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CONCEPT: Human development:
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): → genetic disposition (chronic disorder)
ADHD is a neurodevelopment disorder of childhood that is characterized by developmentally
inappropriate levels
 Hypersensitivity
 Impulsivity
 Inattention
Signs & Symptoms: R/T
Attention: Impulsivity: Hyperactivity
 Trouble sustaining  Difficulty waiting  Fidgeting
attention  Blurting out comments  Excessive talking
 Trouble organizing tasks  Interruptions or  Excessive running
 Appearing to not hear intruding in others  Inability to engage in
when spoken to conversations or quiet activities
 Losing items necessary activities
to complete task  Safety concerns when
exhibits impulsive
 According to American psychological association:
 Behaviors present before 7 years old & continue for at least 6 months
 Behaviors occur in more than one setting
 Provide parents w/information about disorder/treatment plan
 Encourage support group for parents
 Treatment includes:
o Behavioral therapy → prevent undesirable behavior
o Medication
o Maintaining consistent environment → home, classroom environment, & physical safety
o ↓ stimuli in the environment
o Appropriate classroom placement
o Provide regular breaks, use verbal commands and/or visual cues
 Promote self esteem
• Atomoxetine/Strattera → non stimulant/non-narcotic → non addictive
STIMULANT MEDS: → Monitored q3 months
 Methylphenidate/Ritalin → stimulant
 Dextroamphetamine-amphetamine/combination drug(Adderall → stimulant
 Dextroamphetamine/dexadrine → stimulant

S/E: Stimulants
o Appetite suppressions → offer frequent/high nutritional value snacks
o Weight loss → height/weight at each DR visit/charted
o Rebound (irritability when the medication wears off)
o Nervousness
o Tics
o Insomnia
o ↑ B/P
o Stunt growth
Non stimulants → Atomoxetine/Strattera
Methylphenidate/ Ritalin: (77 ATI) focus on task, ability to self-control
Toxicity: Hypertension, dizziness, palpitations, seizures, BRUISING
Diagnose → established on the basis of self-reports, parents, teachers and use of assessment tools
SE: WEIGHT LOSS → 2-4 LBS IN TWO WEEKS CALL DR, anorexia, anemia
o Child/parent about medication administration and the need for follow up
o Do not chew or crush
o Importance to take on regular schedule
o ADHD not cured w/ med but helps with symptom
o Controlled substance > handwritten only
o If lose
Atomoxetine/ Strattera:
 Daily dose in morning or divide dose → 1 dose in am & 1 dose in afternoon w/meals
 Controls impulsivity
 Therapeutic effects → 1-3 weeks
 Monitor child’s behavior
 Daily dose or split in two doses
 Not for patients with eating disorders/seizure disorders
 Cardiovascular/hepatic disorders
 Hypertension/hypotension
 ↓ appetite = weight loss
 Report hepatotoxicity → yellow skin
 Minimal side effect

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD):

Neurodevelopmental disorder that manifest in early childhood as young as 12 months; and as late as
kinder-1st grade
Onset noticed by 3 years of age
Social Communication: Behavior:
o Abnormal/lack of o abnormal nonverbal o Attachment to object,
comfort-seeking communications (does not range of interest
behavior use gestures to communicate) restricted
o Abnormal or lack of o Lack of imaginative play o Self-injurious→
social play ___________________________ irritability/aggression
o Impairment in peer Language: toward self & others
relationships o Delayed or lack of o Must maintain routine →
o Lack of awareness of the expressive language change =distress, anger
existence or feelings of o Failure to initiate or rage
others conversation o Repetitive body
o Abnormal or lack of o Parroting of spoken movements → rocking
imitation of others words of others or head banging,
o Refusal to hug/cuddle clapping, finger flicking,
o Prefer to be alone hand flapping
o No eye contact/facial o Walk on tiptoes
Risk factors;
 Genetic syndrome
 Parental schizophrenic
 Maternal depression
 Advancing age
 Premature birth < 26 weeks
 Viral infection during 1st trimester
 Maternal rubella during pregnancy
 Maternal diabetes, hypertension or obesity
 PRIORITY: ensure SAFE environment for child w/Autism
 Keep environment & routine the same as home → they need stability, structure, things to look
the same
 Determine routines, habits, preferences, and maintain consistency as much as possible
 Determine specific ways in which the child communicates and use methods
 AVOID placing hands on child > introduce slowly
 Avoid placing demands on child
 Implement SAFETY precautions for self-injurious behaviors → head banging

