Immaculate Conception Polytechnic: Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc

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Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Accountancy Business and Management


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject


Submitted to:

Ms. Gemma O. Capuno

Work Immersion Teacher

Submitted by:
Lerra Lorraine R. Bantilan

Name of Student

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

March 31, 2023

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


1. Table of Contents
2. Acknowledgement
3. Mission, Vision, and Core Values of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic
4. Culminating Activity - Work Immersion Orientation
5. Culminating Activity - Community Service I Donation Drive
6. Culminating Activity – TESDA Short Courses: Entrepreneurship: “Start and Improve
your Business”
7. TESDA Short Courses: Lifelong Learning Skills: “Managing Your Personal Finances”
8. Culminating Activity – Seminar (Reflection Paper)
9. Culminating Activity – Food Fair (Reflection Paper)
10. Culminating Activity – TESDA Short Courses: 21st Century Skills: “English for Business
and Entrepreneurship”
11. Feasibility Study
12. Resume
13. Application Letter
14. A Reflection Paper
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


First, I’d like to acknowledge my teacher in Entrepreneurship, Mrs. Gemma Capuno, for pushing us
forward and encouraging us to pursue our dreams. Second is my family, for deeply understanding my
schedules of getting home, and for being with me through my breakdowns, especially my mother.

Ms. Gemma Capuno has been a great teacher as well s being a strand coordinator. She has her own
charms that I find interesting, she has this kindness and considerate attitude that makes her approachable
to many but also she also have her strict side that says a lot about being a good teacher, a good teacher is
considerate but never should tolerate. Through this immersion, she have shown more of her considerate
side, we are able to go through this because of her.

My family have a great supporter since day one, we have been going through ups and downs together.
Having them is such a good feeling, that I can fail and that shouldn’t matter, that it’s just a failure— and
doesn’t define me. And this immersion made their support stronger, I would go home tired and irritated
but still they would understand it and would wait for me to settle down, but also they won’t tolerate it,
they would sat and talk about what is going on, why am I like that—like this.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


Immaculate conception institutions are established to give accessible education to individuals in

becoming good decision-makers, critical thinkers and digital citizens who are low-abiding, well rounded,
and God fearing.


Immaculate Conception institutions envisions to be the leading schools where education meets the
metaverse and continuously upholds community involvement as a lifestyle.


Service for all,

Success for all.

Core Values

ICP maintains an academic environment where members of its community are valuing:

Love of God

Love of Country

Love of Humanity

Love of Mother Earth

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Activity #1

Name of the Activity: Work Immersion Orientation

Date: January 9, 2023
Grade and Section: ABM-12-2 St. Calungsod
Equivalent Number of Hours: 5 hrs.

(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least 5 photos. Each
photo must have a short description.)

Listening intently as we need to. Scattered direction of focus.

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Distracted because of the camera. Trying to focus again.

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Carrying on with the topic.

Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Briefly discuss what you have learned from the activity.)

I’ve learned that the subject Work Immersion has its advantages in disadvantages, starting with the
negatives, it cost a lot from transporting to everything and it might conflict your schedule, and for the
positive side, you’ll earn experiences that you might need in the future.

Work immersion is a type of training or practice ground for students to know the small realistic side of
working. Everyone of us or maybe some of us must have thought that working is easy as long as you earn
money— but no, it might look that way but it really isn’t. I’m a working student myself and the past few
weeks I’ve been experiencing a heavy responsibility with my job, and it’s tiring when you trying to wake
up from a tiring day and realized that you need to go to work and the only driving power is money. On the
positive side, when you experienced earning your hard work, you’ll feel satisfied and happy that you can
earn, you will even dream of having such things, buying those things, etc. But at the end of the day,
working is working, it can be hard to someone or easy for some.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Activity #2

Name of the Activity: Culminating Activity - Community Service I Donation Drive

Date: February 6, 2023
Grade and Section: ABM-12-2 St. Calungsod
Equivalent Number of Hours: 5 hrs.

(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least 5 photos. Each
photo must have a short description.)

Donating eases my heavy heart. Little pieces of donations made by a hundred.

Them being kind and guiding us where to put Organizing the donations.

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Took a photo of mine to commemorate the day.

Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Briefly discuss what you have learned from the activity.)

I realized that even though we only donated a piece of every essential needs, it will turn to a hundred
pieces that can help a lot of in need. Also I realized that I need to be thankful for what I have because not
all can experience the privilege that I am experiencing.

I’ve experienced donating before but the only thing that always come to my mind is— “grades, plus
grades, activity”, it’s easy to think that way as I am living comfortably, I didn’t kind such financial
problems before but when things gets hard for me, not even as hard as they’ve experienced, I started to
realize that maybe I’m too focused on my own luxuriousness, that I might have been neglecting the needs
of others, and as I realize those things I never had an opportunity to correct my self in action or in doing a
voluntary donation as we also have been, now, experiencing unstable financial capability.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Activity #3

Name of the Activity: TESDA Short Courses: Entrepreneurship: “Start and Improve your Business”
Date: March 2, 2023
Grade and Section: ABM-12-2 St. Calungsod
Equivalent Number of Hours: 5 hrs.

