in document processing and the
of a local ship or a foreign ship that
accumulation of work in the office.
allows the Company does not facilitate
The proposed problem solving method
the onboard agent with adequate facilities.
is by simplifying the clearance process
It is at first glance like we are not to enter
through inaportnet without having to
the ship. In fact, it is not uncommon for
onboard agents to handle foreign ships process payments back to the BP

Batam Port authority office,
conducting independent training in the SUGGESTION
inaportnet system for operational Based on the discussion that the author
employees of PT Pelayaran Rickmus has put forward, in this last chapter the
Samudera if there has been no training author will provide suggestions for the
from KSOP Batam and providing agency company PT Rickmus
appropriate sanctions. firm for Samudera as follows:
employees who lack discipline in The suggestions proposed in writing
completing their duties and this thesis are:
responsibilities. Because document processing tends to
2. The lack of competence of new take a long time due to lack of training
employees who work in the and socialization of the Inaportnet
operational division and the lack of system, the length of document
employees of the operational division processing in related agencies is due to
of PT Rickmus Samudera causes lack of discipline in the work of
employees to experience double jobs operational employees, the
so that it affects the management of suggestions that researchers give are
ship documents. In addition, there is a as follows:
lack of availability of printer tools for The company is advised to conduct
on board agents. So far, employees training in the inaportnet system for
have to ask for help from ship crews if employees of the operational division,
they want to print documents. The especially boarding agents so that
problem solving method proposed by employees understand very well about
the author is that PT Rickmus the ship clearance process using the
Samudera needs to conduct employee newly implemented inaportnet system
training to be skilled and competent, so that the clearance process does not
and to fill positions in In the occur delays in processing documents.
operational section, which lacks discipline in completing the work.
human resources, the company needs The need for training for employees
to recruit new employees according to who are less professional in their
the qualifications determined by the fields, especially those who do not
company and facilitate agents on have basic shipping knowledge. In
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