 Initiate referrals to special programs → mental health clinician, speech/language pathologist,

dietician, occupational therapist, support groups
 Provide support to parents
 Offer restroom
Exhibit deficits in communication/social interactions and restricted, repetitive behaviors interest and
 Avoid repetition of familiar food
 Keep pictures of liked foods on display → reminds child that he/she enjoyed food before
 Never force to eat
 Allow to smell, touch and play w/new food
 Allow accepting new food (weeks)
 Use divider plates
 Play soft music during mealtime= calm environment and block distracting sound
Red flag:
 ↑ risk for sexual/physical abuse
 Early signs of ASD → Poor eye contact and failure to respond to name
 Extreme anxiety and react negatively/aggressively to noisy environment or new situations

Social Anxiety Disorder:

Chronic anxiety disorder marked by fear and excessive self-conscious in public
Risk factors:
 Early childhood anxiety
 Low self esteem
 Poor coping skills
 Low income
Nursing implications:
 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): →used anti-depressant SSRIs include
fluoxetime (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), paroxetine
(Paxil), and fluvoxamine (Luvox).
 Benzodiazepines: → sedative and anti-anxiety medication: benzodiazepines include diazepam
(Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), clonazepam (Klonopin), and alprazolam (Xanax).

Developmental Delay
Child has not reached their milestone in the expected time period
Failure to thrive
Can be non- organic or organic
Nonorganic failure to thrive: related to psychosocial environment such as neglect, inadequate and
underdeveloped parenting skills, history of parental mental health problems

● Sudden deceleration in the growth curve

● Can cause delay in reaching developmental milestones
● ↓ muscle mass
● Nutrition and family therapy
Risk factors for Developmental delay:
● Genetics → genetic or chromosomal abnormality; down syndrome
● Environmental → poor maternal nutrition, exposure to lead or toxins, infection passed from
mother to baby
Warning signs:
o Signs of aggression toward others
o self-harm
o repetitive body movements
o lack of social interaction
o does not make eye contact
Gross Motor Skills:
o Clumsy
o does not develop hand-eye coordination
o Stiffness or floppiness of arms and legs.
● Difficulty following object or people with their eyes
● rubbing of eye frequently
● Turn tilt of hold head in a strange or unusual position when trying to look at an object
● Difficulty finding or picking up small objects found on the floor after 12 mon
● Difficulty focusing or making eye contact
● Closes one eye while trying to look at distant objects
● Eyes cross or turned
● Being objects to close to eyes to see
● One or more eyes appear abnormal in size and color
● Talk in a very loud or soft voice
● Difficulty responding when called from across room
● Body posture: turning of the body so the same ear is always turned towards sound
● Difficulty understanding and following directions of what has been said after the age of 3 or
● No startle to loud noises
● Ears small or deformed
● Failure to develop sounds or words that are age appropriate
If a child has not developed certain skills in a certain time frame it is important to notify the physician to
conduct a more specific assessment be completed

How to identify a delay is occurring

● Developmental screening → general assessment of child’s skills
● Formats the screening test:
o A questionnaire to a parent or child care provider that ask about the child
developmental milestones
o A test given to the child by a healthcare educational professional
o CAN'T DIAGNOSE BY ONLY A SCREENING TEST, you need to refer for developmental
Therapeutic Management: → early intervention services most effective
● To learn the developmental skills in a consecutive fashion
● Helps advance in all areas of development
● Good self esteem
Menopause: → 45-55
 Permanent end of ovulation and menses
 Life transition
 Complete cessation of menses for 1 year >
 Climacteric → right before menopause
 Hot flashes/night sweats → estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) form women w/uterus
 Redness of face/neck
 Night and day sweats
 Sleep disturbances → difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening throughout the night
 Hair, skin eye changes
 Mood changes/memory problems
 Weight changes → more fat on body d/t lack of estrogen
Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) therapy (women w/uterus)
 Estrogen and progesterone must be used together → unopposed estrogen=abnormal cell
growth in uterine lining = risk for endometrial cancer
Hormone therapy (HT) for women without uterus
 Estrogen alone
Treatment for vaginal symptoms:
 Topical vaginal estrogen
 Lubricants or moisturizers
 Vaginal stimulators → increase circulation to vaginal area and improve overall sexual functioning