(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least 5 photos. Each
photo must have a short description.)

Confused with how I ended up in this page. Moving on to the right course and starting right away.

Having second thoughts, joke. Me as an entrepreneur.

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Briefly discuss what you have learned from the activity.)

I learned that it’s really a bit hard to get a certificate or to learn online, without an instructor, honestly, I
didn’t even know if I’m understanding the words through the lesson but I think I did, I wish I did.

As I’ve said in previous pages, I’m a working student and my bosses are encouraging us into affiliating,
no cash investments, we’re free to use the product on advertising activities and still got a profit from it,
it’s not much connected to this lesson but I am glad to share to you that my mind is being opened by this
opportunity, an opportunity to start a business, to be an entrepreneur. It’s hard, it’s risky but you should
be brave and face the consequences or the celebrations.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Culminating Activity # 4

Name of the Activity: TESDA Short Courses: Lifelong Learning Skills:

Financial Literacy: “Managing Your Personal Finances”
Date: March 2, 2023
Grade and Section: ABM-12-2 St. Calungsod
Equivalent Number of Hours: 5 hrs.
(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least 5 photos.
Each photo must have a short description.)

I love how the title sounds. I’m bad at spending.

A path way leading to the right path. First step and I failed already.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Financial stability is a must.

Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Briefly discuss what you have learned from the activity.)

I learned that being a poor spender will not lead to financial stability, and not being financilaly
stable means you will be bombarded with problems and stress.

I’ve been earning my own money but I can’t contribute to my family’s expenses as much I want,
first is because my mother wouldn’t want me to, she would just want me to spend the hard
earned money for myself—in short I am spoiled. Even before I started working I’ve had my fair
share of allowances that is not fair for my mind, it is too much for a single parent, but that’s what
makes my mother happy, seeing us living a satisfied life, that’s what gets me to working,
because working means less expenses for your mother to shoulder since you would be buying
things for your own, but that what makes my bugdeted life to be even more over spender. I feel
like I’ve excused myself to spend more because I deserve it after the hardworking days. So
reading this lesson is kind of an eye opener to me, it’s not that easy to change lifestyle but at
least I will try.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Culminating Activity # 5

Name of the Activity: Culminating Activity – Seminar (Reflection Paper)

Date: March 9, 2023
Grade and Section: ABM-12-2 St. Calungsod
Equivalent Number of Hours: 5 hrs.

(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least five
photos. Each photo must have a short description.)

Being a treasure for a day. Stress for my not paid classmates. My easily distracted self.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Admiring our adviser. Ms. Chin giving us heart attack.

Reflection Paper

(Note: On this page, provide your insights about the seminar that you have attended.)

The speaker talked about the topic which is reigniting of skills and talents in the new era towards
success and effective goal. Kuya pogi gives tips on how to achieve success or what even succes

Having this topic reminds me of my multiple dreams as a child, on how I idealistically dreamed
of success— drowning in money and having parties everywhere, that when I start a job I would
be automatically rich, didn’t even know about taxes or expenses, a naïve child. I dreamed of
being a doctor because my lolo has a lot of complications, dreamed of being a pilot ‘cause it
seems cool to fly an airplane, I’d love to be a kid again but I’d rather not go back in time because
realistically? There’s no such thing as that.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Culminating Activity #6

Name of the Activity: Culminating Activity – Food Fair (Reflection Paper)

Date: March 17, 2023
Grade and Section: ABM-12-2 St. Calungsod
Date: March 19, 2023
Equivalent Number of Hours: 30 hrs

(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least five
photos. Each photo must have a short description.)

Casually taking group pictures. Just me photobombing.

Noisy customers, joke. Fake stolen photo.

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Mysterious shoes.

Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Briefly discuss what you have learned from the activity.)

This food fair made me realize that being a “tindera” or vendor is tiring, be it physical or mental

As an introvert I find it really hard to interact in so many people and at a long time. So taking
this opportunity to step out of my comfort zone is a really bid deal for me, for someone as self-
oriented this feels an achievement and to be much proud, I am the one who suggested on being
the cashier woman, I suggested on being the one who will entertain the customers. I feel proud of
it even now. I only attended the first day as Saturday is work day and Sunday is family or rest
day. So I know I lost a bigger opportunity but it’s fine, time will come and I’ll be able to attend
every opportunities that will come.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Culminating Activity #7

Name of the Activity: TESDA Short Courses: 21st Century Skills:

Language Literacy: “English for Business and Entrepreneurship”
Date: March 31, 2023
Grade and Section:
Date: March 31, 2023
Equivalent Number of Hours: 5 hrs.

