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Reading the Image

Basic Semiotic Plane

First, the semiotics is a study of symbols, signs, and its interpretation / meaning. So, the
semiotic plane refers to the meaning of the symbols or signs that are shown in the art. Ito yung
mga visual elements na ginamit sa art para i-communicate or ipaalam or ipakita sa atin nung
artist yung message ng art na gusto niyang iparating sa viewers. It includes the medium that
the artist used and yung technique na ginamit niya. Basically, yung concept ng semiotic plane is
to know the meaning of the art through its visual elements, figures, objects, the artist’s choice
of medium, and the technique that the artist used.
Example: The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso
We can see here an old man, with a hunched neck, playing a guitar.

 Figure of the old man and guitar = enduring power of music and human spirit
 Hunched neck = struggles / hardships
 Color = blue, sadness
 Act of playing guitar = hope and resiliency

Iconic Plane
It refers to the personal interpretation of the viewers / audiences to the art, based on
what they see. Based on the visual elements that the artist used in the art. So, when we say
visual elements, ito yung composition ng figures, objects, shapes, colors na ginamit sa art. So,
ayon nga, different viewers may have different interpretations or reactions depending on their
perspectives or life experiences. Some people may see The Old Guitarist as a painting of
sadness, because of the colors used and the figure of the old man. Some may see it as a
celebration of enduring power of music and art.

Contextual Plane
It refers to the historical, cultural, political, or social background of the art. Parang dito,
inaalam yung context or reason behind or intention ng artist as to why they created their art.
So, yung example na The Old Guitarist of Pablo Picasso. It was created noong 1903, in which the
Spain was in the middle of poverty crisis. So, parang dito inexpress ni Pablo Picasso yung mga
hardships na dinaranas ng mga taga Spain during that period of time, and syempre pinapakita
rin dito yung parang determination and resiliency ng mga taga Spain. Parang naging reflection
na lang siya ng mga taga Spain as time goes by, na thru those hardships they stand still to fight
for their lives.

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