Aging is individualized → can still learn but at a SLOWER rate

Psychological changes:
 Heart slows down
 Fragile skin
 High meds d/t age
Advanced age pregnancy → going through menopause
 Very important to continue contraceptive after the start of menopause 1 year after d/t higher risk of birth defects → down
 Consider possible biological, psychological, sociocultural & sexual changes that occur in the aging process
 Assess as a unique individual
Nursing considerations:
 Protection from injury caused by age related physical changes or altered thought process r/t cerebral changes
 Preservation of dignity/ self-esteem who has come independent on others
 Self-care deficit → encourage independence to the best of clients ability
 Reminisce therapy is encouraged

CONCEPT: SEXUALITY: factors that facilitate an individual’s gender identity as well as their ability to experience and express
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE (STI): REPORT to county health department → gonorrhea, syphilis & chlamydia
Bacterial Bacterial Virus Bacterial HUMAN Viral
Most common 2nd most freq. No cure Spirochete PAPILLOMA VIRUS Virus can lead to AIDS
Curable w/antibx # 1 cause -infertility 2-12 days primary inf treponema Formerly known as
Curable w/antibx pallidum genital wart MANIFESTATIONS:
Organism: 2 types: Curable w/antibx Flu-like symptoms
Chlamydia Organism: HSV1 →above the Virus & will remain
trachomatis: gram Neisseria waist primary stage: in body for life Hallmark: swollen
negative gonorrhoeae HSV2 → below the most highly lymph nodes →
*Gram neg waist infectious Transmission: infection of blood
transmission: diplococcus Triggers: canker (open sore Sexual contact or cells attacking in the
sex Stress, fatigue, lesion) small hard perinatal body
birth Incubations period: general illness, painless →penis, (C-section) *Weight loss
3-7 days immunosuppressant, vulva, mouth, *Malaise
sunburn, menses vagina, rectum Vaccines do not *Dry cough
May be Manifestations: prevent HPV, BUT *White spot on
asymptomatic in may be Manifestations: Second stage: prevent CERVICAL tongue, mouth, throat
both sexual partners asymptomatic for Tingling, local Appears 2 weeks -6 cancer *Recurring fever
both inflammation, weeks after chancre *lymphadenopathy
Men: burning, itch, cold healed Manifestations:
Men: sores Flu like sym:
*Dysuria *Urethritis “drip” Small papillary Passes from mother to
“clap” Genitals: painful , Fever, sore throat, growth=large baby during
*white or clear reddened vesicles symmetric rash on
discharge from *Dysuria cauliflower preg/breastfeeding
*Purulent discharge ( blisters) flu/like trunk, palms, sole Men: penis,
urethra → sym of feet, exudate
nonspecific green/yellow scrotum, anus, Diagnosis:
*Joint pain infectious urethra
urethritis Still infectious *Western blot
If asymptomatic Women: inner *Immunofluorescence
Women: w/no lesions STILL thigh, vulva, vagina, Assay
Women: infectious Latent stage : cervix
*Yellowish cervical *joint pain *Serology to detect
*redness/vulva No symptoms, not antibodies
discharge infectious after 4
*Vaginal bleeding *inflame/cervix Meds: Vaccines:
*dysuria Acyclovir/zovirax ↓ years 3 IM doses in 6
*Dyspareunia Zidvidine
*Lower abd/back *discharge yellow symptoms months Management:
pain Valcyclovir/Valtrex: Tertiary Stage: Gardisil/cervarix Support immune
MEDS: *Headache, N/V (late) →prevents HPV system
C’s DX. → CULTURE Not infectious, but *CD4 count →the >
Diagnostic: starts to affect
Gold standard → Cephalosporin Girls/boys ages 11- CD4=Stronger
Cefixime/supprax 1ST PRIMARY organ. Cannot be 12, but can start at 9 immune system
CULTURE reversed
Ceftriaxone OUTBREAK →