(Note: On this page, provide photos or images from the activity. Provide at least five
photos. Each photo must have a short description.)

On to it. Satisfying to read. Here comes the opportunity side.

Here it comesss. Finally, finally, finallyyy.

Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Briefly discuss what you have learned from the activity.)

Being taught about the vocabulary of business or entrepreneurship is really helpful for my future
goals. I have a goal of starting a business and somehow this lesson is helpful.

I may be one of the lucky persons that can even dream about having business, some or most
would just dream of having a job since life is so hard for them that they can’t even think of
risking the money they would had in a not sure opportunity. So being able to dream of business
and even have a lesson about it is really a privilege.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Work Immersion: Culminating Activity #9

Name of the Activity: Culminating Activity - Feasibility Study

Date: September 2022
Grade and Section:
Date: March 2023
Equivalent Number of Hours: 20 hrs.

(Instruction: Write a 500-word reflection essay about your experiences on the Work Immersion –
Feasibility Study.)

Our group started of relaxed or maybe not but we are highest in terms of paper, it is exciting—
yes, at first. It is really not believable if you look at the other group’s line up, there’s one group
consisting of a dedicated student, a running for valedictorian, and a perfectionist, it’s really
unbelievable on how we got the highest but maybe it’s the hard work.

We have to survey to complete the chapter one, we are the last one to complete it because we are
a group of anxious and grade conscious students but a crammer, a procrastinator, funny how we
managed to finished that chapter, we even encounter some students who are not a good
participant or respondents, it’s like they talked and plan on passing a full no answer survey, of
course we are mad for that but what can we do, that’s just really how a immature students are.

Chapter two came in just a blink of an eye, we are rushed because it’s just a week after the
chapter one and yet there’s another chapter in line. This chapter is about expenses, we didn’t
even know that there’s all of those expenses to start a business, there are raw, non raw, and such,
it’s really overwhelming. We started of researching about the prices and how much quantity do
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

we need, we needed to try making the product for better costing, and that really made a hole in
our pockets since we are just students and yet the cost is for a starting business. That is just the

first table for chapter two and yet we get too busy, for the other tables, our leader assigned them,
mostly to those who are capable of computing well and knowledgeable of microsoft word, some
are assigned to the paragraphs under the tables, which are the explanation of the tables in words,
I’m more excellent in numbers so I’m assigned to lots of tables, and I also really asked to be
assigned there as I am more confident of those.

Chapter 3 goes smoothly, it isn’t that much of a work but it’s one of the most important, it
includes the salaries expense where the amounts should be based on the rates of salary in

In this chapter, chapter four, financial aspect, is the most stressing and tiring part of the research,
I broke down and all but our financial statements are still not balanced. Sleepless nights, anxious
thoughts, deadlines of other activities, everything is just not falling into pieces. As we have to
balance the statement of financial position we also need to adjust the expenses where mostly
located in chapter two, and when you adjust to chapter two then you would need to adjust the
schedules in chapter 4, which are a lot of work. There are times that we or I want to give up my
grades but I can’t because if I did, I would be bring their grades down too, and that’s too big of a
responsibility, I’m not even a leader, I’m just a member. We even had complications of wrong
amount inputs that resulted to more stressing accounts because it’s not matching—hard, very
hard for just a student like us, no complete knowledge about these things and can’t even
communicate harmoniously with our instructor as he is busy as we are, he tries to accommodate
us all but it’s really hard for one person, I admire him for that.

Lastly chapter five, it also goes as smoothly as it the chapter three, I’m not assigned to those as
those are full of words, I’m not good at words, and the one who are assigned are good at their
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Reflection Paper

(Instruction: Write a 500-word reflection essay about your experiences on the Work Immersion

I didn’t know how time fly so fast, my mind is still in January where the start of second semester
is. My memory are still in those orientation, being oriented for the new subjects, meeting new
teachers and new knowledge. One of those is Work Immersion, although we didn’t exactly have
a lesson, I learned a lot, you can really learn from experience.

At first mentioned of work immersion, I really thought we will be needing to work outside
school premises, but since pandemic happened, a lot of things are prohibited, and this is one of
those things. The higher ups didn’t allow us on going out without a supervision from school and
as the staffs or teachers are too busy for those things so we settled with activities inside the
school premises.

Starting with the donation drive, all you need to do is buy the said product which are essentials
and give it to school, they will be the one who will give it to those in needs. We are instructed to
take pictures for documentation and for this portfolio, one of those picture is a selfie of us
holding the donations which are to be send in our group chat that includes our instructor, Ms.
Gemma Capuno.

The next thing I know is times goes by and the lesson for TESDA certificate is due, means I need
to take the lesson and get the certificate then put it in here. This is as fast as the cheetah, all you
need to do is browse in your phone then that’s it, you can learn even though you are just lying in
your bed. Learning those lesson are one of the needed experience for me, it’s as important as
earning an achievement in school.
Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.
Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

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