*1x dose= manage pain *brain

Nucleic acid compliance *tremor
amplification test *no alcohol Important nursing *heart
*paralysis Cryotherapy
(NAAT) → 1ST urine interventions: Freezing /burning
catch COMMONLY SEEN *General hygiene Salicylic acid
W/CHLAMYDIA: *Loose cotton Hutchinson Liquid nitrogen:
Direct fluorescent treated undergarment teeth=ridges on Topical
antibody (DEA) Test w/doxycycline & *Keep lesion incisor A/E:
Ceftrizone for 7 clean/dry Pain, blistering,
days *Prevent → condom Congenital scarring, skin
Enzyme *No sex w/lesion
Immunoassay (EIA) syphilis=born w/it irritation
Check 4-7 days after Educate:
treatment & 6 Diagnosis: Strict adherence to
MEDS: months tx regimen
Azithromycin VDRL test/part of
0 sex til neg culture torch titer No sex during tx
1x dose=compliance Complete med
Treat sex partner
Amoxicillin TID 7 Med:
days Penicillin G
Dx: Fetracycline,
Culture Doxycycline
Complications: Report within 90
Teach: PID days
Abstinence for 7 Ectopic preg
days after treatment Infertility
Syphilis: sore, rash,
Complications: Neonate at risk for internal organs
PID → Infertility ophthalmic (including brain)
neonatorum→ treat
w/ Erythromycin

Gonorrhea: “clap”
or “drip”

 Both sexual partners need to be treated
 VIRAL → NOT curable, but stays in body
 All STI → risk for fetus/newborn if mom is infected

Erectile Dysfunction
 The inability to attain or maintain erection sufficient for satisfactory intercourse
Younger male’s r/t alcohol, psychological stress
Older males r/t ↓ testosterone, ↓ sperm, ejaculation is weaker
 ED can cause

 Distress
 ↓ Self esteem
 Difficulty in relationships/perceived
Risk factors for psychogenic ED:
 Chronic depression
 Anxiety
 Interpersonal/intimacy issues
 Strict upbringing in sexual matters
 Inadequate sex education
 Other life stressors

Indications of medical conditions:

 Diabetes mellitus
 Cardiovascular disease
 Constriction rings, vacuum devices
 testosterone replacement therapy
 surgical implantation
 Oral phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) Inhibitors → CONTRAINDICATED: nitroglycerin/nitrate
Caution using PDE-5: → vasodilators
 Alpha-adrenergic blockers
 Myocardial infarction in past 6 months
 Resting hypotension
 Uncontrolled hypertension
 Unstable angina
 Positive exercise stress test or exercise intolerance
Meds: PDE-5: –fil
 sildenafil/Viagra
 tadalafil/Cialis:
o treats erectile dysfunction & enlarged prostate (BPH) at same time
o long lasting → stays in body for 2 days
 ananafil/Stendra
 Headache
 Dyspepsia
 Flushing
 Nasal congestion
Why? Vasodilator
Interventions: goal satisfactory sexual relationship
 Monitor for depression

 Monitor suicidal ideation

 Maintain pt safety
 Request for referral to mental health clinician if → depression, anxiety or other conditions
 No alcohol
 No nitrates = hypotensive effect
Immediate medical attention:
 Penile blood/discharge
 Painful sexual intercourse
 Priapism → erect for hours in the absence of stimulation or after stimulation has ended
 > 4 hours erect
 Vision change, hearing loss
 Lifestyle modifications → weight loss, smoking cessation, ↑ physical activity
Other treatments:
 Intra-urethral vasoactive drugs: gels/pallets ↑ blood cell= erection
 Vasoconstrictive device: (vacuum pump) blood pulled to penis & band at end of penis →
maintain erection
 Implants
Gender Dysphoria/Body Image:
 Psychological disorder characterized by:
 Persistent discomfort over assigned gender
 “Gender incongruence” / manifestation:
 A strong desire to be of a gender other than one's assigned gender
 A strong desire to be treated as a gender other than one's assigned gender
 A significant incongruence between one's experienced or expressed gender and one's sexual characteristics.
 Cross-gender identification → many do not consider abnormal
 Etiology unknown
First step is counseling before anything/ psychotherapy
Altered Libido → altered sexual desire
Can happen to men or women
 Advancing age
 ↓ Energy levels
 Trauma
 Drugs/alcohol
 Anti-depressants → Paxil, Prozac
 Anti-hypertensive medication
 Hormone replacements → estrogen, progesterone TQ;
 Lifestyle changes:
 Exercise
 Stress management
 Support groups
 Healthy diet
 Counseling for issue in relationships
 Improving communications

Recurrent or persistent genital pain before, during after sexual intercourse
 Present in either sex → more prevalent in females
 Common in postmenopausal women → declining estrogen 
 May disrupt sexual relationship
Causes to pain:
Physiological: (superficial pain)
 Estrogen deficiencies (after menopause) = dryness of the vaginal tissues
 Drugs ↓ natural vaginal lubrication → antihistamine, amphetamines
 After childbirth/breastfeeding
 Injury/trauma
 Episiotomy
 Improper fit of diaphragms/cervical caps
 Allergies to reaction to birth control products
Factors to deep pain:
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
 Endometriosis
 Bladder prolapse
Men causes for painful intercourse:
 Infection
 Inflammation of testis, urethra, foreskin, prostate
 Aging
Risk factors:
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Hx of rape/sexual abuse
 Negative feelings of feelings of sex
 Changing positions
 ↑ Foreplay/ slow pace of intercourse
 Clearly communicate w/partner
 Avoid scented bath products/douching → increases risk for recurrent yeast infection/chronic
vaginal discomfort & pain

Medications: (how to manage)

 Women → hormone replacement MEN → Testosterone replacement
 Transdermal
 Vaginal estrogen preparations
 Lubricants (water soluble gels → KY jell

Natural family method:
 Calendar/rhythm or standard days Method
Oral contraceptive:
If at risk for breast cancer → should not be on BC = ↑estrogen @ risk
for blood clots:
“pill” combination of estrogen/progesterone
Be effective: take every day/same time
 One pill missed → take ASAP
 Benefits:
 ↓ menstrual blood loss, regulate cycle
 ↓ Fe deficiency anemia
Progesterone only: (mini pill)
norethindron, medroxyprogesaterone
 ideal for breastfeeding moms
 has no estrogen

Complications of oral contraceptive

A: abdominal pain
C: chest pain → clot PE
H: Headache migraine → stroke
E: Eye problem → problem from renal thrombosis/stroke
S: severe pain/swelling calf or thigh → clot

 Applied once a week
 Has both hormones
(Depot) medoprogesterone acetate IM/Subq q3months
At risk:
 osteoporosis → calcium, vit D, weight bearing exercise
 ↑ weight
 No menstrual period = endometriosis cancer
Vaginal ring:
 Small, flexible ring that inserts into her vagina for 3 weeks;
removed for 1 week, then New ring is inserted
 ↓ ectopic pregnancy,
 SE: N/V bleeding between period

Implantation Device:
 Implantable rod
 IUD: intrauterine device
Vaginal implant (protects 3, 5, 10 years
Stopping sperm from reaching and fertilizing eggs.
• implant in uterine wall= hysterectomy
• Not recommended for high risk for infection
(promiscuity) since it’s already prone to
Contraindications→ multiple sex partner → At risk for STI
Check for STRING placement, if shorter → IUD shift
Can shift if pt gains/losses weight

Tubal ligation (minilaparotomy):
 Permanent birth control
 Fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently
prevent pregnancy
 Does not affect menstrual period
 Does not protect from STI
 Surgical ligation & resection bilaterally of the vas deferens
 Incision in the scrotum
 1 week to several months to clear out vas deferens
 2 negatives to be considered infertile →semen analysis to
check for sperm in your semen
 20 ejaculations
 Use contraception for 3 months after
 Post : swelling → ice
Ensure system (trans cervical sterilization)
 Scar tissue blocks pregnancy
 No anesthesia
 99.8 % effective
 Non reversible
 No protection from STI
Emergency contraceptive:
 “morning after pill”
Plan B one step or Next step
• Loses effect after 72 hours
• One step dose of high dose progestin
Other option:
High dose of oral estrogen
 Contraceptive sponge
 Diaphragm
dome shape rubber device that fits over the cervix
Refit Q2 years & after pregnancy
 Cervical cap
Rubber or latex silicone cap that fits snuggly over the
Use w/ spermicide → keep 6-8 hours after sex
Reuse: wash w/soap & water/ corn starch on cap
Risk: toxicity syndrome
 Cervical shield
 Female condom: disposable
Male condom:
• prevent infection,
• can rupture & leak
• if develops rash hour after sex = allergic reaction to
Unreliable methods:
 Coitus interruption
 Withdrawal of penis before ejaculation
 Cheap
 Least effective
 Male partner control
 100% effective

Inability to conceive after 1 year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse (coitus)
For women > 35 or w/known risk factor, recommendation is for 6 months
Common factors:
 ↓ Sperm production → sperm ejaculation < 2ml, low count < 2o count (20 million/ml), slow
mobility of sperm (normal semen density > 20 million/ml
 Sperm autoantibodies caused by trauma, infection, or surgical occlusion
 Enlarged veins in the testes (varicocele) can also affect the quality of sperm. → Surgery:
Varicocele that can affect fertility; Treatment does not always restore fertility.

Men are considered infertile if they:

o Produce too few sperm cells
o Produce sperm cells that are atypical
o Have chronic problems with ejaculation

Females: Most cases of infertility are d/t problems with ovulation or problems with fallopian tubes
 Endometriosis → growth of the uterine lining tissue; tissue outside the uterine cavity cause both
fallopian tube and ovarian scarring
 Ovulation of disorder
 Tubal occlusion
 Coital factors: use of lubricants or douche= change of pH =infection
 Chronic pelvic & vaginal infections
 STI can lead to infertility if not treated = PID = scar tissue in the fallopian tubes
 Childhood infection
 Occupation hazards → radiation, chemicals, herbicide, pesticides
 Menstrual hx → can identify hormone related patterns such as: anovulation, pituitary disorder,
Diagnostic procedures:
 Semen analysis → avoid ejaculation for 2-5 days → transport to office within 2 hours (no
chilling/warming of semen: Key: 1st step in infertility assessment, less invasive,
 Ultrasonography → visualize testes and scrotum

 Pelvic exam
 Hormone analysis → LH, Progesterone (peaks 8 days after LH surge)
 Chlomophine citrate challenge test (CCT)
 Post-coital test → to check if sperm is compatible with partner’s cervical mucus
 Fertilization test → determine how well the sperm can penetrate an egg
 Basal body temperature → temperature rises at ovulation
 Blood test → to measure hormone levels
 Endometrial biopsy –→to see if ovulation is causing changes in the lining of the uterus
 Hysterosalpingography (HSG) → contrast x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes → asses for
allergy to iodine or seafood

• Changing the timing of sexual activity
• Avoiding excessive heat, such as steam rooms and saunas
• Avoiding tobacco, marijuana, and excessive alcohol use
• Wearing looser fitting shorts and pants
• Maintaining a healthy weight
• Decreasing stress
If fallopian tubes are blocked may need surgery to open them
 Ovarian cysts
 Uterine fibroids
 Scar tissue (from endometriosis, pelvic infections, or scar tissue from previous abdominal or
pelvic surgery
• clomiphene citrate – in combination with vitamin E, may help increase sperm count and
improve sperm movement
o ovarian stimulant to stimulate ovary to produce follicles
o ↑ Secretion of FSH & LH which stimulates follicle growth
o Given daily 5 days, begin on day 5 of menses → supplement low dose of ESTROGEN
o SE: Vasomotor flushes, abdominal discomfort, N/V, breast tenderness
 Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMg) / Pregnyl→ used when clomiphene fails to stimulate
o Promotion of ovulation
o SE: irritability, headache, fatigue, restlessness
o Inform couple to have intercourse day of injection and for the next 2 days
 Metformin → insulin sensitizing agent given to women w/Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
which induces ovulation (MAY BE GIVEN W/ CLOMIPHENE)

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)


 Intrauterine insemination /artificial insemination

o Sperm placed in uterus at time of ovulation
 In vitro fertilization/IVF-embryo transfer (ET) :
• collection of eggs from ovaries
• fertilized w/ sperm (2 or 3 day embryo)
• transfer embryo to uterus
 GAMETE INTRAFALLOPIAN TRANSFER (gift) or zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT
o Removing a woman's eggs, mixing them with sperm, and immediately placing them into
a fallopian tube (The egg and sperm mixture or a 2-3 day old embryo is then placed in
the fallopian tube)
 Blastocyst intra-fallopian transfer:
o Egg is removed from the woman’s body, injected with sperm, and allowed to develop. It
is later implanted into the uterus.
 Intracytoplasmic sperm injection:
o A single sperm is injected into the egg. The resulting embryo can be implanted into the
uterus or frozen for later use.
 Ectopic pregnancy → ovum implants in fallopian tube d/t endometrial tissue
 Multiple gestations

DOWN SYNDROME: → genetic disorder

Chromosomal disorder; extra chromosome 21/trisomy 21

Present at birth, genetically transmitted and hereditary / 47 chromosomes instead of 46

↑ w/Maternal age → 35/older stay on contraceptive 1 year after menopause
Phenotype → how they look
Genotype → gene
 Small head

 Flat face
 Epicanthi folds
 Slanted eyes
 Small saddle nose
 Small low set ears
 Protruding tongue
 Short broad neck
 Small penis, cryptorchidism
 Short stubby fingers; simian cease (transverse palmar cease)
 Developmental delay
 Cognitive impairment → don’t understand certain level
 Congenital heart disease
 Hypothyroidism
 Chronic constipation
 Hearing/vision impairment
 Celiac disease
 Obesity
 Ear infection
 Sleep apnea
DX testing:
 DNA analysis
 Fetal nuchal translucency

 Degenerative inherited neurologic disease
 Patho: Neuronal cell death occurs in the brain
 No cure
 Onset at 30-40
 Death occurs 15-20 years after symptoms
 Every child of a parent with HD has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the expanded gene.
 If the child has not inherited this expanded gene, he or she will never develop the disease and
cannot pass it on to their children.
 Dominant gene → can only get the gene if direct ancestor had it (parents or grandparents)
 Involuntary jerking movement’s → eye twitching, strange facial expression and flailing arms/legs
 Cognitive abnormalities → memory, concentration, judgement
 ↑ falling, stumbling or clumsiness, slow awkward movement

 Slurred/slowed speech → drooling, dysphagia, garbled speech

 Behavior/mental health → anxiety, irritability, apathy agitation, depression, anger, impulsive

Nursing considerations:
 Fall risk precaution
 Assess for suicidal risk
 Assist w/ADL
 Provide adequate hydration/high calorie intake
 Assess anxiety levels/coping ability of pt/fam
 Refer to social worker

Women who carry BRCA1 OR BRCA2 gene mutation → at high risk:
 Breast cancer
 ovarian cancer
 fallopian tube cancer
 peritoneal cancer
Hormone therapy= risk for breast cancer
Nursing considerations:
 Provide support
 Remind of screening appointment
 Educate on how to ↓ risk
Referrals → nutritionists, mental health, OB/GYN
Treatment: Bilateral Mastectomy and/or oophorectomy (removal of ovaries)
○ Primary: Screening: Surgeries: Self-Breast Exams
○ Secondary: Treating the Cancer
○ Tertiary: Continuing Support
Autosomal recessive inheritance/ gene fully expressed
Genetic mutation = abnormal type of hemoglobin S
Body destroys RBC more quickly = ↓ RBC = ANEMIA


RECESSIVE GENE INHERITED, but not expressed in RECESSIVE GENE INHERITED from each parent,
individual expressed in the individual
 Inherit hemoglobin S gene from ONE  Inherit hemoglobin S gene, one from each
parent & a normal hemoglobin gene from parent
another parent  Gene is fully expressed in affected
 People with sickle cell trait have enough individual
normal hemoglobin in their red blood cells symptoms and complications:
to prevent the cells from sickling.  Periods of pain that can last a few hours to
 Asymptomatic but can be transmitted to a few days.
child  Blood clots.
 Swelling in hands and feet.
 Joint pain that resembles arthritis.
 Life-threatening infections.

 Anemia (decrease in red blood cells).

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